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新观点英语练习题.新观点英语练习题_一把以下句子变为一般疑问句并依据后来的标示作出一定或否定回答。1. This is my handbag.( )_2. That is Tom s shirt. ()_3. This is my watch. ( )_4. That is his car . ()_5. This is her skirt. ()_6. That is Sophie s umbrella . ( )_二写出以下各单词的复数形式。1. pencil-2. dress-4. house-7. woman-8. ticket-10. tomato-12.Japanese-14. German-15. I-16. he-17. job-18. policeman-21.taxi driver-22.air hostess- / .新观点英语练习题_用括号中所给单词的适合形式填空(一般此刻时练习题)1. I_(go) to school every day.2. We_(be) students.3. Ann_(watch) Tv in the evening.4. He_(sweep) the floor on Sunday.5. My mother _(make) the bed in the morning.6. My grandpa _(water)the flowers every day.7. I _(be) tall and fat.8. She _(be) short and thin.9. You _(be) friendly to me.10.They _(swim) on Saturday.11.Tom _(go) to bed at 8:00 in the evening.12.My sisters _(clean)the kitchen after school.13.I can _(sing).14.Robert can _(run).15.They cant_(climb) the tree.新观点英语练习题_达成以下对话:(依据容把横线上的句子增补完好)一 Tom:_!Alice:Yes?Tom:Is this your pen?Alice:_?Tom:Is this your pen?Alice:Yes,it is._.二 Ann:Good morning!John:_!Ann:This is my friend Sophie.John:_.Sophie: Nice to meet you ,too.John:_?Sophie: Im French.John: Oh, my wife is French ,too.新观点英语练习题_写出以下各句子的问句:1._?Im a keyboard operator.2._?Im Korean.3._?My name s Sophie.4._?Its a Peugeot.5._?He is a milkman.6._?She is American.7._?His name is Robert.8._?Yes,it is .It is my pen.新观点英语练习题_冠词填空( a/an/the )1. This is _car.2. _car is Toms.3. Its_ orange.4. My father is _engineer and my mother is _ air hostess.5. I have _ sister .She is _ nurse.6. I am _ Chinese .7. Its _ Toyota.8. Are you _ teacher?9. _ policeman is my brother.10._ tall girl is Sophie.新观点英语练习题_达成以下表格物主代词:第一人称第二人称第三人称形 容 词myyour性名词性hers人称代词:第一人称第二人称第三人称主格Ihe宾格练习题:1. This is _我(的 )book. It s not _你(的 ).2. _她(的 ) hair is long and _他(的 ) is short.3.(我) have twelve pencils.How many pencils do _(你)have?4. Mark is _我(们的 ) English teacher ._他() is an American.5. _我(的 ) mother is a doctor ._(我) love _她() very much.6. Listen to _我(),please.7. Look at _他().8. Let _我(们 ) go.新观点英语练习题_一找出以下第三人称单数的主语形式,在上边打“”1. I2. she3.we4. you5.Tom6. the father7. he8. it9. they10. my brother11. his sister12. theirson14. my mother15. Ann and Tim16. my teachers17. the milk18.the bag19. Tom and I20. the cat二选择,把括号里面正确的选项用“”标出来 ,并抄录在横线上。1. I _(like/likes) apples .2. She _(watch/watches) Tv every evening.3. We _(go/goes) from Monday to Friday.4. You _(look/looks) beatiful today.5. Tom _(play/plays) soccer on the playground.6. The flower _(smell/smells) sweet.7. He _(clean/cleans) the windows at home.8. It _(sound/sounds) great.9. They_(run/runs) every day.10.M y brother _(sing/sings) well.11.Ann and Tom _(swim/swims) every Saturday.12.Tom and I _(read/reads) together.新观点英语练习题_单词大挑战Lesson 1.1. 谅解 _ 我2.(宾格 )_ 3是.的 _4是.( be 动词此刻第三人称单数) _5这._6你.的,你们的(形容词性物主代词) _7女.(用 )手提包 _原8.谅,请再说一遍 _9. 感你(们) _10非.常地 _Lesson 2.
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