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华北水利水电大学毕业设计目 录摘 要IAbstractIII第1章 绪论11.1 研究背景及意义11.2 国内外研究现状及发展趋势21.3二回路热力系统简介31.4 主要研究工作4第2章 计算方法及工况的选取52.1 计算方法的选取52.2 工况选定62.2.1 汽轮机机组各工况简介62.2.2本设计的工况选定6第3章 CNP1500压水堆核电站热力计算73.1 计算目的及主要内容73.2 计算所需原始资料73.2.1 电厂原始参数73.2.2 其他数据83.2.3 简化条件93.3 热平衡法分析计算93.3.1 汽轮机进汽参数计算93.3.2 凝汽器参数计算93.3.3 制作回热系统汽水参数表93.3.4 制作系统汽态线113.3.5 定功率法原则性热力计算12第4章 二回路热力系统初步设计234.1 主蒸汽系统(一次蒸汽系统)234.1.1 设计概述234.1.2 系统功能234.1.3 系统设计分析244.2 再热蒸汽系统244.2.1 设计概述244.2.2 系统功能254.2.3 主要系统设备254.2.4 正常运行工况264.2.5 低负荷工况274.3 给水回热系统274.3.1 设计概述274.3.2 系统功能284.3.3 系统设计分析294.4 旁路系统314.4.1 设计概述314.4.2 CNP1500的旁路系统314.4.3 系统功能324.4.4 系统的控制模式324.5 加热器疏水系统334.5.1 设计概述334.5.2 疏水方式334.5.3 危机疏水334.5.4 排汽系统设计344.6 蒸汽发生器排污利用系统344.6.1 设计概述344.6.2 系统功能344.6.3 系统示意图354.6.4 控制阀、隔离阀及放射性监测点354.6.5 系统运行364.7 辅助蒸汽系统364.7.1 设计概述364.7.2 系统功能364.8 凝结水系统374.8.1 设计概述374.8.2 系统组成及阀门的布置37第5章 各蒸汽管道的管径计算及选型385.1 管径的选取385.1.1 相关计算公式385.2 具体管道管径计算385.2.1 主蒸汽相应管道385.2.2高压加热器H1相关抽汽管道计算405.2.3 除氧器H2抽汽管道相关抽汽管道计算415.2.4 低压加热器H3相关抽汽管道计算415.2.5 低压加热器H4相关抽汽管道计算425.2.6 低压加热器H5相关抽汽管道计算425.2.7 低压加热器H6相关抽汽管道计算435.2.8 各蒸汽管道和抽汽管道管径435.3 管材选取445.3.1 管材选取特点445.3.2 管材选取原则455.3.3 各管道材料的选择45第6章 总结与展望47参考文献49致 谢50附 录51IVCNP1500压水堆核电站热力计算及二回路热力系统初步设计摘 要本设计分为三个部分,分别进行了CNP1500压水堆核电站热力计算及二回路热力系统初步设计。第一部分是依据特定的CNP1500机组的原始资料,选定阀门全开功率工况,基于常规热平衡分析法,用常规的手工计算,以汽轮发电机组的电功率Pe为定值,进行原则性热力系统计算。其计算过程:依据给定原始数据,制作机组回热回热系统计算点参数表,对汽轮机总汽耗量进行估算,然后分别对高、低压加热器组进行各设备的汽耗量进行计算,最后进行汽轮机总汽耗量的校验。第二部分是根据CNP1500机组的特点和运行规范,设计能够满足全工况运行的热力系统,对本机组的各个局部系统展开探讨和分析。第三部分是依据管道规定推荐的管道介质流速,利用连续方程对各蒸汽管道尺寸的进行计算,然后查阅相关国家标准和规范,根据各管道的使用条件 (包括设计温度、设计压力、工作介质类别)、经济性、材料的焊接及加工等特性的不同来选取不同的材料和用钢型号。 本设计通过二回路热力系统的计算结果,可以确定其各个系统结构中影响整个核电站热经济性的主要因素,对改进核电厂热力系统设计,减少燃料消耗,提高电厂经济性和安全性指标具有实际的指导意义。各管道的尺寸、选材直接影响核电厂的使用寿命和经济性。想要核电厂经济,安全的运行。就要深入计算研究二回路热力系统。关键词:CNP1500,二回路,热力计算,管径,热力系统设计 CNP1500 PWR THERMODYNAMIC CALCULATION AND SECONDARY LOOP PRELIMINARY DESIGNAbstractThis design is about the thermodynamic calculation of CNP1500 PWR nuclear power plant and the preliminary design of the secondary circuit thermodynamic system.The paper mainly divided into three steps. The first part is thermodynamic system calculation based on the raw data of specific CNP1500 unit to selected the full power operating conditions of the valve, and the conventional thermal equilibrium analysis method, the conventional manual calculation method together with the fixed value Pe of the electric power of the steam turbine generator set are used.The calculation procedures are as follows: first, making the calculation point parameter table of The Power Plant Regenerative Systemaccording to the given initial data in order to estimate the total steam of steam turbine consumption. And then the steam consumption of each equipment in the high and low pressure heater group was calculated separately.Finally, check the total steam consumption of steam turbines.The second part is to design the thermal system which can meet the needs of the entire operation based on the characteristics and operation specifications of CNP1500 unit. And then discuss and analysis each local system of the unit.Last but not least, the third part is to calculate the dimensions of each steam pipe according to the pipeline medium flow rate recommended by “Regulation Of Pipeline”and the continuity equation. Then, consult the related national standards and specifications to select different materials and steel models of the piping according to the operating conditions of the pipeline (including the design temperature, design pressure, the working medium category), the economic , welding and processing of materials and other characteristics.Through the calculation results of the thermalsystemofthesecondcircuit, the main factors which affect the thermal economy of the whole nuclear power plant in its system structure can be determined. It has an important guiding significance to improve the design of the thermal system, educe fuel consumption, improve the economic and safety index of the power plant. There is no doubt that the size and material selection of the pipelines directly influence the service life and economic of the nuclear power plant. More attention should be paid into thermal system of the second circuit in order to ensure the economic and safe operation of nuclear power plant.Key Words: CNP1500, The second circuit, Thermodynamic calculation, Pipe diameter Thermodynamic system第1章 绪论1.1 研究背景及意义核能发电作为一种安全、经济、可靠、清洁的新型发电能源,其安全性,可靠性和供应能力强已得到世界的认证。快速发展核电,让核电在电力供应中发挥的更大作用,是我国电力发展的必然选择,发展核电已成为国家能源电力的重要战略之一,是满足当前社会经济发展的重要保障。核电站从生产角度来讲,核岛利用核能产生蒸汽,常规岛利用蒸汽产生电能。在压水堆核电站中,压水堆、反应堆冷却剂系统(一回路)及核岛辅助系统、专设安全设施和厂房称为核岛。蒸汽和动力转换系统(二回路)及其辅助系统与常规火电站的系统和设备相类似,称为常规岛。由于反应堆一回路系统往往带有一定剂量的放射性,因此从反应堆出来的冷却剂不可以直接送入汽轮机,所以压水堆核电站比火电站多一套动力回路。该动力
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