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2014届毕业生毕业论文题 目: An Analysis of Factors Influencing College Students Autonomous Learning of English 院系名称: 外语学院 专业班级: 英语F1001班 学生姓名: 学 号: 201048180101 指导教师: 教师职称: 副教授 2014年5 月 20 日 An Analysis of Factors Influencing College Students Autonomous Learning of English School of Foreign LanguagesofHenan University of TechnologySupervisor: Cheng Xiongyong May 20,2014Acknowledgements Many people deserve my sincere thanks for helping me in all kinds of aspects and at various stages of completing this paper. First of all, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Cheng Xiongyong, who has generously given me so much of her time and vigor to read through the whole thesis and has offered me warm support and great encouragement. I cannot thank his enough for her constructive suggestions, word-for-word scrutiny, and other expert guidance. Without his painstaking instruction, the completion of the present thesis would not have been possible.My thanks also go to the scholars who have done a lot of research work on the comparison of different family values, and to the authors whose works I have quoted directly and indirectly.Furthermore, I should also record very special thanks to my schoolmates Li Zhibin who gave me their patience and time in helping me with my work as a leader of this team during the tense course of the thesis.Last but not the least; my thanks would go to my beloved parents for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through four years. Without their understanding and mutual support, I do not think I could enjoy the four-year university life. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends who supported me and accompanied me during the difficult course of the thesis.iiiAbstractIn the past few decades, College English education in our country has obtained certain outstanding achievement. But there are also disadvantages. Many studentshave been learning English for more than ten years, but they still even cannot read texts and dont understand clearly the original film and music, even more students dont communicate with foreigners directly. Over all, College English education level is not high, the traditional teaching mode is rigid, they often spend much time in studding English ,but the effect is lower (Dickinson 18). English talents from college is excellent in language knowledge, but the abilityoflanguage communication is very poor, they know a little foreign culture, they can gethigh marks, with the application of network technology, English education in China has brought an enormous and far-reaching influence, which makes the English teaching methods and learning methods change a lot. In 2007, education department issued “a new college English curriculum requirements “that stated clearly that the new teaching model should be built by the support of information technology, which lets the English teaching is not limited by time and place, to warding the personalized learning, autonomous learning in the direction of development. It shows that College students autonomous learning has become the focal point and core of college English teaching reform. The article attempts through the in-depth analysis of the influence factors of college students autonomous learning, discussing that trains college students English autonomous learning ability. Finally those improve the learning ability of college students and set the stage for life-longlearning. The paper analyzes the factors that is divided into two parts .Those are internal cause and external cause which affect college students autonomous learning English in China. Firstly, it shows the connotation of autonomous learning and the influencing factors of college students autonomous learning English in China for personal and social significance. Second, it analyzes mainly the internal causes of affecting college students autonomous learning English and external of affecting college students autonomous learning English. thirdly the article shows that survey design and analysis, finally the author Summarize the whole thesis and once again points out the importance of comparative study in this thesis.Key words :analysis: factor: influencing: college: autonomous: learning: English. 摘要 在过去的几十年里,我国的高校英语教育取得了一定令人瞩目的成绩,但是也存在很多不足之处。很多学生经过十几年的英语学习,甚至读不懂外文原版书籍,听不懂外文原版电影和歌曲,更不会和外国人直接交流。整体说来,高校英语教育水平不高,教学模式传统死板,英语学习费时低效,高校所培养出来的英语人才语言知识掌握的虽好,但是语言交际运用能力很差,对外国文化习俗知之甚少,高分低能的现象极为普遍。进21 世纪,随着网络技术的应用,给我国的英语教育带来了巨大而深远的影响,使英语教学方法和学习方法发生了变革。2007 年教育部高教司颁布了新版大学英语课程教学要求,明确指出新的教学模式应以现代信息技术,特别是网络技术为支撑,使英语教学不受时间和地点的限制,朝着个性化学习,自主学习的方向发展。由此可见,大学生的自主学习成为高校英语教学改革的焦点与核心。本文试图通过对大学生自主学习的影响因素的深入分析,探讨培养大学生英语自主学习能力的方法,最终提高大学生自主学习能力,为其成为具有终生学习能力的人打下良好的基础。本文以调查问卷的形式从内因和外因来分析影响大学生自主学习的因素。第一部分将重点阐述自主学习的定义以及他对我们大学生的
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