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consist vi. 在于, 存在于; 组成, 构成consistent adj. 协调的,一致的 习惯搭配: 1) consist of 由组成, 由构成, 包括 (注意:不能用于被动语态和进行时态) = be made up ofbe composed of 由组成This club consists of more than 200 members.The United Kingdom consists of/is made up of/is composed of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 联合王国包括大不列颠与北爱尔兰。2) consist in 在于, 存在于The beauty of the plan consists in its simplicity. 这计划的好处就在于简单易行。3) consist with 一致,符合 What he does doesnt consist with what he says. 他的言行不一致。4) be consistent with 与一致翻译:他言行不一。(action, words)The organization _ the eight richest countries in the world.A. is consistent with B. is made upC. consist of D. consists individe 分, 划分;分裂The teacher divided our class into four groups. We shall not let such a small matter divide us.divide的常用搭配:divide into 把 分成 be divided into被分成divide A from B 使分离; 使分开divide by 用除以divide, separate都有“分开”之意。divide指把一个整体按要求分成几个部分,暗示分配之意。其后常接介词into, among, between等separate指把两个人或物分开。常与介词from搭配构成separate.from,意为“把和分开(隔)”;另外还有“离别,分手”之意。The world is divided into five continents.Lets divide the cake into three.He separated the big eggs from the small ones.The two communities are separated by a highway.1). The apple was _ into two.2). We _the money equally.3). The Taiwan Strait _ Taiwan from Fujian.Hospital staff burst into cheers after doctors completed a 20-hour operation to have _ one-year-old twins at the head.A. isolatedB. separatedC. dividedD. removedpuzzle v.&n. 使迷惑;难题puzzling 令人感到困惑的(adj.)puzzled 感到困惑的(adj.)Your question is puzzling.What she said made her husband puzzled.He didnt understand the _ question, so there was a _ expression on his face.A. puzzling; puzzledB. puzzling; puzzlingC. puzzled; puzzledD. puzzled; puzzlingRefer to 提到,说到或者涉及某人/某物(mention)Dont refer to this matter again, please.针对,有关(relate to)The new law doesnt refer to the farmland.(耕地)查资料;参考(turn to/consult)The speaker often refers to his notes.The professor _ at the meeting will give us a lecture next week.A. referred B. referred toC. referring D. referring toas well常用作状语, 作“又;也”解, 相当于too或also, 常位于句末, 无须用逗号与句子分开。I am going to London and my sister is going as well(going, too). 我要到伦敦去, 我妹妹也要去。 I not only play the guitar, I sing as well(I also sing ).我不但弹吉他, 而且还演唱。辨析as well与as well as用法as well as常用来连接两个并列的成分, 作“也, 还”解。它强调的是前一项, 后一项只是顺便提及。因此连接并列主语时, 谓语动词与前一项一致;而用not only .but also.连接时, 谓语动词与后一项一致。如:Your wife as well as you is friendly to me. 不仅你而且你的妻子也对我很友好。 (Not only you but also your wife is friendly to me. )as well as 用来表示同级比较, 指“一样好”。如: You look as well as you did ten years ago. 你的身体看起来还和十年前一样好。 He plays the guitar as well as you. 他的吉他弹得和你一样好。1. They play all kinds of instruments and sing _. A. also B. either C. as well D. as well as2. Tom, _ Jane and Rose, _ going to the farm on foot. A. as long as; is B. as well as; are C. as long as; are D. as well as; is6. he doesnt speak _ her friend, but her written work is excellent. A. as well as B. as often as C. so much D. as good as To ones credit 值得赞扬的是Credit n. 信用,信誉;(金融)贷款;学分;信任;声望vt. 相信,信任;把归给;归功于;赞颂I didnt credit that absurd tale我不相信那个荒谬绝伦的故事。Are you paying by cash or credit?请问您用现金还是信用卡支付吗?He received full credit for his studies at a previous school.他在一所先前的学校取得了所有课程的学分。His credit is good. 他的信用好。credit card 信用卡;记帐卡 credit system 信用制度;信贷制度;赊购或赊销制度 credit risk 信用风险;信贷风险;信用危机 on credit 赊帐 break away (from sb./sth.)挣脱, 逃脱The prisoner broke away from his guards.Can you break away from old habits?What can we do to help them break away from the difficult position?break的习惯搭配:break down 抛锚, 出故障,身体跨了,精神崩溃了break into 闯入, 突然发出break out (战争、瘟疫、火灾) 爆发break off 中断break a record打破记录break up 拆开,结束;解散(婚姻结束,谈判破裂)(1)单项填空News reports say peace talks between the two countries _ with no agreement reached.(201001河南镇平检测)A. have broken down B. have broken outC. have broken in D. have broken upHe _ his engagement just before the wedding. (201001河南郑州检测)A. broke out B. broke away from C. broke off D. broke up用适当的介词或副词填空 Thieves broke _ the house when the couple were watching TV. A quarrel broke _ between them. The soldiers broke _ the enemys defence works. The school has broken _ for the holidays.Dad would occasionally break _ with a suggestion. Tom broke _ the door of our classroom last week.即学即练8(1)It was wrong for him to _ all his good friends. 他和他的好朋友决裂是错误的。(2)The elevators in the building are always _. 这幢楼里的电梯总出故障。(3)If
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