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大桥中学八年级英语上导学案(21)课 题Unit 5 Section A P25 设计Huangbin审核 月 日学习目标学习重点学习难点 学 习 内 容 及 预 见 性 问 题方法措施一、 反馈二、 自主学习1. 词汇精粹1. lesson_ 2.go to the doctor_3. help my parents_ 4.visit my aunt_5. have a piano lesson_ 6.study for a test_7. next time_ 8.on Saturday afternoon_ 2. 重点句型A:Can you come to my party on Wednesday?B:Sure,Id love to.A:Sorry,I cant.I have a piano lesson.B:Im sorry,too.I have to go to the doctor.要求:读熟重点句型,师徒进行对话练习(四人一组),并做翻译。三、 交流提升1. 提出、接受、拒绝邀请。(1).- Can you come to my birthday party? -Sure,Id love to./Certainly./Of course.Id like to.(2) .- Can you play soccer with me?- Im sorry,I cant.I have to help my parents.(3) .- Can she go to the movies?- No,she cant.Shes going to the party.课前完成,分组展示。分组讨论,分组展示班级 姓名 学须求精深 志当存高远思考:(1) 如何提出邀请?_(2) 如何接受邀请?_(3) 怎样回绝对方的邀请并说明回绝的原因?_(4) can的否定形式是_,缩写为_,其后跟_(5) 本单元主要讲述情态动词_的用法。从例句可以看出can没有_的变化。2. have to(1) . I have to help my mom. She doesnt like milk.But she has to drink it every day. Because her mother asks her to do so.(2) .We must help each other,because we are friends.思考:(1).have to 是什么意思?must呢?其后都跟动词的什么形式?_(2) .哪一个意义是主观上的?哪一个是客观上的呢?_(3) .有无人称和时态的变化?_补充:由must引起的一般疑问句,肯定回答要用must或have to,否定回答要用neednt或dont have to,意思是“不必”。1. Molly went to Dalian yesterday.So she_be at home.A. Must B. mustnt C. can D.cant2.Jenny _ look after her mother because she is ill. A.must B.musts C.have to D.has to四、 浏览巩固五、 抽测达标1、 -你能帮我学数学吗? -当然,很乐意。2、 我得在家照顾我母亲。3、 他星期天下午不能参加你的聚会。独立思考自主完成教学感悟:
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