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2022年考博英语-浙江大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Firefighters were not attacking the major fires in Virginia directly but were putting out hot spots that could prove dangerous if winds ( ) .问题1选项A.picked upB.picked outC.picked throughD.picked in【答案】A【解析】pick up捡起,获得,收拾;pick out挑选出;pick不与through和in搭配。句意:消防队员没有直接扑灭维吉尼亚州的大火,而是正在扑灭一些如果被风吹到可能会变得很危险的热点地区。选项A符合句意。2. 单选题As a result, they had to( )answering their letter by three days.问题1选项A.decideB.refrainC.surpassD.delay【答案】D【解析】固定搭配。选项中只有delay后面可以接动名词。句意:他们不得不推迟三天回信。所以本题选D。3. 单选题Why does a vegetarian restaurant make its dishes resemble meat in every way except ( ) ?问题1选项A.ingredientsB.elementsC.componentsD.compounds【答案】A【解析】近义词辨析。ingredients材料,成分; elements基础,原理,元素; components(机器的)组件, 部件;compounds (化学类的)合成物。句意:为什么素食餐厅的菜肴除了配料外其他各方面都像肉?选项A符合句意。4. 单选题It was difficult to build a power station in the deep valley, but it( )as we had hoped.问题1选项A.came offB.went offC.brought outD.made out【答案】A【解析】came off 举行,成功;went off爆炸,离去;brought out 出版,生产;made out理解,辨认出。句意:在深谷里建发电站是困难的,但正如我们所希望的那样成功了。选项A符合句意。5. 单选题They gained great influence by( )themselves to prominent city institutions.问题1选项A.detachingB.assigningC.dispatchingD.attaching【答案】D【解析】固定搭配。detach通常与 from搭配,意为从分离,拆卸;assign to指定到,分配给;dispatch to调度,派遣;attach to依附,附属。句意:他们通过依附于著名的城市机构获得了巨大的影响力。选项D符合句意。6. 单选题Maximum benefits typically range from $50,000 to $250,000, though some( )have no limit.问题1选项A.policiesB.billsC.chargesD.prices【答案】C【解析】句意:最大的福利通常在5万至25万美元之间,不过有些费用没有上限。bills一般指账单;charge做动词意为指控,要价;做名词意为费用,手续费等。所以选项C更合适。7. 单选题Since the early 1930s, Swiss banks had prided themselves on their system of banking secrecy and numbered accounts.Over the year, they had successfully (1) every challenge to this system by their own government who, (2 ) had been frequently urged by foreign governments to reveal information about the financial affairs of certain account(3 ). The result of this policy of secrecy was(4 )a kind of mystique had grown up around Swiss banking. There was a widely-held belief that Switzerland was(5 ) to wealthy foreigners, mainly because of its numbered accounts and bankers reluctance to ask awkward questions(6 ) depositors. (7 )to the mystique was the view that if this secrecy was ever given up, foreigners would fall over themselves in the rush to(8 )money, and the Swiss banking system would virtually collapse overnight.To many, (9 ), it came like a bolt out of the(10) , when, in 1977, the Swiss banks announced they had signed a_(11)with the Swiss National Bank (the Central Bank). The aim of the agreement was(12) the improper use of the countrys bank secrecy laws, and its(13) was to curb severely the system of secrecy.The rules which the banks had agreed to observe(14)he opening of numbered accounts subject to much closer_(15)than before. The banks would be required, if necessary, to(16)_ the origin of foreign funds going into numbered and other accounts. The idea was to stop such accounts being used for(17 ) purposes. Also, they agreed not to accept funds resulting from tax(18) or from crime.The pact represented essentially a tightening up of banking rules. (19) the banks agreed to end relations with clients whose identities were unclear or who were performing improper acts, they were still not obliged to inform(20 ) a client to anyone, including the Swiss government. To some extent, therefore, the principle of secrecy had been maintained.问题1选项A.resistedB.enduredC.withstoodD.opposed问题2选项A.in turnB.in returnC.in caseD.in all问题3选项A.ownersB.possessorsC.keepersD.holders问题4选项A.thatB.whileC.whichD.therefore问题5选项A.disrespectfulB.irresponsibleC.irresistibleD.irrational问题6选项A.aboutB.ofC.afterD.for问题7选项A.ContributedB.Having contributedC.ContributingD.Contribute问题8选项A.exchangeB.withdrawC.depositD.cash问题9选项A.neverthelessB.as a matter of factC.thereforeD.of course问题10选项A.shockB.blueC.suddenD.blew问题11选项A.pactB.pretextC.provisoD.contract问题12选项A.preventB.to have preventedC.preventingD.to prevent问题13选项A.effectB.influenceC.affectD.impact问题14选项A.invokedB.madeC.causedD.induced问题15选项A.researchB.searchC.scrutinyD.survey问题16选项A.discoverB.identifyC.learnD.know问题17选项A.suspectableB.unsureC.dubiousD.implausible问题18选项A.evasionB.neglectC.omissionD.escape问题19选项A.In spiteB.AlthoughC.UntilD.Even问
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