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TPC的基准介绍The current version of the TPC-C benchmark is Version 5.11. 当前版本的TPC-C基准是5.11版本。The TPC-C has continued to evolve its benchmarks to remain as representative of current practice as possible. 这TPC-C已经继续发展其基准继续代表当前实践是不可能的。The TPC-C benchmark continues to be a popular yardstick for comparing OLTP performance on various hardware and software configurations. TPC-C基准的仍然是一个受欢迎的尺度OLTP性能比较各种硬件和软件配置。For a short period after initial release of Version 5, upgrades from previous benchmark runs were allowed but required new Full Disclosure Reports and an auditors review of the upgrade. 在短时间内释放后的最初版本5分,升级从先前的基准是允许的,但要求新充分披露报告和一个审计师审核更新。Those results can be discerned in the table as having availability dates prior to the submitted dates.这些结果可以分辨表格里有供货日期前提交日期。Compared to the previous versions, pricing changes included reducing maintenance support pricing to 3 years down from 5 years, 24x7 maintenance up from 8x5, removing terminal network pricing (hubs, switches), and allowing pricing quotes from web pages and print materials. 和以前的版本,价格变化包括减少到3年维修保障定价下从5年、24维护从85,消除终端网络的定价(网络集线器、交换机),并允许定价引用网页和印刷材料。Runtime changes included reducing the disk space requirements to 60 days from 180 days, increasing the measurement interval to 2 hours up from 20 minutes, reporting checkpoint durations, and reporting the number of lost connections of users during the measurement interval. 包括减少运行时间变化的磁盘空间要求,60天180天,增加了2小时测量时间间隔从20分钟,报告时间、以及报告检查站失去的连接的用户数量在测量过程的时间间隔。Because these revisions changed the price/performance metric and reporting requirements, Version 5 results may not be compared to results from earlier versions.因为这些修改改变了价格/性能度量并报告的要求,版本5个结果不可以进行比较结果显示,早期版本。More Information about Pricing更多的信息关于价格 View Results观点的结果 Top Ten TPC-C Results by Performance十大TPC-C结果通过性能:All Results所有的结果 /Clustered Results聚类结果 /Non-Clustered ResultsNon-Clustered结果Top Ten TPC-C Results by Price/Performance十大TPC-C结果通过价格/性能:All Results所有的结果 /Clustered Results聚类结果 /Non-Clustered ResultsNon-Clustered结果Top Ten TPC-C Results by Watts/Performance十大TPC-C结果通过美国瓦茨/性能Ten Most Recently Published TPC-C Results十个最最近公布的TPC-C结果All Results所有的结果By Hardware Vendor通过硬件供应商By Database Vendor通过数据库供应商Advanced Sorting Options先进的排序选项Results Spreadsheet (downloadable file)结果电子表格(可下载的文件) Summary总结Approved in July of 1992, TPC Benchmark C is an on-line transaction processing (OLTP) benchmark. 通过1992年7月,TPC C是一个基准在线事务处理(OLTP)基准。TPC-C is more complex than previous OLTP benchmarks such as TPC-A because of its multiple transaction types, more complex database and overall execution structure. TPC-C比以往更为复杂TPC-A OLTP基准如因其多种交易类型、更复杂的数据库,全面执行结构。TPC-C involves a mix of five concurrent transactions of different types and complexity either executed on-line or queued for deferred execution. TPC-C牵涉到一个混合的五
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