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9上Unit 7 Films课题Reading (1)教学目标1. 了解好莱坞影星奥黛莉.赫本的演艺生涯。2. 学会然后使用时间顺序来描写人的一生。教学过程【预习探标】一、 预习导航预习课文,翻译下列词组1. 为.感到难过 _ 2. 一个成功的芭蕾舞者 _3. 以.为基础 4. 吸引某人的注意 5. 扮演.的角色 _6. 在她的一生中 7. 因为她的努力 8. 最后一次露面 9. 空前最伟大的女演员之一 10. 获得另外四项奥斯卡提名 【互学探标】Step1.Pre-reading1.Read as fast as you can and answer the following questions.When and where was Audrey Hepburn born?Did Hepburns achievements go beyond the film industry?When did Hepburn pass away?Step2.While-reading 1. Read the whole text and put them in the correct order.Part1: para1-2 Before Hepburn entered the film industryPart2: para 3-5 Hepburns acting careerPara3: para 6-7 Hepburns achievements beyond the film industry and her death.2. Read paragraphs1,2When and where was Audrey Hepburn born? What was her dream when she was a child?What did she work as before becoming an actress?3. Read paragraphs3,4,5 Who did Hepburn meet while acting in France? Which event marked the beginning of Hepburns successful career? In which film Hepburn became world-famous at once? In which film Hepburn played the role of an angel and made her final appearance?4. Read paragraphs6,7Step3.Post-reading: 1.Do some exercises on Page 97 B3 and B4 2.Help Kitty answer Sandys questions.Sandy: Why is Audrey Hepburn one of Hollywoods all-time best?Sandy: What was Hepburns dream when she was a child? Sandy: How did Hepburn become world-famous?Sandy: What did Hepburn do beyond the film industry? Step4.Homework: Finish the exercises on the workbook.Try to retell the story of Audrey Hepburn.【回学验标】What have you learned today?【评学测标】任务型阅读Every person has two sets of teeth. The first of twenty begins to grow when you are over six months old. The second of thirty-two grows from the age of six until you are about twenty-one years old.To help your teeth strong, you must drink plenty of milk and eat greens.You should brush your teeth after each meal. Then few bits of food will be left on or between them to cause decay(导致腐烂). Make sure that you turn the brush and go up and down as well as brushing side ways. If you cannot brush your teeth after eating, look after them with water, or eat an apple or a carrot.Try to visit a dentist(牙医) every six months. If there is a hole(洞) in a tooth, he or she will fill(填补) it. If you dont have it filled, then the hole will grow larger. When a hole grows too big, the tooth may have to be taken out. It is better to keep all your second set of teeth for as long as possible. Filling a gap where a tooth has come out with a kind of bridge and using a false tooth (假牙)costs a lot of money.How to _1_our teeth?Number of the first set of teeth is _2_ The second set of teeth usually grow for 15 _3_Milk and greens can make our teeth_4_ ,_5_left in our months may cause decay.After meals we should _6_our teeth. We should visit a _7_twice a year.If there are big holes in our teeth, we will have to have them _8_ out. People usually have to _9_much money using false teeth.We should keep all our second set of teeth as _10_as possible.【课后拓展】一、用所给的中文,首字母以及英文提示完成句子。1. A lot of girls want to be pop singers, so they have e Supergirls Competition.2. I hope that the bad weather wont l long. Its been cold for days. 3. With the development of (工业),more and more water is polluted.4. This scientist kept working on his ideas all his (终身). 5. Our success went (超出)what we had expected. 6. Her (美丽) caught everyones attention. 二、选择填空。( )1. the age of 40,my grandfather went to America 21st June. A . At;on B. On;on C . At;at D. In;on( )2. The seniors in 12th grade presented the school a big clock. A . for B. with C . of D. to( )3. Shortly after the novel came out,it was a film. A. made up of B. made of C. made inD. made into( )4. He devoted all his time he had English in the small village. A. to teach B. teaching C. taught D. to teaching( )5. Kate insists on early every morning. A. get B. to get C. gets D. getting ( )6. The great scientist was badly ill and on a cold night. A. gave up B. carried away C. cheered upD. passed away【教后反思】
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