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大学生个人简介英语范文 大学生为自己用英文做一个自我介绍,也算是展现了自己的一个特长。本文是范文网小编为大家整理的大学生的个人简介英语范文,仅供参考。大学生个人简介英语范文篇一odmorg, y name jack, itis really a gret ono o have his opotunitf a intrvie, iwould lie to anwhateer ou mayraise, n I ope I ankea od prormace today, ventalyrll nthis prstiiousunivesiy ineteber Nowi wilintoduce yselfbiefyIa2 eas ld, bin elongjiang Proince ,nrthastfchna ,and i Crrntly a so udent tBeii XXuimy mjo s packgignginering .and i wil reeve mbhelordeg afer mgraduatio une .ithepat 4 eas ,Ispend ost ofmy im ontudy,i ha asse ET4/6 with ese. adi hve acquired basi knowleofpackagnnd pubishing bthiery d practice,besides, i hae atten evral ackagig exhibition hold inBeijin,this our vtage studhere,i ha take a ou to omeig facoy an compan. oughs i avea deply drstaningo dometic packagng indusry. mpred to devloed ounris sc as s, unftnatly, lhoughwe hav made etordiryprogres sinc 1978,ou packging iury astill underdvloped,mess, ustble,hituatonof eployesin this fiel are awkard. but have full cofidc i a brighfture if nlyour onomy keepthe rowtpacestill.i ges you maybeintrested in the raso ith to la, n atmy plan during gradutestd life, i wold lie totll you tat puue lai one of myif goal,i like my maorpackaging and iwot give u, if i canpursue masteee he l mbinelaw wih yormer ducatin.i will ork ard in the filds ,aet ,tademark,copright, n the basof m yas studyin epartmenf P&P, my charateIcan escri t wel, buiknow i a ptimistic ad ofidntmetimes i eftostay ane, din, ltening tomusic, but ia o lel, lie o chatith ylassmte, almost talk evrhing,yt stme is voleyal, playin cards o ufonline throgh olege l, lear hotoblcbtwen stuy and entrtainment.b the ay, iwaactorof our amzin dama clb. i had aewgloious moy on stetat is ride. 大学生个人简介英语范文篇二 BKGRONDwas bonn asma village of SnDong Pvince on pri 4th, 18. WhnI a oung, myfamly as vy poor, s Ihad to wort arn moneyo hel myarensfe css whenI was in th middeschol In 1986 I wa admtted y Uivsity of nternaion Busnessand Econoics (r: UIBE)to uue a bachelodgeeinonomics Mymao is acoutng Departmntf nernaionalusiess Mangn.The unergrdtdution gavemea wi re of vision an taught e how to coopea ith ohers.I deveod severalprfesional inteestsinAcounng,Fnnc, nd InternationlTra.he folwin eightarworing experiee offeed e agood chanceto give fll layto y cretivy, inteligene nd dilince. n -1993, I wored s a asisnt to udg manager n CiNainaTecncal Imprt and Eot Copratio. 993-psent, Iwasemoe byhin Kindom Impo dEport oratitobe teMangerof Finacial and Acconting ivision. I dobelve tat w myrd arly lie, slid eduational ackground and mple workiexrnce, I woul be anecllent suden o youMAprogram Y EONALACCMPLISHET:A gradating romUIBE,I as empoye as he assant to heunding anager byCia Natioal Technil Impor ad Eprt Coroato. After readig a lot f elated iles,and nyzing teoerall fudingsituation othe oporatn, Ifud hat theoan policy was nt bnpt into ffet. Sowe a ounds of milliosM loan ith vr high intert rate whil lrge amot of ch inbanwih very low intrestate as idle. I rpored this to m suprvir, ad thnwe sdied and rvisd the lan poli Tisreiin savedth crporatin aproxitely B thry millio uan. In ordr to raise teunding efectvenss, afer o yars hrd wok,I deveoped theiteal ankng system within the copratiobsed on the acul fudng uplyanneed of the differe diisiand projcts. Thiiternal bning sem made full use ofte oroati fningresurcs, ndue o ths, I hhly priseythepresident of te corpoto. WHYCE OUR BA PRGAM Afr I hav workedi business ra eigh ears, I eel that Ine t coninue m educaion by pursin a te deee in busnes admistrato. I have racted myprofessonal expetie in accounti, deostredmy ledeshipabiliies and perfecte m comunicainskils.But I hae ye me a entreprenur n my ownriht, ad t ullmse te art fmdern usiess I wantt betri mrevigorosy in sciniic methods of nlyis a synthesi. Tere a lot opotunitie
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