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A birthday surprise教学设计. Teaching content新教材5 Unit3 A birthday surprise. Teaching aimsA. Knowledge aims1. Enable the students to grasp the new words and phrases: birthday、surprise、do homework、clean the bedroom、make a card、take a walk.2 . Enable the students to grasp the new sentences: Shall we? I have to.B. Ability aims1. The students can retell the story.2. The students can understand the story and communicate with others.C Emotion aims1. Encourage the students to giving.2. Arouse the studentslove to their family. . Teaching importances and difficulties1. Enable the students to grasp the given words、phrases and sentences.2. Enable the students to understand the story.Teaching proceduresStep one: Warm- upA Enjoy a song“I love my family”.B Talk about Mickey mouse.【设计意图】:通过歌曲和自由对话,创设轻松活泼的英语氛围,使学生身心愉悦地进入课堂学习。Step two: Pre-reading AWatch the cartoon about Mickey. Present: surprise、a birthday surpriseB Magic show.Lets read the magic book and answer the question.【设计意图】:通过动画,使学生整体感知本课的教学内容birthday surprise;通过魔术,让学生紧张的情绪得到放松,同时将课堂引入故事文本的阅读,并抛出问题,让学生带着任务阅读。Step three: While-reading A Read and answer“Why dont the families take a walk with Mrs Brown?”,underline the sentences.B Read and Learn :take a walk 、do homework 、clean the bedroomC Practise:Shall we? Id love to.But I have to .D. Discuss and write What can Mrs Brown and the children do at home?E. Dub time When Mum comes back,what will the children say? What will Mum say?【设计意图】先通过边读边讲的方式,辅助学生理解故事大意。再通过读、写、说多种形式让学生巩固所学的知识,同时让学生在具体情境中练习句型,从而体会对父母的爱。Step four:Post-readingA Read and judgeB. Act in rolesC Discuss:How to make a surprise for your parents?D Watch the cartoon about family.【设计意图】:通过练习测验学生对故事的理解程度,锻炼学生听说演的能力;通过为父母制造惊喜这个话题,让学生自由发言,扩散思维;观看家庭短片让学生感受到父母的爱,激发其对家庭、对父母的爱。Step five:Homework1、 Try to retell the story.(爱的传递)2. To make a surprise for your parents.(爱的行动)【设计意图】:从文本教学引入到实际生活,把所学变成所感,进而转化为学生的所知、所为,用文本中对家人的爱这样的积极情感指导学生生活。. Board writingA birthday surprisedo homework clean the bedroommake a card take a walk.Shall we? Id love to.But I have to . How wonderful!
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