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Unit3 My room一、 Teaching objectives: Whats that? Its Is that a (black) ? No , it isnt. Is that a (brown) door? Yes , it is 二、知识与技能:1、能听、说、读、写本课房间和颜色单词。2、能用正确的语音语调朗读课文,理解课文及独立回答课文的提问。三、情感、态度、价值观:1、培养学生在与他人合作中互相协助的学习品质。2、训练学生灵活运用所学句型进行交流,培养发散性思维。四、Teaching key points . Word: bed pillow window clock mirror blanket door lamp 五 、Teaching difficult points: 1、 Whats that? Its 2、 Between the sentence: “Whats this?” and “Whats that ? ” 3、 Word: bed pillow window clock mirror blanket door lamp.六、Teaching aids: Cards, pictures, tape , recorder。 七、Teaching procedures: The first period 1、 Revision Whats this ? Its a book.(an apple /a banana/ a pencil ) 2、 Learn new sentences (1)Whats this ? Its. Whats that? Its (2)Read the sentences: “Whats this?” and “Whats that? ”. One bye one then let students know the sentences answer as “Its ”(3)Finish Activity 1: Look, ask and answer。(4)Use the pictures learn new words: bed pillow window clock mirror blanket door lamp”,teacher and partner pratise. “Its ”。Then everybody point to pictures by themselves, ask and answer.“Whats that? Its ”。(bed pillow window clock mirror blanket door lamp。) (5)Action: Let students act out the sentences. (6)Listen the recorder and then read after the recorder. (7) Practice 1: Listen and number. (8) Practice: P15 Listen say and circle(9)Do exercise:仿照例句改写句子Model:Whats this? Its a bed.1、that,window2.this,orange3.that,clock(10)Homework: Sing English song: Do you like baseball ? Copy the new words. Blackboard writing: Unit3 My roomWhats this ? Its bed/ pillow/window. Whats that? Its door/ clock/lamp.
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