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Application Essay 写作 第二课 SELECTING A TOPIC In this exercise, you will find a list of Dos and Donts for selecting a topic, along with comments from long-time admissions officers. For each of your five to seven potential topics, fill in this checklist. If you find yourself repeatedly answering “no” to these questions for any given topic, you should drop it and move on to another.1. Have I selected a topic that describes something of personal importance to my life?Admissions Officer Says: Personalize your essays as much as possible-generic essays are not only boring to read, theyre a waste of time because they dont tell you anything to help you get to know the applicant any better.2. Am I avoiding a gimmicky topic?You should be very, very careful of trying to write your essay in iambic pentameter or with lots of jokes. Almost always, this is done poorly and is not appreciated by the admissions committee. Nothing is worse than not laughing at something that was written to be funny.Admissions Officer Says: “Gimmicks are a big mistake, and a sarcastic or flippant tone will often offend.”3. Does my topic stay away from information listed elsewhere on my application?Dont mention GPAs or standardized test scores in your essay. Thats what the resume and other parts of the application are for.Admissions Officer Says: “Listings of anything are dull, no matter how impressive.” “Essays should be about more than just a running tally of accomplishments.”4. Will I be able to offer vivid supporting paragraphs to my essay topic? Do not choose a topic if you cannot provide concrete examples for the body of the essay.Admissions Officer Says: “Details provide the color, the spice, and the life of the essays.” “As the saying goes, if youre going to talk the talk, you better walk the walk.”5. Can I fully answer the question asked of me? Can you address and elaborate on all points within the specified word limit, or will you end up writing a poor summary of something that might be interesting as a report or research paper? If you plan on writing something technical for an application, make sure you can back up your interest in a topic and not merely throw around big scientific words. Unless you convince the reader that you actually have the life experiences to back up your interest in neurobiology, the reader will assume that you are trying to impress him or her with shallow tactics. Also, be sure that you can write to admissions officers and that you are not writing over their heads.Admissions Officer Says:“Actually answer the question they ask. Many people just list off their accomplishments and never relate it to the theme of the question.”6. Will my topic keep the readers interest from the first word?The entire essay must be interesting, considering admissions officers will probably spend only a few minutes reading each essay.Admissions Officer Says:“If the first paragraph doesnt fix my attention, like anyone Im prone to skimming.”7. Is my topic unique?Some students are so concerned about making the correct impression that they edit out anything that would help their essay stand out. They submit a “safe” essay that is, in reality, sterile, monotonous, and deadly boring. Most topics are in fact overdone, and this is not necessarily a bad thing, but a unique and convincing answer to a classic topic can pay off big. Furthermore, when applying to a competitive program that might be out of your reach, taking a risk in the essay may help your chances by standing out.Admissions Officer Says:“Applicants should not be afraid to go out on a limb and be themselves-even when that means incorporating humor or being a little bit controversial.”8. Am I being myself?Admissions officers want to learn about you and your writing ability. You must develop your own voice and tell YOUR story, not the story you think the reader wants to hear. Write about something meaningful and describe what you did and felt, and your essay will be unique. Many people travel to foreign countries or win competitions, but your feelings during these events are unique to you. Unless a philosophy or societal problem has interested you intensely for years, stay away from grand themes that you have little personal experience with. 温馨提示:专业的事情,交给专业的机构来完成。10年来,监审留学一直致力于留学文书的写作服务,已经帮助过无数留学生申请到理想的大学,擅长美国,加拿大,英国和澳洲的个人陈述和推荐信写作。如果您有写作方面的需求可以 联系QQ:970865017,按时交稿,绝不拖延,再也不用发愁。Admissions Officer Says: “It is through the essay that the admissions officers reading the application will feel that they have truly gotten to know you.”9. Does my topic avoid hot-button issues that may offend the reader? If you write on how everyone should worship your God, how wrong or right abortion is, or how you think the Republican Party is evil, you will not get into the college of your choice. The only thing worse than not writing a memorable essay is writing an essay that will be remembered negatively. Stay away from specific religions, political do
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