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2022年考博英语-西安建筑科技大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Agriculture is the countrys chief source of wealth, wheat ( )by far the biggest cereal crop.问题1选项A.isB.beenC.beD.being【答案】D【解析】语法题考查独立主格结构。前半句“Agriculture is the countrys chief source of wealth”已经是个完整的句子,后半句没有关联词,所以不可能再出现动词,排除A和C,而“小麦”和be之间是主动关系,所以用现在分词being。句意:农业是这个国家财富的主要来源,小麦是迄今为止最大的谷类作物。因此D选项正确。2. 单选题Man often wonders how the earth evolved from a hot, violent birth to the celebrated watery planet that _in pictures from space.问题1选项A.stands forB.stands byC.stands upD.stands out【答案】D【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项“stands for”意为“代表;意味着”;B选项“stands by”意为“支持;袖手旁观;准备;站在旁边”;C选项“stands up”意为“站起来;坚持;竖立;站得住脚;拥护”;D选项“stands out”意为“突出;杰出;坚持到底;坚决反对”。句意:人们常常想知道地球是如何从一个炙热、狂暴的诞生演变成这个著名的含水星球,并从太空照片中脱颖而出的。由题干可知,in pictures from space(在太空照片中),说明从太空层面来看,地球与其他星球截然不同,是个含水的星球,由此脱颖而出。因此D选项符合题意。3. 单选题When the young man died unexpectedly, it took health experts several weeks of intensive lab work to identify the culprit.问题1选项A.curlB.curveC.causeD.curse【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。横线单词culprit意为“犯人,罪犯;元凶”;A选项“curl”意为“卷曲;卷发;螺旋状物”;B选项“curve”意为“曲线;弯曲;曲线球;曲线图表”;C选项“cause”意为“原因;事业;目标”;D选项“curse”意为“诅咒;咒骂;祸根”。句意:当这个年轻人意外死亡时,健康专家花了几个星期进行深入细致的实验室工作来确定罪魁祸首。由题干可知,the young man died unexpectedly(这个年轻人意外死亡了)所以健康专家肯定是要确定导致他死亡的原因,或者说元凶。由此可知,culprit在此处最可能是“元凶”的意思,四个选项中curse具有“祸根”的意思,与此相近。因此D选项符合题意。4. 单选题The severity of adjustment problems experienced in a second culture depends on the individuals ability to adapt to new situations.问题1选项A.excitementB.intensityC.solutionsD.importance【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。severity“严重性;严格;猛烈”;A选项excitement“兴奋;刺激;令人新奇的事物”;B选项intensity“强度;强烈;紧张”;C选项solutions“解决方案;应对措施;溶液剂”;D选项importance“价值;重要;重大”。句意:在第二种文化中经历的适应问题的严重程度取决于个人适应新情况的能力。题干指出“adjustment problems experienced in a second culture在第二种文化中所经历的适应问题”,可推知severity在这里是“严重性”的意思,因此B选项正确。5. 不定项选择题Most Americans believe that our society of consumption-happy, fun-living, jet-traveling people creates the greatest happiness for the greatest number. Contrary to this view, I believe that our present way of life leads to increasing anxiety, helplessness and, eventually, to the disintegration of our culture. I refuse to identify fun with pleasure, excitement with joy, business with happiness, or the faceless, buck-passing “organization man” with an independent individual.From this critical view our rates of alcoholism, suicide and divorce, as well as juvenile delinquency, gang rule, acts of violence and indifference to life, are characteristic symptoms of our “pathology of normalcy”. It may be argued that all these pathological phenomena exist because we have not yet reached our aim, that of an affluent society. It is true, we are still far from being an affluent society. But the material progress made in the last decades allows us to hope that our system might eventually produce a materially affluent society. Yet will we be happier then? The example of Sweden, one of the most prosperous, democratic and peaceful European countries, is not very encouraging: Sweden, as is often pointed out, in spite of all its material security has among the highest alcoholism and suicide rates in Europe, while a much poorer country like Ireland ranks among the lowest in these respects. Could it be that our dream that material welfare per se leads to happiness is just a pipe dream?Certainly the humanist thinkers of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, who are our ideological ancestors, thought that the goal of life was the full unfolding of a persons potentialities, what mattered to them was the person who is much, not the one who has much or uses much. For them economic production was a means to the unfolding of man, not an end. It seems that today the means have become ends, that not only “God is dead” as Nietzsche said in the nineteenth century, but also man is dead; that what is alive are the organizations, the machines; and that man has become their slave rather than being their master.Each society creates its own type of personality by its way of bringing up children in the family, by its system of education, by its effective values (that is those values that are rewarded rather than only preached). Every society creates the type of “social character” which is needed for its proper functioning. It forms men who want to do what they have to do. What kind of men does our large-scale, bureaucratized industrialism need?It needs men who cooperate smoothly in large groups, who want to consume more and more, and whose tastes are standardized and can be easily influenced and anticipated. It needs men who feel free and independent, yet who are willing to be commanded, to do what is expected, to fit into the social machine without friction; men who can be guided without force, led without leaders, prompted without an aim except the aim to be on the move, to function, to go ahead.1. The author us
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