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人教精通版六年级下册 Lesson1教学设计一课程标准相关要求:1. 能借助图片、图像、手势听懂发简单的话语或录音材料。2. 能听懂课堂指令和要求,并作出适当的反应。3. 能在口头表达中做到发音清楚,语调基本规范。4. 能正确朗读所学故事或短文。二教材和学情分析本课是人教精通版六年级下册第一课,主要内容是通过Gaowei 和Kate谈论假期生活的场景,学习目标语What did you do during your holidays? I went to., 了解一般过去时态及动词过去式的变法,通过学习,学生能运用所学知识谈论自己的假期生活。本课的重点:理解对话的主要内容,了解动词过去式的变法及读音。借助教师所给的支架,谈论自己的假期生活。本课的难点:借助教师所给的支架,谈论自己的假期生活。 学情分析 本课之前,学生已经上了一单元整体感知课,学生在上本节课时有一定的基础。谈论假期生活是学生乐于表达的话题之一。另外,六年级学生已有一定的自觉性和认知能力,能够配合老师进行各项活动。他们掌握了一定的阅读技巧,能根据图片及文字的提示捕捉到文中的重要信息。三 学习目标1. 借助多媒体课件,学生能听懂会说,正确朗读go to the beach,enjoy sunbathing等6个短语,听懂、会说,读出,书写句子:What did you do during your holidays?I went to.; 正确朗读go stay,enjoy,have 的过去式并能说出动词变过去式的变化规律,形成归纳总结的策略。2. 借助课文插图、多媒体课件,学生能正确获取对话的含义,并能在录音和教师的帮助下,正确朗读、表演对话,形成阅读策略,养成互助合作习惯。3. 借助课本内容,学生的旅行照片,小组内创编、表演新对话,介绍自己的假期生活,在交流中感知运用一般过去时态。4. 借助图片,感受祖国的大好河山,增强爱国意识。四 评价任务1. 学生完成Brain storming,chant .检测目标一的达成。2. 连线,小组展读及表演对话,检测目标二的达成。3. 小组展演新对话,检测目标三的达成。五 教学过程Step1. warming up1. Greetings.2. Brain storming: Revise the phrases of Unit1.Step2. presentation1. Free talk: Nice to see you! Whats your hobby?Do you like going on a trip?2. Introduce the teachers holidays.3. Ask the students: What did you do during your holidays? And write it on the blackboard.Help them answer : I went to.4. (出示Kate and Gaowei 头像)Watch the cartoon and answer: Q: Are they talking about their holidays?5. Work in groups: fast reading and finish the task. The students match and read.6. give a report: the students read the sentences and the teacher put up the sentences on the blackboard.7. The students read the past forms and find the regulation.8. Make sentences using “I.in my holidays.”9. Lets chant with actions: What did you do during your holidays? I went ,went to Sanya. What did you do during your holidays? I enjoyed ,enjoyed sunbathing.Step3. Practice1. Repeat after the tape.Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.2. Read in groups or role play.3. Act out the dialogue.Step4. Extension Work in groups and make a new dialogue. Using the sentences.What did you do during your holidays?I went to Sanya/Hangzou/Beijing/How did you get there?We/I went there by car/ by plane/by bus/by train.Did you have a good time ?Sure/Yes. I played some games./I enjoyed some good food/ I visited the Great Wall/I went to the beach./I.Oh, thats good/great.Step5. Emotional educationStudents enjoy some pictures Enjoy holidays,enjoy life.Step 6. homework1. Make 5 sentences using the past forms.2. Write a short passage about your holidays.板书: Unit 1. lesson 1 What did you do during your holidays? I went to . Kate: went to Sanya. enjoyed sunbathing. enjoyed the moon and stars. Gaowei: enjoyed Spring Festival and stayed at home. Had a big party.另附课堂学习单:见下页。
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