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五年级下学期期中复习试题 Unit1一、重点短语:remember the rules记住规则 have a busy day度过繁忙的一天 at the library 在图书馆 line up 排队 never push 从不推 listen carefully仔细听 talk loudly 大声说话 talk quietly小声说话 walk slowly走得慢 walk quickly走得快 have a fever发烧 fire drill 消防演习 a real fire一场真的火 call for help打电话求救follow me 跟我来 zebra crossing斑马线 traffic lights交通指挥灯二、语法考点;情态动词must(必须)和mustnt(不应),后接动词原形 eg;She must be quiet in class.He must walk slowly in the corridor.三、表示规则: must(必须): 1.We must talk quietly in the library.2.We must walk slowly at the swimming pool.3.We must listen carefully at the cinema.4.We must throw rubbish in the bin.5.We must line up.mustnt(不应): 1.We mustnt talk loudly in the library.2.We mustnt walk quickly in the corridor.3.We mustnt eat or drink in class.4.We mustnt throw rubbish on the floor.5.We mustnt push.Unit2重点短语:help people 帮助他人 pick up 捡起 smell smoke闻到烟味 see a fire看见火灾 shout for help喊求救 lose my wallet丢失钱包 good for you你真棒 each other互相 cross the street过马路 have a headache头疼 make lunch 做午餐 wash the dishes洗盘子 hung up挂起 find some money捡到一些钱 make shoes做鞋子 pack schoolbag 整理书包 pick up some books捡起一些书 take a mans arm扶一个人的手臂 give it to the police交给警察 不规则动词的过去式:drop dropped(掉下) seesaw(看) carrycarried(拿)loselost(丢失) findfound(发现) givegave(给) taketook(带) havehad(有) makemade(做) gowent(去) hanghung(挂) readread(读) unit3There be(isarewaswere)句型,表示“有”。eg: 1.There is a subway now. 2.There are some factories in Shenzhen now. 3.There was a ferry 50 years ago. 4.There were a few bridges before.二:重点句子1. Its easy to get there.(去那里很容易)2. Lets go to the countryside together.(让我们一起去乡下吧)3. The city is different now(城市不一样了)The city is not the same now.4. Was there a subway 50 years ago?(五十年前有地铁吗?)5. I helped lots of people today.(今天我帮助了许多人)6. We usually talk quietly at the library.(我们通常在图书馆笑声说话)7. There are plenty of people.(有大量的人)8. She gave the money to the police.(她把钱交给警察 )三.作文1. A polite student一个有礼貌的学生( How to be a polite student怎样成为一个有礼貌的学生) 根据一、二单元的知识点写(记住规则和帮助他人)2.Changes in our city我们城市的改变 用there be 句型,以前和现在发生的改变,以前用一般过去式,现在用一般现在时,可以从城市规模(bigsmall)、人口(people)、建筑(building)、交通(traffic)等方面写.
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