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Unit5 Communication Workshop 精品学案学习目标:学习目标在本课学习结束时,我们能够:1. 通过阅读范文,获取有关Emma, Dylan Terry 特殊一天活动事件的信息,及原因。能够从他们两个人的角度感知这一天的特殊意义。2. 在范文中找出自己写作任务中所需要的内容语言,丰富自己在帮助话题下表述感想,原因的语言和叙述过去事件的语言。3. 分析和归纳范文结构;4. 完成写作草稿。学习过程:一、选择你喜欢的标题,完成一篇写作,说明这一天对你特殊的原因及描述这一天中所发生的对你有意义的活动,并且表述出你对这些活动看法或感觉。要求:记叙文,不少于60词。供选择的标题如下:1. A Special Birthday2.The Day I Got a Wonderful Gift3.A Day with Grandma and Grandpa4.A Special Day with My Classmates5.The Day I Did Volunteer Work inthe Community6.The Day I Learned an Important Lesson二、写下自己文章的大结构并对比范文结构进行改进。The structure of your articleThe structure of the sample text三、依据文章结构完成第一部分写作。The writing of part1the first time writingThe second time writing四、匹配句子,完善语言。1.It was a special day for Emma2.Emma likes Dylan Terry3.To Emmas surprise4.It was just like a dream forBecause she never thought she could talk to her favorite pop star.First, he brought them a big cake.Second, he gave them new toys.Because he sings well, hes cute and he helps a lot in the community.Because Dylan Terry came to the West End Childrens Home. 五、总结表述原因的关联词,改进你的第一部分写作在上面表格的第二栏内 。六、依据文章结构完成第二部分写作并对比自己两次写作中的变化。Events FeelingsList the wordsWrite down the sentences according to the words七、依据你的文章结构和今天你所学到的表述语言,完成你所选标题下的作文,写出你觉得最有意思或最有意义的事件,要求:结构完整,语言清晰,所述事件有条理,感情丰富。不少于60词。It was a very special day because._第 页
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