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课题:Unit 5 Feeling Happy Topic 3 Many things can affect our feelings. Section C 课型:新授课 课时:2 总课时:主备人:_ 实施者:_ 实施时间:_班级:_ 姓名:_ 所属小组:_ 编号:_ 学习时间: 教学目标1. 继续学习make + object + v./ adj. 的用法。2. 谈论不同事物对情感的影响,教育学生要保持心理健康。重点句型1. Sometimes colors can affect my feelings and moods. 2. I feel very lonely, and my eyes fill with tears.3. At night, its too noisy for me to fall asleep. 单词乐园1.影响我的心情_ 2.感到高兴_ 3.令我自信_4.觉得伤心_ 5.使我感到平静_6.满月_ 7.大自然的颜色_ 8.给我更多的力量_9.在中秋节_10.和家人聚在一起_ 11.重大事件_12.眼中充满了泪水_ 13.改变我的感受_ 14的话题_15.入睡_ 16.有朝一日_ 17.有伤心的想法_ 语法点拨课本p21, 11. At night, its too noisy for me to fall asleep. 译:_.句型转换:用sothat变为同义句-At night, its_ _ _ I _ fall asleep.用notenough to变为同义句 -At night, its not _ enough for me to fall asleep.2. 点拨:fall asleep-入睡 链接: feel sleepy_ go to bed_ sleep well_3. I feel very lonely, and my eyes fill with tears. fill with充满= be full of巩固延伸总结: tooto_sothat_notenough to_巩固: 他太小了,不能上学。a._b._ c._单项选择( )1.The speech made me _, and also made many people full of _.A. cry , tears B. to cry , tear C. crying , tears D. cried , tears( )2. I like all kinds of sports , _ football . A. as B. special C. for example D. especially( )3. All kinds of _ appeared through my mind . A. thinks B. thinking C. thoughts D. thought1
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