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Our animal friendsGrammarUnit3Watch the video and talk about it.1我自己你们自己他自己你自己Bubble game 我们自己他自己它自己 他们自己根据水泡浮出的中文说出对应的英文。I finish the work by _.myselfHelp _ to some food.yourselfLook and say using reflexive pronounsLittle Tom can dress _.himselfWe can clean the room_.ourselvesHeblameshimselfforthemistake.Shemadeherselfacupoftea.Weshouldnotthinkonlyofourselves.We use a reflexive pronoun as the object to refer back to the subject of a sentence.We can also use a reflexive pronoun to emphasize that someone does something without help.Hedidthehomeworkhimself.Wecancleanthekitchenourselves.A Reflexive pronouns2We form reflexive pronouns like this:Subject pronoun Reflexive pronoun Subject pronoun Reflexive pronounImyselfthey themselvesyou(singular)yourselfhehimselfyou(plural)yourselvessheherselfwe ourselvesititself-self-selvesReflexive Pronoun(反身代词反身代词)含含 义:义:表示反身或强调的代词表示反身或强调的代词叫做反身代词。可译为叫做反身代词。可译为“本人本人”、“本身本身”或或“亲自亲自”、“自己自己”。基本形式:基本形式:oneself构 成:第一、第二人称:形容词性物主代词+-self 或-selves,如myself,ourselves,yourself,yourselves;第三人称:人称代词宾格形式+-self 或-selves,如himself,herself,itself,themselves。(单数用-self,复数用-selves)用 法:1.用作同位语(加强被修饰词的语气,紧放在被修饰名词后,或句末):The box itself is not so heavy.箱子本身并不重。Never leave to others what you ought to do yourself.不要把自己该做的事留给别人做。2.用作宾语(动词或介词的宾语):Take good care of yourself.照顾好自己。She convinced herself that it was so.她说服自己情况是这样的。3.用作表语 The poor boy was myself.那个可怜的孩子就是我自己。The ones who really want it are ourselves.真正想要它的是我们自己。4.用于一些固定短语中:help oneself to sth.请自用(随便吃)teach oneself sth.=learn sth.by oneself 自学 enjoy oneself 玩得高兴 hurt oneself 摔伤自己 look after oneself=take care of oneself 照顾自己 say to oneself 自言自语Look at the pictures below and fill in the blanks with the correct reflexive pronouns.Kids,help _ to some food.They should feel proud of _.We made it _!No one helped us.ourselvesthemselvesyourselvesI made my lunch _ today.Kitty made her lunch _.myselfherselfhimselfitselfyourselfIts on the desk.Wheres the model plane?Lookandsay!Its under the desk.Wheres the model plane?Its on the chair.Wheres the cup?B Prepositions of positionWe use prepositions of position to talk about where somebody or something is.It is in a bowl.It is on a shelf.It is under a basket.It is next to/beside an apple.It is in front of a TV.It is behind a vase.It is between two books.It is above a cat.用合适的介词表达猫的正确位置用合适的介词表达猫的正确位置onbehindnearbetweenandinin front ofPrepositions of position方位介词方位介词方位介词是表示事物之间空间关系和方位的介词。【用法】【用法】1)in 在在内部;在内部;在里面里面 There are many people in the room.房间里有很多人。2)on 在某物的上面,两者互相接触在某物的上面,两者互相接触 They were reading some notices posted on it.他们正在看张贴在上面的告示。3)at 在在,一般指较小的、比较具体的地点一般指较小的、比较具体的地点 The second passenger asked to be set down at the church.第二位乘客请求在教堂前下车。4)near 在在附近附近 In a new class,talk to people who sit near you.在新课堂上,跟坐在附近的人聊聊。5)next to 在在近旁;紧邻近旁;紧邻 Theres a nine floor apartment building next to the bank.银行旁边有一座九层高的宿舍大楼。6)behind 在在后面后面 The cat shot out of the house with the dog behind her.猫飞速跑出房子,狗在后面紧追。7)in front of 在在前面,与前面,与behind词义对应词义对应 Is there a garden in front of the house?房子的前面有花园吗?8)beside 在在旁边旁边;在在附近附近 There are two pairs of shoes beside the door.在门旁边有两双鞋。9)under 在在下方,在某物的正下方,含垂直向下的意思,与下方,在某物的正下方,含垂直向下的意思,与 over 相对相对 He hid the money under the floor.他把钱藏在地板下面。10)above 在在上方上方 The peak is above the clouds.山峰在云层之上。11)between 在在之间之间 He built a bookcase between the windows.他在窗与窗之间加设了书橱。My bedroom is a big room with a big window.There is a desk _ the window.I put a computer _ the desk and a box _ the desk.There is a toy bear _ the box and a pot of plant _the box.My bed is on the other side of the desk.There are some pictures _ the bed.My cat,Gigi,likes hiding _ the bed.I have a new carpet _ the floor _ my bed and the bookshelves.beside/next toonbeside/next toinbehindaboveunderonbetweenJason is describing his bedroom.Help him complete his description with the correct prepositions.31.We have learned how to use reflexive pronouns.2.Wehavelearnedhowtousepropositionsofposition.一、选择最佳答案填空。一、选择最佳答案填空。()1.Peter and John,did you enjoy _on Childrens Day?Yes,we did.A.yourself B.yourselves C.himself D.ourselvesB()2.I made the cake by _.Help_ to it,Tom.Thanks,Jane.A.ourselves,yourself B.myself,yourself C.myself,yourselves D.ourselves,yourselvesB4()3.I think you can do the job _,John.A.yourself B.myself C.himself D.yourselves()4.Did she go to school when she was young?No,she taught _ at home.A.her B.herself C.hers D.sheBA()5.He put up a picture _ the back wall because there was a hole _ it.A.on;onB.at;in C.on;inD.on;at()6.They are waiting _ a bus _ the bus stop over there.A.for;inB.on;atC.with;atD.for;at()7.Guangdong province is _ the southeast of Guangxi.A.onB.inC.atD.to()8.Jill is standing _ me.A.alongB.nextC.acrossD.besideCDAD二、根据语境填上适当的反身代词。1He taught _ French.2Could Mr.More buy _ lots of nice things?3She said to _,“I dont know why!”4Did Ann and her friends enjoy _ at the party last night?5-“Who did you go there with?”-“Nobody.We went all by _.”himself himselfherself themselvesourselves4.Look out of the window!A plane
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