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Units1-2期末复习试卷(一)一、单元重点短语 怎么了? 感冒胃疼 躺下量体温 发烧休息 下车使。惊讶的 立即、马上参与 习惯于冒险 用尽、耗尽切除 离开,从。出来掌管,管理 放弃打扫干净 振奋起来分发、散发 提出、想出推迟 分发打电话给某人 曾经,过去照顾,非常喜欢 参加。选拔修理 赠送像 建立影响、有作用 二、单元重点句型你怎么了?我胃疼。我的头感到很烫。下次你不应该吃那么多本怎么了?他自己受伤了,他背疼。他应该躺下休息。你发烧吗?是的,我发烧。他牙疼吗?是的,他牙疼,他应该去看牙医,并做个X光检查。她该怎么办?她应该量体温。我应该在上面敷点药吗?是的,你应该。不,你不应该。我想帮助无家可归的人们。她决定争取当一家课外阅读中心的志愿者。你可以要求医院允许你探望这些孩子并使他们高兴起来。马里奥相信这能帮助他实现将来的理想工作。她志愿每周在那儿工作一次,帮助孩子学习阅读。我将做一些标志并把它们张贴在学校周围。Units1-2期末复习试卷(一)三、单选题1. Sara _ a stomachache. So she _ eat anything for twenty-four hours. A. has, shouldnt B. has, should C. have, shouldnt D. have, should2. Oh, dear! _ M um,Im not feeling well. I have a sore back.A. Whats the matter? B. Not at all. C. All right.D. Thats OK.3. Young people today _ posting wonderful articles to share with friends.A. are afraid of B. are used to C. are worried about D. be able to4. Mary never _ playing football, because she wants to be a football player.A. takes away B. gives awayC. gets up D. gives up5. Mr. Smith eats _ food, so hes _ fat.A .much too; too much B .too many; much too C. too much; too much D. too much ;much too 6. To our_, the little girl is the first to go to bed.A. surprisesB. surpriseC. surprised D. surprising7. When he walks along the seaside, he sees many people_ on the beach.A. lied B. lying C. lay D. to lay8. Hes very kind. He _ a big piece of watermelon and gave it to me.A. cut outB. cut offC. cut upD. cut down9. David is very tired. He needs _ a good rest. A. has B. to have C. have D. having10.Youhavetoleavenow_youcancatchtheearlybus.A. sothatB. assoonasC. becauseD. although11. Tom is used to _, so he doesnt feel_.A. living alone, lonely B. live alone, lonely C. lives lonely, along D. live along, alone12. Its dangerous for you _ in the street.A. playB. to playC. playedD. playing13.The twins are similar_ each other.A .at B. to C.for D. with14. I had some _. Luckily, my friend help me_ .A.different, with B. difference, out C. difficulty ,with D. difficulties,out15. I started learning skating _ I was five years old. A. if B. until C. so D. when16. Remember to_ the lights when you leave your classroom.A. turn on B. turn off C. turn up D. turn down17. Jim spends every Sunday morning _ in an animal hospital.A. working B .looking C. reading D. walking 18. Could you give me a hand? I want to _the map on the wall. With pleasure.A. put up B. clean up C. fix up D. turn up 19. The volunteer work will _each of then several hours a week.A. send B. take C. pay D. cost20. Theres no time. We cant put off _ a plan .A. make B. to make C. making D. made四、完型填空Billy is a boy of fifteen. His parents died three years ago. One day when he was walking in the street, he 56 a wallet. He returned it to the owner, Mr. Baker. He gave his 57 to the boy. As the boy had no job, Mr. Baker made him work for him in his 58 . Billy worked so hard that Mr. and Mrs. Baker were 59 with him.Mr. Baker loved planting 60 . The week before last, he brought a few trees home, planted them in the 61 himself and watered them every day. Several days 62 , he had to leave for another city. Before he started, he said to Billy, “Take good care of these trees. Some boys near our house always want to steal them.” “Dont 63 about them, sir.” answered Billy, “Ill try my best to watch them.” Six days passed and Mr. Baker came back. He asked, “ 64 anyone ever come to steal the trees?” “No, sir.” said Billy. “To stop someone from stealing the trees, I 65 them up six days ago. I have hidden them for almost a week!”( )56. A. boughtB. foundC. carried D. wanted( )57. A. wallet B. pity C. thanks D. excuses( )58. A. office B. cityC. townD. home( )59. A. pleased B. angry C. bored D. sad( )60. A. grass B. flowers C. vegetables D. trees( )61. A. garden B. office C. city
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