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2013年高考英语一轮复习模块2 Unit 2 Wish you were here第一部分:单词过关- 1 -冒险,冒险经历n._ 令人惊讶的adj._骆驼n._ 尘土飞扬的adj._ 当地的adj._宿营;宿营地vi/n._ 黑暗n._ 在黑暗中(短语)_不舒服的,不自在的adj._ 实际上,事实上adv._白浪漂流n._ 衣服,服装n._ helmet n._救生衣(短语)_万一(短语)_ 颠倒(短语)_ 无论什么,无论何事pron._包括prep_ 供给,提供n./vt._ giraffe n._枪,炮n._使恐惧,惊吓vt._ 靠近地(短语)_ 让人疲劳的adj._感到恶心的adj._ 日落n._ 非洲的,非洲人adj./n._咬vi/vt_ 羡慕;嫉妒vt/n._ 景色,风景n._向前,向着将来adv._ 期望,盼望(短语)_便条,短信n._ 采访,访问vt/n._ 日程表,时间表n._日出,朝霞n._黎明,拂晓n._令人惊讶地,意外地adv._完全的,全然的adj._ 沉默 n._ cable car_ 美;美景n._ 西南方;西南方的 n./adj._ 向北adv._ 王国n._延伸,达到vi_ 完美的adj._ 官方地,正式地adv._地点,场所n._ 旅游点(短语)_ 出版vt._ 完美地adv._ 政府n._ 声称, 宣称vt._ 高耸;塔vi/n._形成,形状v/n._ 观看者n._ 无法用语言形容的adj._包围vt._ 广阔的adj._ 草原n._ 宝石n._天堂般的adj._ 和谐,协调n._提供,给予vt._无穷无尽的adj._ Tibetan adj/n._ 普通的adj._ 天堂,天空n._平和的,温和的adj._第二部分:综合能力训练.单词拼写 1. All the children listened to his thrilling a in Africa with great attention.2. Food, shelter, c are all our necessities in life.3. He only got two dollars, i what he got from home.4. The girls new dress is the e of all her friends.5. With better education, people will be able to build a better society in (和谐) with nature.用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空1. (surround) by the police, the thief had no choice but to give in. 2. I have been busy (plan) my holiday with my older brother, Collin.3. In my study, there is a bookshelf ( reach) up to the ceiling. 4. I told you Collin and I would spend a few weeks (travel) before he went to university.5. It is no use (envy) others their success.完成句子1. 非洲热带雨林是许多野生动物的家园。The rainforest in Africa is many wild animals.2. 要学好英语,我们应当尽可能地经常使用它。 English well, we should use it .3. 在这个天堂般的世界里,人和动物和睦相处。In this , people with animals.4. 他们给穷人提供了食物和衣服。They the poor . 5. 即使天下大雨,我也不能上学迟到。 ,I wont be late for school. 单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. The boy jumped from behind door, .A. scared his motherB. giving his mother a great scareC. his mother was scaredD. to scare his mother2. They arrived home late and were surprised to find the house but nothing .A. turned upside down; stolenB. turning upside down; stealingC. to be turned upside down; had been stolenD. to have been upside down; to be stolen3. Do you are told to.A. no matter what B. whateverC. no matter whatever D. whichever4. Lily , there are also five people to go there.A. including B.includeC. included D. to include5. The boss made a phone call to me yesterday me a good job.A. giving B.providingC. supplying D. offering6. Entering the office, she found the boss by papers and letters and worried.A. surrounded; lookedB. surrounding; lookingC. surrounded; lookingD. surrounding; looked7. It may rain, case the hike will be put off.A. in which B. in that C. in this D. which8. His schoolbag a lot of things, a second-hand dictionary.A. contained; includingB. included; containingC. contained; includedD. included; contained9. The house has a over the sea.A. image B. view C. sight D. outlook10. Fishermen and sailors sometimes to have seen monsters in the sea.A. said B.promisedC.claimed D. remembered. 完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。People have always communicated(交流) with 1 . In the past when they couldnt write, they used simple symbols(记号) to send their message. Some groups of North America Indians were experts 2 messages. For example, a small stone on top of a large one meant “This is the way”. If there was another small stone on the right, it meant “ Turn right”. Some grass with a knot ( 结 ) meant “Danger 3 ”.Maybe you know that in the forests of Africa, it 4 to travel from vi
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