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Megafactories: FerrariNGC全民英檢:超級工廠法拉利播出時間:07月05日 星期日 11:00-12:00Ferraari!For ddecaadess, oone of thee moost leggenddaryy naamessin auutommobiiless.Now aa neew mmodeel iis hhitttingg thhe sstreeetss.One aand a hhalff toonneesof hiigh perrforrmannce spoortss caar. Enginneerred witth tthe preecissionnof a spaaceccrafft.The ffasttestt, mmostt poowerrfull prroduuctiion carrFerraari hass evver dessignned.And tthiss iss whheree itts beiing madde!Insidde FFerrrariis megga ffacttoryy!Few ccarss haave carrrieed ssuchh ann auura of leggenddand mmysttiquue tthrooughh thhe ddecaadess.The FFerrrarii off thhe fformmulaa onne ttracck.The wwinnninggestt naame in thee hiistooryof thhe ssporrt.The FFerrrarii off thhe oopenn rooad.An icconiic ssporrtsccar of thee agges.Whethher forr thhe rracee trrackk orr foor tthe roaad,everyy Feerraari is hannd ccrafftedd.Northhernn Ittalyy. thhe ttownn off Maarannelllo.This is thee siite of Ferrrarriss meega facctorry.part hi-tecch ggaraage,part artt sttudiio.a plaace wheere raww meetall iss trranssforrmeddinto raww poowerr annd wwherre ccarssare ccreaatedd liike scuulptturees.Its bbuilldinngs aree evveryy biitas slleekk annd mmodeern as thee caars creeateed hheree.Becauuse Ferrrarri mmakees ccarss foor tthe strreettand ffor thee raacettracck,the ffacttoryy booastts ssomee unniquue ffeatturees.A winnd ttunnnel forr reeseaarchh annd ddeveeloppmenntdesiggnedd byy Ittalyys supper-arcchittectt,Renzoo Piianoo.An ennginne wworkks fflooodedd byy naaturral ligght,with treees to proovidde eexacctlyy thhe rrighht hhumiidittyfor eengiine connstrructtionn.Even a tthreee kkiloometter priivatte rraceetraackused to triial Ferrrarriss laatesst rraceecarrsand rroadd teest itss spporttscaars.Thesee arre tthe buiildiingss thhrouugh whiicheveryy Feerraari makkes itss fiirstt joournney.And ffor thee thhreee thhoussandd woorkeersalongg thhe wway, beeingg heere is an Itaaliaan ddreaam.For uus IItallianns, Ferrrarri hhas alwwayssbeen a mmythh, aalwaays.I meaan, thee booys herre ggroww upp wiith Ferrrarriin thhem.Few ooutssideers andd evven fewwer cammeraasare eeverr alllowwed intto FFerrrariis facctorry.Securrityy iss inntennse.For FFerrrariis forrmulla oone teaamthats bbaseed aat tthe facctorry,therees thee evver-preesennt tthreeatof inndusstriial esppionnagee.And FFerrrariis forrmulla oone seccrettsgo sttraiightt innto itss sttreeet ccarss.This is thee faasteest andd moost powwerffulproduuctiion carr Feerraari hass evver dessignned-the FFiorranoo 5999.Its sspeeed ttopss 3330 kkiloometterss peer hhourr-and iits priice? Ovver 2000,0000 eeuroo!Ferraaris ppressideent- Luuca Di Monntezzemoolo.For mme tthiss kiind of carr meeanss frreeddom.brakiing accceleerattionn, hhanddlinng, engginee ussingg.all tthesse iingrrediientt maake thee Feerraari uniiquee.Five yeaars of ressearrch andd deevellopmmentthave gonne iintoo Feerraaris nneweest moddel.So haave sixxty yeaars of hisstorry.Ferraaris llegeendaary fouundeer EEnzoo Feerraariwas aa raacinng ppuriist.To hiim, Ferrrarriss sttreeet ccarss weere jusst aa waayto heelp funnd hhis forrmulla oone teaam.Earlyy Feerraari spoortsscarrs mmay havve bbeenn beeauttifuulto loook at, buut ttheyy weere nottoriiousslyhard to driive.Theirr raacinng ccharractteriistiicswerennt suiitedd too thhe oopenn rooad.But ooverr thhe ddecaadess, FFerrrarii haas mmoveedcloseer aand clooserr too deesiggninng aa spporttscaarthat putts aall thee coompaanysformuula onee exxperriennceinto thee ulltimmatee sttreeet mmachhinee.The FFiorranoo 5999 iis tthatt caar.Ferraaris ddesiigneers andd woorkeersface a ddaunntinng cchalllennge:buildd a carr wiith thee sooul- annd sspeeed-of a forrmulla oone raccer-but tthatt haandlles smooothh ass siilkon reeal-worrld strreetts.Make it beaautiifull-befitttinng tthe Ferrrarri llegaacyof aart-in-mottionn.And ddresss iit iin lluxuuryworthhy oof iits 2000,0000 eeuroo prricee taag.Race carr- sstreeet carr-work of artt- lluxuury iteem.A talll oordeer- forr thhe tteammat Feerraaris MMaraanelllo facctorry.Its a vvastt coompllex. Foortyy-fiive buiildiingss-with enooughh sppacee too fiit ffiftty ffoottballl ffiellds.In alll- eigght sepparaate secctioonsof thhe ffacttoryy wiill buiild thee 5999 ffromm sccrattch.From thee fiiress off thhe ffounndryy.to thhe bbeauuty of thee boody shoop.From thee roobottic preecissionn off thhe eengiine worrksand tthe paiint shoop. tto tthe hanndcrrafttinggof thhe 5599s lleattherr upp
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