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四年级英语上册Unit 3 Numbers一教学目标:1. 知识与技能(1) 能熟练听懂、会说、会认读单词:thirteen, thirty, fourteen, forty, fifteen, fifty, sixteen, sixty, seventeen, seventy, eighteen, eighty, nineteen, ninety, hundred。(2) 能听懂会说句型:Whats plus/minus? Its(3) 能在日常生活中使用句型:Whats plus/minus? Its2. 核心素养:结合实际生活,创设真实情境,引导学生关注生活,激发学习兴趣和热情,提高学习的积极性和主动性;培养学生团结合作的意识和精神。 二教学重难点1. 重点:学会运用单词thirteen, thirty, fourteen, forty, fifteen, fifty, sixteen, sixty, seventeen, seventy, eighteen, eighty, nineteen, ninety, hundred及句型Whats plus/minus? Its进行会话。2. 难点:(1) thirteen和thirty 等十几和几十之间teen与ty的发音容易混淆。 (2)如何进一步激发学生的学习兴趣,让他们积极投入到课堂学习中来。教具准备:记分牌、带价格标签的实物三 教学过程Step 1 Warming-up(复习0-10)1. Greeting.2. A pad game:Match.3. 场景一:Toby去游学(课件动画)场景二:Toby到达游学城市后,打电话联系预约的出租车(英国车牌号BD80 )和酒店房间,(房间号F18)活动1:Listen and help Toby to choose the numbers on the pad. 教育云反馈。场景三:车到酒店: A self-study.教师示范后学生练习。教育云反馈自学情况。Step 2 Presentation and practice1. Learn the number rhyme. Lets listen again.第二遍师打节奏说儿歌后,全班一起跟老师手势读。2. 学习plus& minus.场景四:Hyde Primar School场景Have the maths lesson. 1) What is eighteen plus twenty?课件分三层:(第一层Toby:Hello, Im Toby.老师出:This is my maths teacher. Toby退Toby的老师说:Welcome to our maths lesson.)(第二层:出18+20=?Toby的老师说:What is eighteen plus twenty?两遍,同时板书句子)(第三层:学生答。Bingo)2) What is thirty plus ten? 3) What is ninety minus twenty?4) What is seventy-six minus thirty? 76-30=? 人机互动,学生回答。(76-30=46) 两名小老师,模拟教学。3. Play a dice game .4. Do the sums by yourself. 场景五:School is over. Toby goes to the shopping mall. A. Toby want to buy a cake and an apple. How much are they?B. Toby has got 20yuan, he need a football, Can he get it?Why?C. PPt:How to say this price? Lets look at the video.重回书签场景:总结:板书: NumbersPlane图 car图 hotel图What is eighteen plus twenty?minusDo the sums.
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