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Healthy lifestyle教学设计执教者: 陈丽苹(Phyllis) 课题:Healthy lifestyle课型:Reading时间: 35 minutes一、教学目标:By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:1. understand the text as a whole and get to know how to have a healthy lifestyle;2. get to know the meaning of “depend on” “less” “not only.but also” “the healthier . the healthier.” and pronounce them clearly;3. learn some reading strategies, such as find out the direct or key information, guessing the meaning of new words etc.;4. improve critical thinking skills by justifying the teachers and Ss lifestyle;5. talk to their parents about the healthy lifestyle , and deepen their sense to keep healthy.二、教学重难点Focus of the lesson:1. understanding the text as a whole.2. understanding and experiencing how to have a healthy lifestyle.Predicted area of difficulty:1. understand of “depend on” “less” “not only.but also” “the healthier . the healthier.” ;2. talking about the ways of keeping healthy.三、整体设计思路 (其中需包含对教学内容的分析)本文基于healthy lifestyle一词从四个方面进行阐述,着重让学生了解健康生活方式的主要四大方式。英语学科核心素养已成为小学英语教育日益关注的话题。要注重培养学生的语言能力、学习能力、思维品质以及文化意识。在本课中,我们紧紧围绕这几个目标进行活动设计。诸如:每组围绕四大方式中的任一方式展开阅读,通过解决“HowWhy两个问题通过获取关键信息,快速地理解课文,是基于培养学生学习能力以及思维品质的活动;并通过关键词进行复述重在培养学生的语言能力;通过谈论教师和个人的生活方式,体现了培养学生文化意识的目标。四、教学过程Teaching procedures:Before-class activityStudents read and enjoy the E-book- suggestions on keeping healthy.【设计意图】课前通过呈现孩子们熟悉的图片和有关保持健康的单词和词组,复习旧知,引出新知,也为课堂主题埋下伏笔。Step Lead-in1. Teacher shows some sentences about what they do in daily life and do a survey.2. Teacher asks a question: Do you have a healthy lifestyle? Please judge.3. Teacher shows healthy/less healthy/unhealthy lifestyle.4. Teacher asks a question: What is a healthy lifestyle like?【设计意图】由阅读E-book导入新课,借助做调查初步接触和熟悉课本里的某些句子,激活学生对健康生活方式的印象。接着通过调查了解自己的生活方式为学习和了解健康生活方式的四大方面,为阅读文章做好铺垫。Step Understanding and learning1. Teacher presents the text and asks a question to understand the text as a whole.What are the four ways to have a healthy lifestyle?2. Read again and answer the key questions.1) Which is the most important way of healthy lifestyle? Why?2) Which is the easiest way to live a healthy lifestyle?3. Different groups of students read in different ways and find out:How to .? Why.? (The 5th group thinks some more ways besides the text)When reading, they underline the answers.4. Students can discuss and share the answer.Students discuss in groups, find out the key information and underline. 4. Teacher checks the answers on the blackboard and write down some key words . Teacher checks the answer group by group. When the group presents the learning, the other groups listen and check T or F. Students learn the new word: “depend on” “less” “not only.but also” “the healthier . the healthier.” . Teacher asks the other group to retell the text and learn some new expressions.【设计意图】通过不同小组学习不同的学习内容,再互相分享学习成果的方式,达到”共学习,同分享“的效果。再通过板书关键词进行课文复述,发挥学生的语言组织能力。Step Consolidation1. Teacher introduces her lifestyle and have Ss give suggestions.2. Students judge Ms. Chen has a healthy/less healthy/unhealthy lifestyle and then give suggestions.3. Teacher writes down some useful expressions when Ss give suggestions.【设计意图】学生通过阅读老师的生活方式,运用所学进行判断,并给出建议。Step Extension Teacher presents some tasks for Ss to choose.Students try to talk about their lifestyle in pairs/groups, or Ss can describe by themselves. 【设计意图】基于社会文化教学目标,将之前对文本的学习体验,自然延展到现实生活,联系到学生自己。然后通过设计适合学生程度的学习任务,完成输出任务。Step Homework1. Tell your parents about healthy lifestyle in English.2.Write down your ways of healthy lifestyle.【设计意图】让学生通过所学向父母用英文介绍健康的生活方式,并仿照原文写下个人的健康的生活方式。既达到巩固所学的目的,又发展了学生运用语言的能力。五、板书设计板书设计: Healthy lifestyleUseful expressions Healthy lifestyleRemember to. get active keep clean eat healthily live greenIts good to . walk . the places. depend on. plant.Try to. run angry & ill the healthier use.Try my best to. play. stop. 六、教学反思:优点:(听课教师评价)1. 本节课教师有激情,能调动课堂气氛,课的设计有创意,有挑战。2. 教师准备充分,内容充实,活动多样,照顾到不同层次学生。3. 任务型阅读明显,环节也层层递进。4. 脉络清晰,采用小组合作方式教学,每组有清晰的阅读目标。5. 对文本的讲解较细,加深学生对文本的理解。活动新颖,如每个小组各自带着任务阅读,再进行阅读结果分享。有待改进:1. 每个步骤都旨在训练学生阅读能力的提高,但由于班级学生的阅读水平还比较弱,在个别环节显得不太积极主动。2. 板书太多太密,资源过满,抓点过多,教师指示和铺陈有点少,建议化繁为简。
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