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我们的梦想追求 许多人只是活着而已,他们没有目标、欲望或抱负。他们也许在人生的某个时候有过雄心壮志,但是却遭遇了绝望、曲折和失败。片刻后他们就自甘不再上天摘星,而是安于尘俗。 画家、雕塑家、建筑师兼诗人的米开朗基罗?博那罗蒂曾说:“于吾辈众人,危之大者,不在目标之高而难达,在过低而易就。” 在大多数情况下,我们每个人伸手可及的目标远远多于我们的自我感知。但我们屈服于平庸,自甘于接受远低于我们的能力所及。 孩提时代, 我们敢于梦想;及至成人,面对现实生活我们放弃了愿景,把它视为虚幻的可能。我们不再生活,不再学习,不再进取,过早迎来人生的夭亡,令人羞愧。我们满足于只去少取,而将争取更多的努力视为不值一为。获取伟大目标的可能于是化为自我抉择的无法成就之欲念。我们自暴自弃,将梦想和可能皆予丢弃。哦,因为恐惧和缺乏雄心,多少伟业目标未曾发现,多少可能机遇憾遭埋没。也许你曾遇到过这样一些人,他们对你和你的能力缺乏信心,他们对你坦言相告的梦想或愿景表示怀疑。你并非别人所看到的你,而是你自己的所思所为。他人无法控制你的梦想和愿景,也无法减损你的欲求向往。只有你自己才是你生活追求的主宰。或许有些梦想和愿景反映的是你的自私野心,因此会遭到他人的怨恨。你的有些成就展现的或许是发展成长,而另外一些则可能会证明有妒忌之心。有些宏愿的实施也许只涉及寥寥几人,但却会惠及许多人。我们应该谨慎抉择我们的抱负理想,将利好了然于胸,方可付诸实现,因为只有冠绝群峰的高远梦想会惠及他人,受到众人瞻仰,并且经久不衰。我们的许多成就是我们离开这个世界时留下的遗产。但是许多人却从未在生前受用过他们希望留下的遗产。小奥利佛W霍姆斯曾经说过,“许多人直到死时也没能唱出他们心中的歌儿。 何以如此?往往是因为他们总是在为受用生活做准备。等到察觉时为时已晚。” 无论我们年龄多大,我们都应该始终有设定的目标,且渴望不断地进取,追寻梦想和愿景。梦想不只是年轻人的所为。生命不息,进取不止。只要一息尚存,我们就要学会尽情地享受生活,直到咽下最后一口气。活着,就该活得愉快,让死亡充满许多意义丰盈的受用生活的气息,并让人们羡慕我们受用过的生活,而不是我们积累下来的财物。 没有人会不带旅行指南或地图贸然上路旅行,踏上通达目的地的道路。所以,在生活的历程中我们不可不设目标,不可不紧跟梦想的指引。 记住,只要一息尚存,你就还没有到达终点。不要忘记,今天的作为就是构成你追求过的梦想的要件。因此,要设定目标并带着激情和愿景去行动,使设定的目标成为你生命的一部分和传世永存的未来遗产。“财物”将会被遗忘,但你的功业将使你永垂不朽。 1. Do you agree with the authors statement that “So many people just exist; they have no goals, desires or aspirations”?Answer: Yes, I do. We can see many people give up their hopes / dreams when they are faced with difficulties. They feel despaired in harsh realities and just exist as a living thing. No, I dont. Every person has their goals in life, although some of them have their dreams hidden deep at the bottom of their hearts when faced with problems. Different people have different dreams for life. They give up some kind of goals and take up new goals they change their goals.2. How do you understand “ the great danger is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it”?Answer: With this famous saying, the author means that if we set our goals too low we may achieve them effortlessly, and do not need to try hard enough; we achieve the low goals and do not make the greatest possibility come true. That is the greatest danger that keeps us from living to the fullest.3. “It is a shame we often cease living, learning and achieving .” What do you think the author means by “living”?Answer: “live” literally means “stay alive”. In this sentence, “living” particularly means “spending our life to make our dreams come true”. When people give up their dreams they give up living their life to pursue a dream, and their life is reduced to staying alive.4. Did you once give up on your dream? Why?Answer: Open.5. “Dreams are not for the young.” How do you understand that?Answer: People, young or old, should have their dreams, and should not give up hopes. Dreams are not tools to educate / encourage young people. They are the destinations for everybodys life journeysAnswer: 1.relinquish, 2.settle for, 3.faith, 4.charge, 5.merits, 6.fruition, 7.legacy, 8.fullest, 9.pursue, 10.act on Answer: 1.attain, 2.demonstrate, 3.cease, 4.pursue, 5.passion, 6.ingredients, 7.destination, 8.instance, 9.ambitious, 10.accumulaAnswer: 1.capable of, 2. left behind, 3.settled for, 4.reached for, 5.ran into, Read and complete5. Translate the following sentences into English.窗体顶端1. 并不是我不喜欢那个工作,而是我没有时间去做。(not that but that)Answer:Not that I dislike that job, but that I have no time to do it.2. 成功不是没有惧怕,而逆境也不是没有希望。(not . without)Answer:Success is not without fear, and adversity is not without hope.3. 如果你就想要一份工作,我可以给你提供。(if . what)Answer:I could get you a job here if thats what you want.4. 他们的钱花完了,不得不放弃这个项目。(run out)Answer:They ran out of money and had to abandon the project.5. 直到1972年这个建设项目才最终结束。(It is not until . that)Answer:It was not until 1972 that the construction project finally came to an end.窗体底端
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