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山东省新泰市2017-2018学年七年级英语上学期第二次月考试题(无答案)鲁教版五四制山东省新泰市2017-2018学年七年级英语上学期第二次月考试题一.听力理解A听句子,选择正确的图画,每题听一遍。( )1.Whats the boys favorite sports? A B C ( )2.Where are the twins? A B C ( )3. How will Ken travel to Tibet? A B C ( )4. What did Nelly do yesterday? A B C ( )5. Which girl is my cousin? A B C B. 听对话。每段对话听两遍。听第一段对话,回答第6小题。( )6What is Diana like?AShe is funnier than me. BShe is not so popular as me. CShe is not funny. 听第二段对话,回答第78题。( )7. How often does the girl exercise?A. Never. B. Three times a week. C. Sometimes.( )8. Whos the boys favorite basketball player?A. Kobe. B. Duncen. C. James.听第三段对话,回答第910题( )9. How was Jacks vacation?A. Terrible. B.Great. C. Not bad.( )10. Who liked the sea food best?A. Jacks mother. B. Jacks father. C. Jacks grandfather.C.听短文,短文读两遍( )11. Whos Tina?A. Shes older than Tara. B. Shes younger than Tara. C. Shes as old as Tara.( )12. What did Mrs. Smith do one morning during the holiday?A. She did some shopping. B. She cleaned the house. C. She did some washing.( )13. What did Mrs. Smith gave Tina?A. Two apples. B. Some sweets. C. Two oranges.( )14 Who likes eating oranges a lot?A. Tina. B. Both Tara and Tina. C. Tara.( )15. What did Tina do at last?A. She kept the bigger one for herself. B. She gave the bigger one to Tara. C. She shared nothing with Tara.D 听短文,短文读两遍 ( )16.How old is WangLin?A.13 B.14 C.15( ) 17.What does Wang Lins mother do? A. A nurse B. A teacher C. A doctor ( )18.What is Wang Lings sister good at?A.Playing sports B.drawing C.Swimming( )19.Whats Wang Lins favorite subject? A. math B.music C.A and B( )20.What does Wang Lin want to do last? ind a pen pal B. go online C.buy a computer二 完形填空(10分)Everyone should exercise. Its an important part of staying healthy.There are many different1of exercise such as cycling, walking, running and swimming. You can do lots of them.2first of all, you should do them for fun. It is important to3what you are doing.But if you just4to exercise, you must know the following things: if you are not feeling5,it is best not to exercise. Make sure you start off slowly. As you6stronger, you will be able to do more activities.7a beginner, you should make a plan(计划),two or three8a week for fifteen to twenty minutes each time. Before9,you must take a few minutes to warm up(热身). Its good for you. After two or three weeks you will be able to10more time exercising. And youll be on your way to being healthier.21.A.reports B. kindsC. rulesD. sets22 A. AlthoughB. Because C. OrD. But23. A. enjoyB. remember C. hateD. dislike24. A. orderB. stop C. begin D. ask25. A. tired B. wellC. hungry D. sorry26. A. g oB. sound C. getD. hope27. A. AsB . With C . WithoutD . Like28. A. placesB. hours C. timesD. minutes29. A. eatingB. studying C. sleepingD. exercising30. A. payB. spend C. takeD. have三阅读理解AA good way to pass an exam is to work hard every day in a year.You may fail in an exam if you are lazy for most of the year and then work hard only a few days before the exam.If you want to be good at English,you have to read stories in English and speak English as much as possible.A few days before the exam you should go to bed early.Do not stay up late(熬夜)for the exam.Before you start the exam,read carefully over the question paper,try to understand the exact meaning of each question.When you have finished your exam at last,read over your answers.Correct the mistakes if there are any and be sure that you have not missed anything out. 31.If students want to do well in an exam,they have to work hard_.A. for most of the monthB. every day of the yearC. for only a few daysD. late at night32.If students want to learn English well,they_.A. only need to learn grammarB. must often practise (练习)EnglishC. have to go to EnglandD. should go to bed early 33.Its important to _a few days before the exam. A. play too muchB. have a good sleepC. read the questions papersD. have a good drink 34.When students have finished the exam,they should_. A. stand up and leave the classroom at onceB. check your answers with the other students in classC. make sure they havent missed anything outD. ask the teacher for the right a
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