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1必修3 Unit 2-课文详解 杨磊译注必修三 Unit 2 Healthy Eating健康饮食I Vocabularydiet n.日常饮食 vi.节食spaghetti n.意大利式细面条muscle n.肌肉;(食用)瘦肉protective adj.保护的;给予保护的cucumber n.黄瓜eggplant n.茄子mushroom n.蘑菇peach n.桃子lemon n.柠檬balance diet 平衡膳食barbecue vt. & n.烧烤;烤肉mutton n.羊肉kebab n.(印)烤腌羊肉串roast adj.烤制的 vt.烤;烘stir-fry vt.用旺火炒(或煎、煸)ingredient n.(烹调用的)材料;原料bacon n.熏咸肉;腊肉sugary adj.含糖的;甜的sign n.牌示;标记;符号;迹象lose weight减肥;体重减轻slim vi.变细 adj.苗条的;纤细的curiosity n.好奇心hostess n.女主人;女主持人raw adj.生的;未加工的vinegar n.醋get away with被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚tell a lie 说谎customer n.顾客;消费者discount n.折扣winback赢回;重新获得put on weight增加体重strength n.强项;长处;力量consult vt.咨询;请教;商量digest vi. & vt.消化 n.摘要poisonous adj.有毒的obesity n.过度肥胖vitamin n.维生素protein n.蛋白质earn ones living谋生in debt 欠债glare vi.怒目而视;闪耀spy on 暗中监视;侦查breast n.胸部;乳房sigh vi.叹息;叹气combine vi. & vi.(使)联合/结合cut down 消减;删节before long不久以后IIReading COME AND EAT HERE 到这里吃Wang peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated.译文:王平坐在空荡的餐馆里,感到非常地沮丧。【注释:feeling very frustrated是现在分词短语作状语,表示伴随的情况,与句子主语之间的逻辑关系是主谓关系。考题:1.(08辽-27) He was busy writing a story, only _ once in a while to smoke a cigarette. A. to stop B. stopping C. to have stopped D. having stopped2.(08申30) My sister, an inexperienced rider, was found sitting on the bicycle _ to balance it. A. having tried B. trying C. to try D. tried 】 It had been a very strange morning.译文:先前已经出现过一个奇怪的早上。 Usually he got up early and prepared his menu of barbecued mutton kebabs, roast pork, stir-fried vegetables and fried rice.译文:通常他起得早,准备菜单:烤羊肉串、烤肉、爆炒蔬菜以及炒米饭。 Then by lunchtime they would all be sold.译文:这样到午餐时都已经卖完了。 By now his restaurant ought to be full of people.译文:到现在他的餐馆里应该是满客流了。注释:be full of装满;be filled with也表示“装满”,但两者区别是:be full of表示“状态”,而be filled with 表示“动作”。 But not today!译文:可今天却不是这样! Why was that?译文:为什么?【注释:that代指前面所述的情况,即抽象概念。】 What could have happened? 译文:出什么差错呢?【注释:“情态动词+ have +pp.”表示对过去的情况进行猜测。考题:1.(05苏-31) The woman biologist stayed in Africa studying wild animals for 13 years before she returned. Oh, dear! She _ a lot of difficulties! A. may go through B. might go through C. ought to have gone through D. must have gone through2.(05京-26) He _ have completed his work; otherwise, he wouldnt be enjoying himself by the seaside. A. should B. must C. wouldnt D. cant 】He thought of his mutton, beef and bacon cooked in the hottest, finest oil.译文:他认为他的羊肉、牛排和熏肉都是用最好最热的油烹熟的。【注释:“think of sb./sth. +补语”或“think of sth/sb. as”意为“认为某物” eg. They all thought of her as a nice girl.他们都认为她是一个好女孩。】 His cola was sugary and cold, and his ice cream was made of milk, cream and delicious fruit.译文:可乐甜又冰,冰淇琳是用牛奶、奶油和味道鲜美的水果做的。 “Nothing could be better,” he thought.译文:他想:“不可能再好了.”【注释:“否定词+比较级”表示最高级的意义。如: There is no greater love than that of a man who lays down his life for his friends. 考题:(10全II-20) Mr. Black is very happy because the clothes (which are) made in his factory have never been _.A. popular B. more popular C. most popular D. the most popular 】 Suddenly he saw his friend Li Chang hurrying by.译文:突然,他看到他的朋友李畅匆匆走过。 “Hello, Lao Li,” he called.译文:他叫道:“老李,” “Your usual?” 译文:“你通常(都是在这呀)?” But Li Chang seemed not to hear.译文:可是李畅似乎没有听到。(= it seemed that Li Chang didnt hear him) What was the matter?译文:怎么回事呢? Something terrible must have happened if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did.译文:如果李畅不是像往常那样到他餐馆里吃饭,那肯定是发生了可怕的事情。【注释:as always (= as usual)一如往常 eg. Brooks came to Jims office accompaniedas alwaysby his two bodyguards.和往常一样, 在两名保镖的陪同下, 布鲁克斯去吉姆的办公室。】Wang Peng followed Li Chang into a new small restaurant.译文:王平跟着老李来到一个新的小餐馆。 He saw a sign in the window.译文:他看到窗户上有一个标牌。Tired of all that fat? Want to lose weight?译文:讨厌肥肉吗?想减肥吗? Come inside Yong Huis slimming restaurant. 译文:请到永辉瘦身餐馆来!Only slimming foods served here. Make yourself thin again!译文:只供应瘦身食物,让自己再瘦起来!Curiosity drove Wang Peng inside.译文:好奇心驱使着王平走了进来。【注释:curiosity n.u好奇心;求知欲 curiosity to do sth.有做某事的好奇心;out of curiosity出于好奇心; satisfy ones curiosity满足好奇心; show curiosity about sth.对表现出好奇心; sb. be curious to do sth.(= It is/ was curious that sb. do sth.)做什么事是好奇的 eg. 1) Most children are full of curiosity. 2) Hes burning with curiosity to know what was happening.他极想渴望知道发生了什么事。 3) They were very curious about the people living upstairs. 4) It was curious that she didnt tell anyone.】 It was full of people.译文:里面有许多人。【注释:be full of充满(强调状态)。 eg. The classroom is full of students. Be filled with充满着(强调动作) eg. The bottle is filled with water.】 The hostess, a very thin lady, came forward “Welcome,” she said.译文:一位身材苗条的女店主走上前来,说道:“欢迎!” “My name is Yong Hui. Ill help you lose weight and be fit in two weeks if you eat here every day.”译文:“我叫永辉,如果你每天都到这里吃,两个
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