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2022年北师大四年级下册英语连词成句难点知识习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. eats for He bananas thirty-three breakfast (.)2. books, new, We, have (.)3. have Do you mango a (?)4. you, Do, running, like (?)5. have canteen We lunch the in (.)6. clock, a, in, have, our, we, home (.)7. these, look, at, and, toy, animals, boys, girls, (, .)8. pencil box is in what the(?)9. is old an this dress (.)10. do, go, you, school, day, when, to, every, (?)11. flying, He, a, kite, is (.)12. her very hair is long (.)13. you, see, can, what(?)14. drink, let, milk, some, me, hot, (.)15. you do any stickers have (?)16. stationtheItsat (.)17. Amy, her, is, name (.)18. veryfriendlyheis (.)19. time, Whats, the (?)20. will, it, be, hot, Sanya, very, in, (.)21. goes, She, school, to, usually, by, train (.)22. in, is, who, jeep, the (?)23. is, this, brother, little, Tom, my, (, .)24. like, she, Does, singing (?)25. is quiet She and friendly (.)26. Sunday, plays, on, at, evening, Peter, home, games (.)27. see, fifty, tigers, can, I (.)28. is, our, this, school (.)29. many, can, see, how, robots, you, (?)30. istodayItTuesday (.)31. cute are fat they and32. youlikewouldwatersome(?)33. are big eyes her (.)页码 / 总页数
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