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Unit 2 All Around Me Lesson 1课时安排:One课型:Present lesson教学目标:(第 1 课时)1. Words: bank, grocery store, drugstore, bookstore, police station, gas station, coffee shop, cinema, newspaper stand, bakery, park, restaurant, hairdressers, zoo, across from, next to, beside, in front of, near.2. Sentences: Is there a on your map? Yes,there is. No, there isnt.教学重点:1. The teaching of the new words.2. Understanding and using sentences correctly.教学难点:Understand and remember the position words.教学准备:Pictures and recorder.学情分析:Learning interest is not high, some students have even disgust, at the same time, many students still learning for learning, there is no question interest;电教手段:The screen.教学方法:TPR1分钟安全教育: Dont run in the classroom.教学流程:Step 1. Warming-up1. Greeting. Hello! / Hi! / Good morning!2. Later the teacher introduces the figures who will appear in this book.3. The teacher introduces the rules of English classes for the students by playing a game.Step 2. Presentation1. Learning new words. a. Let students look at the picture.b. Let students listen to the recorder and repeat what they hear.c. The teacher teaches these words one by one. d. The teacher reads every word and the students follow. And tells students the meanings of these words. 2. Listen to the tape and do the exercises.e. Exercise the new words in many ways, such as read these words one by one, competition between different groups and so on .f. The teacher let them listen the tape again and use many ways to check the result.3. Let students read the dialogues after the teacher and in their groups.4. Let them do the survey with their classmates and report it. Hello! / Good morning.Open the book and know some new words.Step 3. Practice1. Know how to behave in the English class.2. Listen to the tape and speak out what they hear.3. Follow the teacher to read every word and understand the meanings of these words.4. Listen to the tape recorder and do the exercises by sticking.a. Do the survey and report the result.b. Let the students and the teacher be familiar with each other .c. To create a relaxing English learning environment.d. Let students know how to do very well in English classes.5. Let students have a macro impressing on this lesson.Step 4. Consolidation1. Go over all the words roughly.2. Let students master the meanings and pronunciations of every word. 3. Learn the sentences.4. Practice saying the sentences.Step 5. HomeworkRead the new words and exercise the dialogue.板书设计:Lesson 1 across from next to beside教学反思:由于学生已经学过这些方位词,所以掌握起来比较容易,但要熟练运用还需要多练习。
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