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Unit 1 The Developing WorldTopic 1 Our country has developed rapidlysection B预习提示Prereading questions1、 Did the most children have a hard life in the past ?2、 The children from poor families can get good education nowadays, cant they?3 、Wheres Jane?4 、Are you interested in the lives of foreign teenagers ?5 、Whats Kang Kangs suggestion on getting the information?The main activities are 1a and 3.本课重点活动是1a和3。. Teaching aims and demands教学目标1. Master some new words and useful expressions:article, granny, describe, in detail, afford, education, develop, development, picture, when, abroad2. Master the present perfect using “already, yet, just, ever, never”.(1)She has gone to the library.(2)Have he/she ever.? Yes, he/she has./No, he/she has never done that.3. Learn about the differences between the Chinese teenagers lives in the past and at present.4.Learn about the changing world.Teaching aids教具含有人物活动场景的图片(多媒体课件或幻灯片)/录音机.Five -finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step 1 Review第一步复习(时间:15分钟)1.(检查学生的课外作业完成情况,择优张贴,复习现在完成时的陈述句并引入一般疑问句。)T: Im glad to see your smiling faces.Ss: Glad to see you, too, Mr./MissT: You had made a survey, yes?S1: Yes. I did it after class. I asked five students.T: Well done. Where have they been in the summer holiday?S1: Li Liang has been to the beach in Lianyungang.Du Lei has been to Beijing.Hu Ying has been to.Mei Lan has been to.Cui Wei has been to.T: You have finished the survey well.Have you been to a library? There are so many interesting books.S1: Yes. I have read a lot there.T: A good habit. You have learnt much from books, havent you?S1: Yes, I have.(引导学生用Yes, I have.来回答。)(教师询问另一个学生的作业情况,此时可以采用一般疑问句形式。)T: S2, have you ever been there?(学生有两种可能性,去过或未去过。如果刚好去过,复习Yes, I have.若没有去过,教师引导学生说出No, I havent.)S2: Sorry, I attended a training class to practice spoken English.T: You had no time to do that. Yes?S2: Yes. I practiced speaking English every day.T: You havent been there. The answer to “Have you been to a library?” is “No, I havent.” . Can you understand?S2: Yes.T: Answer me like that. Have you been abroad?(板书并用英语解释。)abroadWhen we are not in our own country, we can say we are abroad.(在abroad后板书。)Out of our own countryS2: No, I havent.(可再叫几位同学回答加以巩固。)2.T: Rita has come back from her hometown. Shed like to write something about teenagers. The passage written by Rita is also called an article.(板书)article(教师继续解释)We can know about someones opinions from his/her article. Usually we read articles in the magazines or on the Internet. Sometimes your compositions are also beautiful articles.S3: I see. We all like reading interesting articles.T: We can learn different kinds of knowledge from different articles. But in the past, most children couldnt go to school. My mother cant read books. She tried to get a chance to school but failed. What about your fathers or mothers mother? Can your granny read books?(引出新词granny并板书,为呈现作准备。)granny(学生可能会笑着答出“会”或“不会”。)S4: Oh, no, she cant. She is so old.T: Can you say something about your granny?S4: Yes, I can. She.(学生进行描述。)T: S4 has described his/her granny.describe (引出新单词并板书。)Anyone else? S5: My granny often tells me not to waste anything.T: In the past, most families were poor and there were many children in one family. Parents didnt have enough money to afford all the childrens education.(板书)afford(板书)educationWe are all happy for having a chance to get education.(教师可领读几遍新单词,提示单词的发音规则。)Should we study hard for a better life?Ss: Yes, wed like to learn the knowledge as much as we can.T: Nowadays, most children from poor families can get good education.Step 2 Presentation第二步呈现(时间:8分钟)(要求学生不看书,只听听力,捕捉要点,提高听力水平。)T: There are so many differences between past and now.Rita and Kangkang are talking about the Chinese teenagers lives. Please listen to the tape. Pay attention to the new words on the blackboard.T: Lets read the new words together.(听过磁带后再次领读几遍新单词,让学生感受纯正的英语发音。)(再次放录音,让学生回答下列问题。用幻灯片、多媒体或小黑板,把下列题目展示给学生,逐步引出本课重点呈现的内容。)T: Here are some questions. Listen to the tape again. Try to give the correct answers.1. Did the most children have a hard life in the past?2. The children from poor families can get good education nowadays, cant they?3. Wheres Jane?4. Are you interested in the lives of foreign teenagers?5. Whats Kangkangs suggestion on getting the information?(可让学生先浏览以上五个题目,再听录音,并提倡学生速记答案。)T: First, please go over the questions. Then listen to the tape carefully. Youd better write down your key words to the answers. Are you clear?Ss: Yes. (再一次放录音,学生要注意听并记答案。)(核对学生答案,可采用如下两个方案:)(方案一)T: I think you all get the answers, dont you? Now, please work in groups to talk about the answers. And then, one of you gives us the report.(学生可以小组活动,讨论问题的答案,加深对听力内容的理解,此活动最大的好处是用“优生”带动“差生”,创设人人说英语的情景,充分调动每个学
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