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新版开心英语六年级下册课本内容复习 ni1:A arade Day单词过关:原形: us sudy play vsit run tl jmp clea过去式:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1.sangn dance 2.sawrade 3.pad basktbal .plye the drum5.vsed ngKong 6.cleaned my rom .watch T 8.take t frinds .tuied English 10.ooked breakfast 1.caled mriends 12.looked after the ciren 13.tke us ot 14.wroe a iary句型过关:ht didyou d esterda? I led bskeall.W did isadoyeta? She playe e pian.Watd you do the aybefor ystrday? I layed basktballhen,too.Wha dd yu doin theparae? I plyed the trumpet/dru/fute/iolin/pinoWhr did yugolat weeend?(last gt/as Suay) Iwent swimgith my fids.H did ou do to Bijin? I ent hee yae.n2:A Magc Day单词过关:原形:go eat writ read ke d sg drink过去式:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1.whd my fae 2.brushdmy teeth 3ate brakfas/lunh/dinn/spper 4ent wor 5.wnt to scol .rode y bko school 7.cament om8.oo eshoo bs 9.wrtand ad n Engish 10.practicethe pi11.t cokes anddrnk mil 1.tooksme phos 13.gvee ome wter4.et on tr .pyed n the ain 1.learned to anc 17.flew Fae句型过关:Wh didud hi morning? I read a booWat diJn(sehe) do ast nigt? heHwaceTV/tudiefor hursWh didogooonMoy monig? H wet toheimming pl.Wht d youea this mrning? I ae chee,chocolate,chcen,and ice ream.Did y drnkanytingti onng? No,I ddt. I thrsy ow.Dd yougo th bech? No,I dnt.I ent to thpark.Did Tony(he/he) o sopng yesteray? Yes,heshe did. N,he/she idt.D our father ride a horsastatuday? es,he did/N,e didnt.n3:A Lckyay单词短语过关:1.won(win)the ame 2.ate(ea) omectocdy a(v) fn wh frinds 4.got(get) a ift 7.wok(ake) plate 8mssed(mis)he bu .orgot(forge) my erk 10.lost(lose)y es11.aa reatday 12wokeup early1.wrote aookanarticle 14tald abouherife 1.read his book 6.became deaf an lin 17.couldnhear r see 1.lpd her totak19larn to write/red 20nineen moth od 句型过关:Wat appnd? I had a lck/reat/ happybadfunnday.at appened o teirl? he woke u lat thismorning.t hapeed toXiaoui yeteay? Seidnt have breakfas. Frst, I ha fn ih myreds.Nex,won he game.Ar tha,got a nice gft.Wo, Youe realy lcky.Wha hpned(toyou)?/Wats wrng(withyou)?Whats te mtter (thyo)?What agrea dy!/H great(h dis)!Yeseda s bd afo me!I good ad bad day.Reiew:1.sthiskey 2had a cd 3.woke up earl 4.enttohe bac 5ro bike 6.ra aoo 7.playedtenis .studied English/Chine/Japnese 9clned ptewinow 10.rak soe juice 1.sang songs 12.got a nice ft 13.d fun wt fried 14othegae 15.wrtealeter o he feds16.plyedhistoyr 1.had a cold/er 8.plaed tevoin 9.ent home a lvnoclock 20atesoe slad 2wateed the lws 22swept(sweep)hefoo 2.elped Dad wshecar 24.wored a far 5. bigwof jumpeoutWhe did yu g lastSund? Iwet tth park.Whtdid you do? I hdfun wi friendsLas Snay,I wen e park. Frs,I rode ybie. x, I ladnis whfrinds. Aer at,I flw(fl) kites th te. nit4:lin Eited单词短语过关:tired scred excte sad hppy rd nteeste otgoing anr1styeup ate 2eard anois 3.got ittn 4.gotapoorgoodrade 5stayed n be 6.adup lae .tced afootbll ae .aw a mousmissedhesubwy 1.wshed tects 11ent ino th liing room12. ared 13.wast scare a al 14.w excited adhungry .wked t thetchen 16.and some ilk andcoes 7loed around 1.ed and white ht 19was tir 2ristmasay 21.lt ct2.ameout 2.climb u the motain 24sat n ypa 25flew up to clod2it t Pnd Base Sicha 2.sved the ads 8.ake are Unit:Bg Helpful单词短语过关:1.ur on the gt() .trn of theTVcmpuer 3turn down the rado 4.puwy your ooks .t o your notboo 6.take ut thetrah 7.putn yo jake.ptof your coat 9.ty .hang up your coes 10haup y lthes 11.cleanup te rm 1.ca the u leri aminute 13take it t 14. proud of 15put way yor os (puhem wy)fou 1.higte dises 1.eeing t fl
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