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榕江职校20122013学年度第二学期幼师英语期末考试试卷班级_ 姓名_成绩_、词汇(每小题1分,共20分)1)选择单词的正确释义,把其正确的字母代号填入括号内.( ) 1. kindergarten A. 故事( ) 2。game B。 儿歌( ) 3. story C. 幼儿园( ) 4。 rhyme D。 孩子( ) 5。 kid E. 游戏2)写出下列单词的中文意思6. body language 7。 alphabet 8。 riddle 9. master 10. mirror 11. fir 12。 health 13。 diet 14。 fitness 15. honesty 16. lying 17. frog 18。 fairy 19. prince 20. witch 、完形填空(每小题2分,共30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2135小题所给选项中选出一个最佳答案。In order 21 teach children well, we need 22 what interests them and how they learn better at first. Children are actually 23 in learning and playing 24 their native language when they are very young。 That includes singing songs, listening to stories, recognizing and 25 words and phrases for fun。 We believe it is the same for children learning a foreign language。 Those activities would present no problems 26 children but rather add to the excitement and interest of learning.Let children learn to judge their own work。 A child learning 27 does not learn by being corrected all the time, if corrected 28 he will stop talking. He notices 29 times a day the difference between the language he uses and the language those around 30 use. Bit by bit, he makes the necessary changes to make his language like other 31 . In the same way, children can learn to do 32 the other things without being taughtto walk, run, climb, whistle, ride a bike, 33 their own performances with those of more skilled people, and slowly make the needed changes。 But in school, we 34 give a child a chance to find out his mistakes for himself, we do it all for him, so he becomes 35 the teacher。 Let him do it himself。 Let him work out,with the help of other children if he wants it。( ) 21.A. toB。 inC. onD. for( ) 22。A. understoodB. understandingC。 understandsD. to understand( ) 23。A. interestsB。 interestedC. interestingD。 interest( ) 24。A。 forB。 againstC. withD. at( ) 25。A. saysB. sayingC. saidD。 to say( ) 26.A。 toB。 forC。 withoutD. in( ) 27.A. talkingB. to talkC。 talkedD. talk( ) 28。A. much tooB. too manyC. many tooD. too much( ) 29.A. thousandB。 thousand ofC. thousandsD. thousands of( ) 30。A. hisB. himC. himselfD。 he( ) 31。A. peopleB。 peoplesC. peoplesD. peoples( ) 32。A。 bothB。 noneC. allD。 neither( ) 33.A. comparedB. comparesC. compareD. comparing( ) 34。 A。 neverB。 often C. alwaysD。 usually( ) 35。A。 angry withB. mad atC。 tired ofD。 dependent on、阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分).Once upon a time there lived a king who had a very beautiful daughters.One day the young princess was playing with her favorite golden ball. When she threw the ball high up in the air, it rolled into the pool and disappeared beneath the water.The princess began to cry. Suddenly a big green frog sticked his head out of the water and jumped onto the grass beside her. “Dont cry, beautiful princess,” croaked the frog, “it will be my pleasure to dive down and get it for you, if you kiss me and marry me.The princess thought that the frog was silly. So eager was the princess to see her golden ball once more that she didnt listen too carefully to what the frog had said。“I promise you all you asked, if only will bring my ball.” she said.Quickly as a flash, the frog jumped into the pool then returned with the ball in his mouth。 Later, when the princess was sitting at the table, there was a knock at the door。 “My princess, have you forgotten your promise to kiss me and marry me?” asked the frog。“What does a frog want with you?” demanded the king, looking rather surprised。The princess told him the whole story。 The king said, “Then you must keep your promise, my daughters。”The princess knew she must obey, so she kissed the frog。A。阅读上文,判断下列句子是否正确。正确的打()错误的打()。( ) 36. When the ball rolled into the pool, the princess began to cry.( ) 37. The frog is willing to pick up the ball without requirement。( ) 38。 The princess thought that the frog was wise.( ) 39. The princess confessed her unhonest behavior to the king, and the king asked her to keep the promise。( ) 40. The princess knew she must obey, so she kissed the frog.B. 阅读上文,从每题所给的选项中选出最佳答案。( ) 41. there lived a king who had a very beautiful daughters。 A。 Once upon a time B. Once for all C. All at once D. Once or twice( ) 42。 When the princess threw the ball high up in the air, it rolled into the p
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