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初中英语听力材料:慈母心曲I gave you life, but I cannot live it for you.我给了你生命,但不能替你生活。 I can teach you things, but I cannot make you i learn. 我能教你学问,但不能强迫你学习。 I can give you directions, but I cannot be there to lead you. 我能为你指路,但不能为你引路。 I can allow you freedom, but I cannot account for it. 我能让你自由,但不能带给你自由。 I can take you to church, but I cannot make you believe. 我能带你做礼拜,但不能强迫你信教。 I can teach you right from wrong, but I can not always decide for you. 我能教你区分是非,但不能事事为你做主。 I can buy you beautiful cloths, but I cannot make you beautiful inside. 我能为你添置美丽的衣裳,但不能让你拥有漂亮的心灵。 I can offter you advice, but I cannot accept it for you. 我能给你忠告,但不能代你承受忠告。 I can give you love, but I cannot force it upon you. 我能给你母爱,但不能强迫你承受母爱。 I can teach you to share, but I cannot make you unselfish. 我能教你与人共享,但不能强迫你做一个无私的人。 I can teach you respect, but I cannot force you to show honor. 我能教你敬重别人,但不能强迫你待人以敬。 I can advise you about friend, but cannot choose them for you. 我能建议你如何交友,但不能替你选择朋友。 I can advise you about sex, but I cannot keep you pure. 我能在性方面给你忠告,但不能让你守身如玉。 I can tell you the facts of life, but I cannot build your reputation. 我能教你性学问,但不能为你树美名。 I can tell you about drink, but I cannot say “no“for you. 我能教你如何饮酒,但不能替你对酒说“不”。 I can warn you about drugs, but I cannot prevent you from using them. 我能告诫你不要吸毒,但不能制止你吸毒。 I can tell you about lofty goals, but I cannot achieve them for you. 我能教你志存高远,但不能替你实现远大的目标。 I can teach you about kindness, but I cannot force you to be gracious. 我能教你与人为善,但不能强迫你宽以待人。 I can warn you about sins, but I cannot make you moral. 我能告诫你勿以恶小而为之,但不能强迫你尽善尽美。 I can love you as a child, but I cannot place you in Gods family. 我能爱你,我的孩子,但不能让你投胎在上帝之家。 I can pray for you, but I cannot make you walk with God. 我能为你祈祷,但不能让你与上帝同行。 I can teach you about jusus, but I cannot make jesus your lord. 我能跟你讲基督,但不能让基督成为你的主。 I can tell you how to live, but I cannot give you eternal life. 我能教你如何生活,但不能让你长生不老。 I can love you with unconditional love all of my life.and I will! 我能爱你一辈子,毫无保存.说到做到!
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