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限定词(determier)限定词是在名词词组中对名词中心词起特指、泛指、定量或不定量等限定作用的一类词。 一、英语限定词种类 1定冠词,不定冠词,零冠词。如:the,a .名词属格。 如:my fid, s.物主限定词。如:my, you .批示限定词。如:this,t, these, hse, sch5.疑问限定词。如:what, whose,which6关系限定词。如:whih, whose7.不定限定词。如:soe, any,each, eery,ither,neiher,all.数词 (基数词、序数词、倍数词、分数词).量词。如:aotof, lots f , a great/good dealof, a great/laro nbeof 二、限定词与三类名词的搭配关系限定词按它词汇意义可分为特指限定词、泛指限定词、定量限定词、不定量限定词四大类。这四类限定词有的能与单数、复数可数名词搭配,也可与不可数名词搭配1)能与三类名词搭配的限定词重要有: te; my, Joh, the old mans; soe,any, no, all, or, suc,wat(e), wih (evr), hoseg. the bok-thbs-thmoney, myok-m books-my money ohnsoo- ohs boos- hn mone2)能与单数名词搭配的限定词。如:a(n) , ch, very,nothe, either ,one, neithe,many a, c (n)eg. eac wrr,every stden,eiher boo,athr book3)能与复数名词搭配的限定词。如: th, two, aother wo (three), man,(a)few, seve, these,hos,a (reat) nuber of 如: two girs,()fe wd,seral tdes4) 能与不可数名词搭配的限定词,如:abit f, a large aount of, a edel f, (a)littl much, ess, (he) easaofater,a lage amont of money, much nie5) 能与单复数名词搭配的限定词。如:the ist, theseod, t last, tenext,the othth fist rose,h firs ross,he lst man, th lmennext eting,the ext metins,maa hip,mayhip注意:用了any a +单数可数名词作主语,尽管是复数意义,其后的动词还是要用单数形式。6) 能与单数名词和不可数名词搭配的限定词。如(h)es,this, thatte leas nowleg, thitat wrk, ths/tha job 7) 能与复数名词和不可数名词搭配的限定词。如: lotof, lot of,plnty of, eough, mre, mst, ch, other如:a lot o books, ot o mone,lots ofchr, ots o fod, suc men, uch beadx:下面的练习,规定注意限定词与三类名词的搭配关系。1. h is thee_traffic n the steets in Febrar th in May? es B. fewer C fw D. ittle O ccunt ofetyh _shimentwill re this wek. A. neither B. all C. bo . these. hy pad_money for themachne tan I expected. A. litle B. le . uch D. fewer4Ther e tre on _i of th street. A. scha . bth C. oe . ach.ae yu got _copie too rou? A. the other . enogh C. a ltle D. muc 6.I sw _cars outsd t uii A. a ittle B. an . ots o D. nite.es_waer in he bottle. A. fw B. a numbr of C. ly f Dnyd li_ppr. afe B sverl C. a bit of D. te9.Thee e_mstakes in the pe. . te a ittl . much D a few10.Do hey have_air-codiionrs fo cling the rm in sumr? A. many a B enoug C. gret eaof D. a bit of11 Dont wrry about the seats There are_chirs the rom. A ple of B. any C. both D.st 2 Thre is _iron n t mine thn tatn. A. muh . gra eal of .le . ot of _wor has to be oe before the plan goes into peaion A.Much B.Doble umr of D. Neiter. e ote_ essy onVorian ov in his las. A. th next . the ms he ther D t m 15Th de wore had _ought of his ow inerests. A. t at B les C te least D. anter 16.Tere muse _pty k bt more hard wr . Aer . no .the least D. less 17 He has pubhe _short stoies i ngih. A. aget amunt of B .anuber of C. nhr . my1. hd_rainfals l umer. A.too mch B. litle C. littleD. nysevral三、限定词与限定词之间的先后顺序关系 在名词词组中心词之前如果有两个或两个以上限定词浮现时,就会产生限定词的先后顺序问题。按其不同的搭配位置,限定词可分为前位限定词:al, both, haf;dobe,wice, treimes; one-tird, two ifhs; wha, suh (a /n)中位限定词:(1) 定冠词和不定冠词; (2) 物主限定词(my, our(3)批示限定词(ti, that, these,thoe);()s属格名词;(5) 不定数量词(如se, enough,no, ny, every,each, eithe, neitr); () 疑问限定词at,wich, ose; (7) 关系限定词wh, whse;()带ever的h-词,如whaer, whichever, hee。后位限定词(1): (1)基数词; (2) 序数词和一般序数词ext,last, (n) oter, ddiionl, frher; () 封闭数量词(a) fw,ewer,sver, st, more, my,much,(a) little, lss,lest;后位限定词(2): plety of,a bt of , a o of , lots of,a greatel/qunty/amunt numbe of 如果一种名词词组带有上述三类限定词,其搭配关系总是按照“前位中位后位”的顺序排列。如:al te our tacher前 中 后al your ree ooks前 中 后a
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