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学英语,练听力,上听力课堂!英语高考介词或副词汇总(上)1. atprep.1) 位置、场所、地点在、于、到、经由arrive at ones destination到达目的地at the seaside; 在海滨at my uncles; 在我叔父家at the foot top of the mountain;在山脚下顶上at sb.s heels跟在某人的后面; at the end of the street在街头at the meeting; 在会议上at the wedding 在婚礼上I landed at Wuhan. 我在武汉下飞机。He lives at Oxford.他住在牛津。Keep such men at a distance.不要与这种人接近。2) 表示时间:时刻、年节、年龄at ten oclock在十点钟at (the age of) forty在 40 岁的时候at the beginning of the month在月初at Christmas在圣诞节at all hours随时3)从事, 做, 正在, 在He died at his post.他殉于职守。What are you at ?你正在干什么?I will go now at my lesson. 我要着手做功课。4) 条件、情况、 状态在.中, 在.下, 以.方式at war交战状态at its height 在最高点; 处于最盛时期; 处于高潮状态at your convenience在你方便时at attention 立正 at ease 稍息at your pleasure随你方便, 由你决定at high pressure在高压下5) 动作的姿态, 常不译出以, 用at a bound一跳, 一举at a gallop飞奔, 奔驰at a mouthful一口(就吞下)at every step每走一步6)动作的目标、方向向、对Aim straight at the mark.对准目标。The boy threw a stone at the bird.小孩掷石头打鸟。The soldiers rushed at the enemy.战士们向敌人冲去。The dog ran at a cat.狗向猫扑去。7) 原因、根源照, 依照, 由, 从be pleased at the result对结果感到高兴melt at a great heat因高热而熔化be surprised frightened at sb.s words the news, the noise听到某人的话新闻、声音而吃惊The baby stopped crying at the sight of its mother.婴儿看到母亲就不哭了。I did it at his request.我是应他的请求而做的。8) 程度、比例、价格以, 用, 有sell at five dollars以五元(价格)出售walk at the rate of four miles an hour每小时四英里的速度行走estimate a crowd at ten thousand这一群人估计有一万人2. aboutprep1)在附近;在周围He lives somewhere about here. 他住在附近。 Tell me what has happened as it is; dont beat about the bush.如实告诉我究竟怎么了,不要兜圈子。(= around) 四周围绕着to plant trees about the house 在房子四周植树 (= around) 2)关于;对于Tell me something about your trip. 请告诉我一些关于你旅行的情况。Later a neighbour told me about him.后来的一位邻居跟我谈起了他。3)忙于What are you about? 你在忙什么呢? aboutadv1)附近;在周围He must be somewhere about. 他一定就在附近。(= around) 2)大约;差不多We need about 200 metric tons. 我们需要大约200吨。 The manager was about to leave when his secretary called him back.经理快要离开时,他的秘书叫住了他。Today there are about 900,000 American Indians.美国现在有大约九十万印第安人。About adj1)在活动着的She was up and about very early. 她很早就起来活动了。3. afterprep1)在后after dinner 饭后one after another 一个接一个Please line up one after another. 请按顺序排队。She did experiment after experiment. 她做了一次又一次的试验。2)模仿;依照Please read after me. 请跟我读。 3)与一致a man after my own heart 与我心思一致的人 Hes a man after my own heart.他是符合我心意的人。4)寻找;跟踪;追捕The policeman ran after the thief. 警察追捕窃贼。 5)以命名The boy was named after his uncle. 那孩子以他叔叔的名字取名。 after all终究; 毕竟It has turned out to be a nice day after all. 天气终于转晴了。So you see I was right after all!你看,毕竟还是我对吧!记着;记住I know he hasnt finished, but, after all, he is very busy. 我知道他没有做完,不过要知道,他太忙了。I know he hasnt finished the work, but after all, hes done his best.4. awayadv1)离开 Go away!走开!Several children are away from school because of illness.几个学生因患病而没有来校上课。As she walked away, I followed her out of the fair.我跟着她走出了集市。He will be away for two months.他将外出两个月。2) 结束;完The water boiled away. 水烧干了。She passed away this morning. 3) 一直;继续to work away 一直在工作It is not advisable just to work away without making a timely summing-up of experience.一味埋头干下去不做及时的经验总结是不可取的。keep away from 保持距离5. aboveprep1) 在之上;超过He is above reproach. 他是无可责难的。Tom is above average in his lessons. 汤姆的成绩高于平均水平。2) 胜于A miser loves gold above his life. 一个守财奴爱财胜过生命。3) 不屑He is above taking profits for himself. 他不屑为自己谋利。above all首先;尤其;最重要的是Above all, I love Tchaikovsky. 首先,我喜欢柴可夫斯。adv1) 在上面;向上the clouds above 天上的云在上文;在前文 the facts mentioned above 上文提到的事更多;更高40 and above 40和40以上adj上面的;上述的The above (articles) are of no interest to us at present. 我们对以上各项(商品)目前均无兴趣。 6. against prep2) 相反;逆着against the law 违法We sailed against the wind. 我们逆风行船。 Drug taking is against the law. 吸毒是违法的。2) 反对We won our match against that team. 我们在比赛中赢了那个队。 No one is against this proposal. 没有人反对这个提议。3) 靠着,依着to lean against the wall 靠着墙 4) 与成对照against a dark background 与黑色背景成对照 The picture looks better against the light wall. 这幅画挂在浅色的墙上显得更美。5) 防备;防御against the cold 防冷against a rainy day 防备雨天We are all taking medicine against the flu.我们都在服药预防流感。6) 以相抵income against expenditure 以收抵支7. aroundadv1) 环绕His car circled around. 他的车在兜圈子。 2) 在周围;四周They look around but Mary is already gone. 他们往四周看看,但玛丽已经不在了。The yard is fenced around. 院子四周都围有篱笆。A dense fog lay around. 周围浓雾密布。3) 在附近good to have you around 对你很有好处(帮助)have been around见过世面;经验丰富 prep1) 在的周围There was a fence around the yard. 在院子的四周围有一圈篱笆。 2) 环绕They walked around the town. 他们在城里四处走动。 3) 大约,左右around 20 people 大约20人come around four 大约在4点钟来There are around 80 pyramids in Egypt. 在埃及大约有80座金字塔。8. backadv1)向后;在后面The house is set back from the road. 那所房屋远离公路。Move back! 往后退!We have to go back
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