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Learning a foreign language: five most common mistakes发布时间:2012-12-20文章出自:英国每日电讯报原文链接:点击查看Listening is the communicative skill we use most in daily life, yet it can be difficult to practise unless you live in a foreign country or attend immersive language classes. The solution? Find music, podcasts, TV shows and movies in the target language, and listen, listen, listen, as often as possible.Lack of curiosityIn language learning, attitude can be a key factor in how a student progresses.Linguists studied attitude in language learning in the 1970s in Quebec, Canada, when tension was high between Anglo- and Francophones. The study found that Anglophones holding prejudices against French Canadians often did poorly in French language learning, even after studying French for years as a mandatory school subject.On the other hand, a learner who is keen about the target culture will be more successful in their language studies. The culturally curious students will be more receptive to the language and more open to forming relationships with native speakers.Rigid thinkingLinguists have found that students with a low tolerance of ambiguity tend to struggle with language learning.Language learning involves a lot of uncertainty students will encounter new vocabulary daily, and for each grammar rule there will be a dialectic exception or irregular verb. Until native-like fluency is achieved, there will always be some level of ambiguity.The type of learner who sees a new word and reaches for the dictionary instead of guessing the meaning from the context may feel stressed and disoriented in an immersion class. Ultimately, they might quit their language studies out of sheer frustration. Its a difficult mindset to break, but small exercises can help. Find a song or text in the target language and practice figuring out the gist, even if a few words are unknown.A single methodSome learners are most comfortable with the listen-and-repeat drills of a language lab or podcast. Some need a grammar textbook to make sense of a foreign tongue. Each of these approaches is fine, but its a mistake to rely on only one.Language learners who use multiple methods get to practise different skills and see concepts explained in different ways. Whats more, the variety can keep them from getting stuck in a learning rut.When choosing a class, learners should seek a course that practises the four language skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking). For self-study, try a combination of textbooks, audio lessons, and language learning apps.FearIt doesnt matter how well a person can write in foreign script, conjugate a verb, or finish a vocabulary test. To learn, improve, and truly use your target language, we need to speak.This is the stage when language students can clam up, and feelings of shyness or insecurity hinder all their hard work. In Eastern cultures where saving face is a strong social value, EFL teachers often complain that students, despite years of studying English, simply will not speak it. Theyre too afraid of bungling the grammar or mispronouncing words in a way that would embarrass them.The key is that those mistakes help language learners by showing them the limits of language, and correcting errors before they become ingrained. The more learners speak, the quicker they improve.Ten easiest languages for native English speakers to learnBest foreign languages to study: employers viewAnne Merritt is an EFL lecturer currently based in South Korea. 外语学习的五种常见误区发布时间:2012-12-20文章出自:译言原文链接:点击查看安妮.梅利特说,学习一门外语从来都不是一件容易事,但是,如果你陷入这五种误区,就更麻烦了。有一种误区认为,聪明的人更擅长学外语。当然,这样说也无妨,因为有些与生俱来具有学术天赋的人本身掌握了大量的学习策略。然而,实际上,大多数语言学习技能是一种习惯,这种习惯通过少量训练和自我意识就可以形成。以下是语言学习者们常遇到的五种误区,以及纠正方法。一听力练习不够有一个语言学派认为语言学习是从一个沉默阶段开始的。婴儿是通过听和像鹦鹉一样机械地模仿声音来学习语言的,同样,语言学习者为学习语言,也需要练习听力。这样做可以帮助他们巩固所学词汇和句型,帮助他们观察语言模式。听力是我们日常生活中最常用到的交流技能。 然而,除非我们在国外生活或者在沉浸式的语言课堂上经过训练,否则很难练习。怎样解决这个问题呢?你可以找一些使用目标语言的音乐,播客,电视节目和电影,然后尽可能经常地去听。二缺乏好奇心在语言学习中,态度是影响一个学生进步的最重要因素。20世纪70年代,以英语为母语的民族和以法语为母语的民族关系高度紧张时,语言学家在魁北克和加拿大地区研究了语言学习中的态度问题,研究发现,那些对法裔加拿大人存在偏见的以英语为母语的学习者,尽管将法语作为必修学科学了数年,法语成绩也不会太好。另一方面,那些对目标语的文化比较感兴趣的学习者通常在语言学习方面比较成功。对某种文化比较有好奇心的学生,接受那种语言也会更容易一些, 并且更可能与本族语使用者形成良好的关系。三思想僵化语言学家发现对模棱两可容忍度比较低的学生在语言学习中更易遇到困难。语言学习包含着大量的不确定性学习者每天都会遇到新单词,对于每一种语法规则,方言中都有例外,还有不规则动词。除非达到像母语使用者那样流利, 学习者总会遇到不同程度模棱两可的情况。有些学习者看到一个单词就去查字典,而不是通过上下文猜测词义,这些学习者在沉浸式的课堂里可能会感到很有压力,而且迷惑。最终,他们可能会由于彻底失望而放弃语言学习。改变这种思维模式比较困难,但是我们可以进行一些训练。 找一首目标语言的歌曲或一篇文章,然后即使有不懂的词也试图猜测出段落大意。四方法单一有些学习者喜欢使用语言实验室或播客里的听读训练,有些需要依靠语法书去弄懂外语。这些方法都可以,但是只依赖一种方法是不正确的。能够运用多种方法的语言学习者能够练习不同的技能, 明白以不同方式解释的概念。另外, 这种多样性可以使他们避免陷入语言学习中的惯性。语言学习者在选择课程时, 应该选择那些能够训练能说读写四项语言技能的课程。对于自学的人来说, 可以选择多种教科书,有声课程,和语言学习应用程序。五羞怯无论一个人在外语写作,动词变形,但单词测试方面多么优秀,一个人如果想要学好外语,提高外语,真正的使用目标语言,我们需要用外语说话。在这个阶段,语言学习者可能会拒不开口, 羞怯和不安全感可能会使他们所有的努力功亏一篑。在东方文明中, 爱面子是一种重要的社会传统。外语教师常抱怨,学生们学了好几年英语,还是不会说英语。他们很担心用错语法或发错音,使
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