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00:00.00Audrey Hepburn was an actress, a wonderful one.00:02.30奥黛丽赫本是名演员,一名杰出的演员。00:04.61She was quite unique, but in one way especially she was different from most other actors00:08.33她非常出众,从某方面来讲,她与大多数别的演员不同。00:12.06She never liked to talk about herself.00:13.77她从不喜欢谈论自己。00:15.48However, towards the end of her life, she undertook a mission, to bring the tragic plight of so many millions of suffering children to the attention of the rest of the world.00:22.00然而在她生命历程走完之前,她承担了一项使命,把成千上万的受苦受难的儿童的悲惨遭遇,告诉给全世界。00:28.51She traveled all over the globe on behalf of those children, and for them, she did talk about herself, in Holland, New Zealand, Australia, New York, and even in Hollywood.00:35.95作为这些不幸儿童的代言人,她奔走世界各地,为他们争取援助。正是为了他们,在荷兰、新西兰、澳大利亚、纽约、好莱坞00:43.38And so Audrey left a record of her life in her own words.And what a record it is -of a beloved star and a remarkable woman.00:49.66她确实谈到自己,用她自己的话记录了她的一生,那是怎样的一个记录啊!一位受人爱戴的明星和杰出的女性。00:55.94Americans are usually helpful and hospitable.00:58.18美国人乐于助人并很好客。01:00.41You may often be put in a position of wanting to express your gratitude and appreciation.01:03.74你可能经常会觉得想表达自己的感激之情01:07.07Perhaps someone has helped you when you were lost, or you enjoyed a stay in an American home.01:10.60也许当你迷路时,有人帮了你;或者,你在一个美国家庭度过了一段美好时光。01:14.12If you had a long visit in a private home, it is considered polite to present the host or hostess with a gift.01:17.71如果你在一个家庭住了很久,就应该给这家的男主人或女主人买一件小礼物,这样做被认为是有礼貌的。01:21.29You can buy greeting cards at the drugstore specifically designed to say thanks.01:24.74你可以到杂货铺去买那些专门印有“感谢”字样的贺卡。01:28.20Weaknesses are often just strengths taken to an extreme.01:31.04弱势常常只是强项的极端表现。01:33.89Share a weakness that you have and then talk about how you manage it so doesnt become an extreme.01:37.85说出你存在的弱势之处,然后表述你是如何处理它以至它不会成为一种极端。01:41.81For instance, I am sometimes too detail oriented .That sometimes keeps me from seeing the big picture.01:46.27例如说,我有时候太注重细节了,这有时让我看不到全局。01:50.74What I do to manage it is to walk the building three times a day and think about the project on the whole.01:54.53为了克服这种缺点,我每天会多次亲自实践,对从事的项目从总体上进行思考。01:58.33That helps me see the big picture and helps me escape from being so absorbed by detail.02:02.02这让我能不仅仅停留在局部细节,而且还会洞察到全局。02:05.71What are the chances of my recovering? asked the bed-ridden man.02:08.48“我病愈的可能性有多大?”久病不起的病人问道。02:11.26 One hundred percent. the physician reassured him.02:13.29“百分之百,”医生宽慰他说,02:15.32Medical records show that nine out every ten die of the disease you have.02:18.24“据医学统计,你这种病每10个人中有9人会丧命。02:21.16Yours is the tenth case Ive treated. Others all died. Statistics are statistics. You are bound to get well.02:25.91你是我治疗的第十个病例。其他的都死了,统计毕竟是统计,你一定会好的。”02:30.66Beautiful skin starts from the inside out.02:32.46漂亮的肌肤同内开始。02:34.26If you want beautiful, clear, radiant skin, its pretty simple.02:37.41如果你想拥有漂亮、清爽、充满光泽的肌肤,其实很简单。02:40.56The right diet will help keep your skin clear.02:42.36恰当的饮食将令你的肌肤保持清爽。02:44.16It doesnt mean boring food.02:45.62这不意味着你必须吃单调的食物。02:47.08You can eat really delicious food, of course, combined with plenty of water. Youll have a healthy, youthful glow.02:51.83事实上,你完全可以吃美味的食物,同时喝上大量的水,你就会拥有健康青春的容颜。02:56.58Henry Ford (1863-1946) didnt invent the automobile, but he invented the automobile business.03:02.11亨利福特(18631946)没有发明汽车,而发明了汽车生意。03:07.63 When he founded the Ford Motor Co. in 1903, cars were fussy, unreliable, costly novelties.03:12.71当他在1903年创建福特汽车公司的时候,汽车是难以伺候、不可信赖、价格昂贵的新奇事物。03:17.78Fords genius was to make them simple, solid, and inexpensive necessities.03:21.37福特的天才在于使汽车变成简单、可靠、廉价的生活必需品。03:24.95In so doing, he built the largest industrial organization of the early 20th century and amassed a personal fortune of 1% billion ($36 billion in todays dollars),03:32.22这样,他不仅建造了20世纪早期最大的工业组织,积聚了10亿(相当于今天的360亿美元)个人财富,03:39.49but he also placed himself at the forefront of a social renovation that had an immeasurable impact on American life.03:44.57而且使自己处于对美国人民生活具有不可估量影响的一场社会革命的最前线。03:49.64When I went to dine in a restaurant with my colleague for the first time, neither of us had a good appetite.03:53.50初次与同事出去吃饭,两人的胃口都不好,03:57.35As a result, a lot of food was left over.03:59.44所以,剩下很多食物。04:01.52I want a doggy bag, “She said, “what about you? I said I had no dogs.04:05.11“我想要个打包袋,”她说,“你呢?”我说我没养狗。04:08.69Looking at me strangely, she asked the waiter for two doggy bags.04:11.55她古怪的看了我一下,就向侍者要了两个打包袋。04:14.41As I was suspecting whether she was keen on gaining petty advantages,04:17.02当我正猜疑她是否爱贪小便宜的时候,04:19.63she explained to me that doggy bag was a small bag that a restaurant provided so that customers could take home any food they had not finished ,and then she gave me one.04:26.22她对我解释说,打包袋是餐馆供顾客
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