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Unit4 Drawing in the park 教案Period One: Story time教学目标:1 能听懂、会读、会说单词draw picture park flower boat river easy difficult 2 能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语good idea , sure , its easy , its difficult , but I can try .3 能初步运用以下句型what can you see ? I can see 来对看到的事物进行交流;初步使用句型Can you 来交流会做的事。4 能正确理解课文内容,并进行表演。教学重点:1. 读准生词draw picture park flower boat river easy difficult2. 会在具体语境中使用句型good idea , sure , its easy , its difficult , but I can try .3. 正确理解课文内容。教学难点:1. 生词的发音2. 怎样正确使用句型进行交际。教学过程:Step1 warm up1.Greetings2.Free talkDay,date,weather What lessons do you have this moring?What subjects do you like?T:I like English ,too. we can sing songs ,we can play games at an English lesson. Do you like games?3.Play a game. Answer questions with “yeah, yeah, yeah” or “no, no, no” quickly.Step2 Pre-reading1. Teach: picture tree boat river flowerWay:T: I can draw pictures, too. (teach: draw pictures) What can you draw? Where can you draw?This is my picture. Is it beautiful? Thank you. Its a picture of a park. (teach park)Look at this park. What can you see?T: what can you see in the picture ?S: I can see(逐个教授tree boat river flower)Step3 While reading1.Lets guess(1) There are another two persons who also come to this beautiful park. Who are they?What are they doing in the park?2.Watch and choose(1)What are they doing?You can get the answers from the cartoon Lets watch the cartoon ,OK?(2)So Mike and Tim are drawing in the park. (reveal the title of the unit), (3)teach drawing3.Listen and tick What does Tim draw? Lets listen and find out the answers. Listen! Have you found the answers? 4.Read and judge T: They can draw the tree,the flowers and the boat in the park .Look at these pictures, Which can be Tims pictures? And how do you know? Please find the sentences in the passage , and underline it .(Teach: easy difficult)指导阅读sure , its easy . Its difficult , but I can try . Is this a boat ?读出语气5.retell the story(根据板书)6.Learn a proverbT:I think Tim is a good boy,because when he meets troubles,he doesnt give up,he has a try. So .7.Try to imitate You have known the story. Its time for reading.Lets read and imitate the story after please pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. Are you ready?Wow, you read very well.8.Happy reading timeNow, boys and girls, its happy reading time. Choose the way you like to read the story. Ready, go! Which group wants to have a try?Wonderful, big hand for them.Step 4: Consolidation1.Lets act.Now, I think you can read the story very well. So, lets act out the story. Please practice in groups.OK, time is up. Here are some tips for you. When you act you can use them. Which group wants to act? Big hand for them. Well done!2.Lets showT:Tim draws in the park.Where else can you draw?S: In the zoo/school,on the farmT:I think you can draw well too,Now please take out your pictures.Show it to your partners.Make up a dialogue and act it out.Step5 homework1.Draw a picture and try to describe your pictures to your friends. 完成你的画,并尝试向你的朋友描述你的画。进一步通读课文,并试背。2.Read Story time and try to recite it. 读Story time并试背。教学反思:本节课以“在公园画画”为主线展开教学,开始的free talk引入游戏,调动了学生的积极性,复习了Can you ?这个句型。又从游戏中老师也会画画自然过渡到主题Drawing in the park, 接着用出示教师画作的形式把学生带到真实的生活背景中,让学生在有声有色的声音感染中不知不觉学习生字单词。然后引入课文故事的学习,阅读中我们由整体入手,为学生搭建了多层次的语言学习平台。即先让学生观看课文动画,听录音找出Mike和Tim在公园中能画的景物,对短文有一个初步总的印象;然后细读短文,帮助学生梳理文本,并指导重点句子的朗读,体会人物的感情;接着在各种形式读完课文后设计了表演故事的活动。最后,让学生和同伴讨论自己画的图画并编对话进行表演,让英语与美术进行了整合。学生在整节课中很投入,积极参与课堂,无论是回答问题还是朗读表演都很不错,充分体现了学生的主体性,着实培养了学生的口语表达和运用能力。当然,这节课中还有许多不足的地方。比如:1.教师的教学机智还有待提高。2.在教授新单词,tree,flowers,boat等新单词时,可以让学生上黑板画一画。3.最后一个环节只表演了一组,时间上安排的不够合理,出现前松后紧的状况。希望在以后的教育教学工作中能够多思考、多锻炼,争取有进步。第 页
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