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考博英语高频词汇解析01consentknsent n./v.adj.大量的;丰盛的;充裕的一、构词con 共同 + sent 感觉 同感 同意二、常用搭配consent (to sth) 同意;准许;允许by common consent 大家都同意(公认)三、例句Children under 16 cannot giveconsentto medical treatment.16岁以下的儿童不得自行同意接受治疗。He is charged with taking a car without the ownersconsent.他因未征得车主的同意自行开走车而受到指控。She was chosen as leader by commonconsent(= everyone agreed to the choice).大家一致同意选她为领导人。By mutualconsentthey didnt go out (= they both agreed not to).按照双方同意,他们没有约会。四、拓展同:grant, comply; agreement, accordance02consequenceknskwns n.n. 结果;重要性;推论一、构词con 加强 + sequ 跟随 + ence 表行为 随后发生 后果二、常用搭配consequence (for sb/sth) 结果;后果in consequence (of sth) (formal) 由于;作为的结果as a consequence of 因此;由于的结三、例句Two hundred people lost their jobs as a directconsequenceof the merger.合并一事直接导致二百人失去了工作。Dont worry. Its of noconsequence.别担心,这无关紧要。The child was born deformed inconsequenceof an injury to its mother.由于母亲受过伤,这小孩生下来是畸形。四、拓展同:effect, result, outcome派:consequent 随之发生的;作为结果的consequential 间接的;结果的;重要的;随之发生的;自傲的03conservativeknsvtv adj./n.adj. 保守的;守旧的;(英国)保守党的;低于实际数量的n.(英国)保守党党员,保守党支持者;保守者;因循守旧者一、构词con 加强 + serv 服务;保持 + ative 有倾向(性质)的 保守的、二、常用搭配usually Conservative (英国)保守党的At a conservative estimate 保守估计三、例句Her style of dress was neverconservative.她的服装式样一点儿也不保守。At aconservativeestimate , hell be earning 50 000.按照保守的估计,他会赚到5万英镑。四、拓展同:standpat; old guard派:conservation 保存,保持;保护04considerateknsdrt adj.adj. 体贴的;体谅的;考虑周到的一、构词consider 考虑 + ate 有性质的 考虑周到的二、常用搭配be considerate of 体谅,替着想,谅解,体谅be considerate to sb 对某人很体贴入微三、例句She is always polite andconsideratetowards her employees.她对待雇员总是客客气气,关心体谅。It was veryconsiderateof him to wait.他一直在等候着,真是体贴人。四、拓展同:thoughtful05considerationknsdren n.n. 考虑;原因;关心;报酬一、常用搭配take sth into consideration 考虑到;顾及under consideration 在考虑中;考虑中;在研究中consideration (for sb/sth) (对他人的)考虑周到,体谅,顾及in consideration of sth (formal) 作为的报酬(或酬劳)on mature reflection/consideration (formal) 经过深思熟虑;经过审慎考虑二、例句The proposals are currently underconsideration(= being discussed).那些提案目前正在审议中。Taking everything intoconsideration, the event was a great success.总的说来,这项活动取得了极大的成功。三、拓展同:attention, compensation, payment, cause, matter派:considerable 相当大的;重要的,值得考虑的considered 经过深思熟虑的;被尊重的低频词bubblebbl n./v.n. 泡;气泡;肥皂泡;一点感情;泡沫(很可能持续不长的好景或好运)v. 起泡;冒泡;发出冒泡的声音;洋溢着(某种感情);强烈感受;充溢;存在常用搭配:bubble over 滔滔不绝地说;不断出现;滔滔不绝例句:When the bubble finally burst, hundreds of people lost their jobs.当泡沫最终破灭时,有几百人丢了饭碗。The water in the pan was beginning to bubble.锅里的水开始冒泡。拓展:同:fizz, foam, froth, lather派:bubbly 起泡的;多泡的bucketbkt n./v.n. (有提梁的)桶;大桶状物;(起重机的)吊斗;(挖土机的)铲斗;一桶(的量)v. 下大雨例句:We let the bucket down by a rope.我们用绳子把吊桶放下去。Its bucketing down.大雨倾盆。拓展:同:barrel, pailbudbd n./v.n. 芽;苞;花蕾;半开的花;未长大的叶v. 发芽,萌芽常用搭配:in bud 发芽;在萌芽状态flower bud 花芽,花蕾nip sth .in the bud 将扼杀在萌芽状态;防患于未然taste bud 味蕾例句:The tree is in bud already.树已发芽。It is important to recognize jealousy and to nip it in the bud before it gets out of hand.意识到嫉妒并在它发展到无法控制之前就把它消灭于萌芽状态,这一点至关重要。拓展:派:budding 萌芽的;发育期的budless 无芽的buffetbfe;bft n./v./adj.n. 自助餐;(火车)饮食柜台;(车站)快餐部v. 对打来打去;将推来搡去例句:At lunchtime, theres a choice between the buffet or the set menu.午饭时,可以选择自助餐或套餐。Their plane had been severely buffeted by storms他们的飞机遭受到风暴的重创。拓展:同:blow, stroke, shock, strike, hit; breast, fightbugb n./v.n. 小昆虫;虫子;轻微的传染病;小病;热衷;着迷;窃听器;故障,程序错误,缺陷v. 装窃听器;窃听;使烦恼;使恼怒常用搭配:big bug 要人;大人物;大错误lightning bug 萤火虫(等于firefly)例句:There was a bug on the phone.那部电话里装有一个微型窃听器。I only did it to bug my parents.我那样做只不过是为了烦扰我父母。拓展:同:fault, trouble; eat, burden, bother, interfere派:buggy 多虫的bugged 装有窃听器的buggy 童车;双轮单座轻马车buildbld n./v.v. 建筑;建造;创建;开发;逐渐增强n. 体形;体格;身材常用搭配:build sth. (of/in/from sth.)| build sth. (for sb.)| build sb. sth. 建筑;建造build up 增进,加强build on 依赖,依靠;建立于;以为基础build in 插入;嵌入例句:They have permission to build 200 new houses.他们得到建200座新房的许可。This study builds on earlier work.这项研究是在以往工作的基础上进行的拓展:派:built 身段优美的;建成的building 建筑;建筑物builder 建筑者;建立者bulbblb n.n. 电灯泡;(植物)鳞茎;鳞茎状物例句:The bulb should just screw into the socket.把灯泡拧到灯口上就行。This makes the total cost of the bulb and energy $27.这使得灯泡和电量的总耗费升为$27。拓展:派:bulbous 球根的;球根状的;由球根生长的(等于bulbaceous)bulbed 有球茎的;球状的bulging 膨胀,凸出;打气;折皱bullbl n./adj./v.n. 公牛;雄的大动物;买空者,多头;教皇诏书;教皇训谕;胡说;废话v. 价格上涨;推;强迫;吹牛例句:He was gored by a bull.他被公牛顶伤。Thats a load of bull!那是胡说八道!拓展:同:ox, toro; male; browbeat, gally派:bully 第一流的;特好的;欺凌弱小者;土霸;欺负bullied 被欺负的;因害怕而屈服顺从的bullish 看涨的;上扬的;似公牛的bullying 恃强欺弱的行为bulletinbltn n.vn. (电台或电视台的)新闻简报;公告;布告;简报v. 公布,公告例句:The Internet is the largest computer bulletin board in the world, and
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