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商务英语写作备考为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,小编给大家整理了商务英语写作备考,下面小编就和大家分享,来观赏一下吧。商务英语写作备考:外国人也会犯的错误(1)I regularly see mistakes with phrases using the words “regardsor “respect.There are several of these phrases in English, but they are easily confused andmixed up. For example, phrases like in respect to and with regards to areincorrect.人们在使用与“regards和“respect相关的词组时经常会出现误用错用的情况。在英语里,确实有一些与这两个词相关的词组,但很容易混同。比方,人们经常会用“inrespect to和“with regards to来表示“关于的意思,但实际上这种用法是不正确的。Here is a list of correct phrases (they all mean basically the samething):下面列出几组由“regard或“respect组成的叙述,它们的意思相近,都有“关于,至于,提到的意思。1.regardingEX:I have received your letter of October 15 regarding the three letters ofrecommendation which you require.例句:我已收到您10月15日的信,提到需要三封推荐信一事。2.as regards (this is the only one with an s “regards)(这是唯一一个用到regards的词组)EX:As regards communication with colleagues, department meetings are heldonce a fortnight.例句:关于员工间的交流沟通,每两周会举行一次部门会议。3.in regard to (rare)(很少用)EX:This is Bill Burton from Milford Insurance, Im calling in regard to ourmeeting next Tuesday.例句:我是米尔福德保险公司的比尔伯顿,我想问一下有关下周二我们见面的事。4.with regard toEX:With regard to the Middle East and North Africa, the U.S. and EU pledgedto continue to support democratic transitions and economic development.例句:关于中东和北非问题,美国和欧盟承诺将继续支持其民主改革和经济开展。5.respecting (rare)(很少用)EX:I must tell you that I have not come to any decided opinion respectinghim, but I think him a Maltese.例句:我只能告诉您,我对他还没有什么明确的看法。但我认为他可能是个马耳他人。6.in respect ofEX:When a customer first opens an account, he instructs the bank to debit hisaccount only in respect of cheques drawn by himself.例句:储户首次在银行开户时,嘱咐银行他的存款只能凭本世人签字的支票来提取。7.with respect toEX:With respect to your other proposals, I am not yet able to tell you ourdecision.例句:谈到你的其他倡议, 我现在还无法把我们的决定告诉你。商务英语写作备考:外国人也会犯的错误(2)商务写作本身就与一般写作不同,它要求形式简洁明了,态度谦恭有礼,内容有理有据。商务写作中,如果出现了语法错误,小那么损失生意,大那么拖垮公司。这里为大家讲解一些常见的商务写作中的错误,大家有那么改之无那么加勉。Althoughthese phrases are often used interchangeably they have slightly differentmeanings, so we should be careful how we use them.在很多情况下,“According to和“In accordancewith都可以互换,但是两者之间还是有一些细微的差异的。所以,在使用这两个词组时,我们需要特别小心。How to use “According to“According to的用法“According to is usually used when you restate something someone told youor something you have heard or read somewhere. It is mostly used forreporting.“According to往往是用在重述别人的话,或者你在其他地方听到或看到的内容,常用于报告的写作中。EX:According to the clerk we spoke to when we telephoned the supervisoryauthority this morning, the application was filed last week.例句:根据今晨我们对员工进行的监督权调查的 访谈所说,上周表格就已经归档了。It may be used to introduce information that might not be true:“According to可以用于引用不的确的消息:EX:According to the state news agency, the number of demonstrators did notexceed 1,000. However, the organisers of the protest say there were at least100,000 people on the march.例句:根据官方通讯社的消息,参与游行的人数不超过1000人,而游行组织者称,参与游行人数超过了10万人。It may also be used to introduce hearsay:“According to也可以用来引用道听途说的消息:EX:According to Annabel, Tom wants to dump Sarah because he really fanciesEmma.例句:听安娜贝尔说,汤姆要甩了萨拉,因为他被艾玛给迷上了。How to use “In accordance with“In accordance with的用法“In accordance with is used in more formal contexts to introduce the notionof conformity. In a legal context it is used for stating what conforms to thelaw or a contract. It is never used to introduce information that may not betrue.“In accordance with是用在比拟正式的内容中,用来引述的确的信息。在法律文本中,这个词组就是用来引述法律条文或合同中的规定的。“Inaccordance with从来不会用于引用不的确的消息。EX:In accordance with Article 72 of the Act, employees of the Company havethe right to form a representative body.例句:根据该法令第72条规定,公司员工有权组成代表团。In some cases you can use “under instead of “in accordance with, or where“in accordance with seems too strong:如果觉得用“in accordance with语气太强烈的话,也可以用“under来替换。EX:Under / In accordance with a general rule of the Pharmaceutical law, thesponsor and the investigator are responsible for damage resulting fromconducting a clinical trial.例句:根据药品管理法规定,临床试验的赞助者和研究者要对试验所造成的后果负责。Using a comma with this type of clause在使用这类从句时,倡议使用逗号辨别EX:According to recent government statistics, unemployment has risen from 3%to 5% over the last 12 months.例句:根据政府近期颁布的数据,在过去的12个月里,失业率从3%回升到了5%商务英语写作备考:外国人也会犯的错误(3)商务写作本身就与一般写作不同,它要求形式简洁明了,态度谦恭有礼,内容有理有据。商务写作中,如果出现了语法错误,小那么损失生意,大那么拖垮公司。这里为大家讲解一些常见的商务写作中的错误,大家有那么改之无那么加勉。There are two ways of expressing a notice period, as follows:“通知期限的叙述方式有下列两种:1.Under Clause 4.2 one months notice is required in order to terminate theagreement.根据条款4.2的规定,终止协议前须要有一个月的通知期限。2.Under Clause 4.2 a one-month notice period is required in order toterminate the agreement.根据条款4.2的规定,终止协议前须要有一个月的通知期限。Anything else, or a mixture of these two constructions, is wrong. Note thanin the first example above “notice is an uncountable noun so it cannot take“a/an. In the second example, “notice period is countable, so we must
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