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Consultation咨询B:Yes.Im a financial manager of the Rui Hua Company. A:Im very glad to see you.B:We want to open a US dollar account with your bank.Could you tell me the procedures?A:You need an approval to open a foreign currency account with the State Administration of Foreign Exchange by submitting the business license and application form.B:What shall we do next?A:Then you go through the formalities for opening a foreign currency account with our bank by submitting the Certificate of Use of Foreign Exchange Account and the Foreign Exchange Account Opening Notice issued by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange?B:I see.Thank you. 1A:您需要什么效劳吗?B:是的。我是瑞华公司的财务经理。A:见到您我特别快乐。B:我们想在贵行开一个美元账户。请问有哪些程序?A:首先你们应把营业执照和申请开立外汇账户的申请书呈交国家外汇治理局进展报批。B:下一步该怎么办呢?A:然后你们凭外管局核发的“外汇账户使用证”和“外汇账户开户通知书”来我行办理手续。 B:我明白了。感谢。2A:Hello.Is this the Business Department of ICBC?B:Yes.This is Xiao Wang speaking.A:Can I inquire about my account balance by telephone? B:Of course.You can do it through our telephone Banking Service.A:Telephone Banking Service.What is that?B:It is a call center which provides you with banking services.A:How does it work?B:You can dial the number,95588,then follow the instructions.A:I understand.Thank you.B:Youre welcome back any time. 2A:喂。您是工行营业部吗?B:是的。我是小王。A:我能通过电话查询我的账户余额吗?B:固然可以。您可以通过电话银行查询。A:电话银行。怎么回事?B:电话银行是电话中心,它通过电话为您供应银行效劳。A:如何操作呢?B:您拨95588号码,然后按指令办即可。A:我懂了。感谢。B:欢送您随时间顾。3A:Excuse me.Is this the Peony Credit Card Department of ICBC?B:Yes.What banking services do you need?A:Id like to apply for a Peony Credit Card.Is that all right?B:Certainly.Do you want a personal card or a company card? A:A personal card.B:First,you need to fill out the application form and provide a photocopy of your ID card and then a photocopy of a guarantor,who also has to sign the application form. A:Is any deposit necessary?B:Yes.1,000 RMB yuan is required for any personal card.One more thing,you should pay handling charges for this service.A:I know.How long does it take?B:Youll get your card in a week after we have received the required documents from you. 3A:请问这儿是工行牡丹卡业务部吗?B:是。您需要办理什么业务吗?A:我想申请一张牡丹信用卡,可以吗?B:固然。您想办个人卡还是公司卡?A:个人卡。B:首先,您需要填写这张申请表,供应一张您的身份证影印件,还有一张您担保人的身份证影印件。担保人需在申请表上签名。A:需要保证金吗?B:要的。个人卡需存1,000元保证金。还有您需交一些手续费。 A:我明白了。需要多长时间呢?B:在收到规定证件后,一周之内您可以拿到牡丹卡。4A:Can I help you?B:Yes.I want to have a Peony Card from your bank,but I dont know what kind of card is best for me.A:Well. We have a big Peony Card family, including Peony Credit Card,MoneyLink card,Peony International Card,Peony Special Card,etc.B:What is a MoneyLink card?A:Is is a versatile card that links a lot of businesses together.B:“Versatile?” What does that mean?A:You may either make deposits and withdrawals at any savings office or make transfers and inquiries at any ATM with this card.B:Anything else?A:With this card,you may also enjoy services like consumption at POS terminals of all the specially-engaged commercial units, payroll agent service and agent payment for power and gas,etc.B:Thats what I wanted. 4A:我能为您效劳吗?B:是啊。我想在贵行办一张牡丹卡,但我不知道哪一种卡便利。A:嗯。我行的牡丹卡是一个大家族,包括牡丹信用卡,灵通卡,牡丹国际卡,牡丹专用卡等等。B:什么是灵通卡?A:它是一种多用途卡。 B:“多用途”?这是什么意思呢?A:您可以在任何储蓄所存、取款,在任何一台柜员机上转账、查询。 B:还有其它用途吗?A:有了这张卡,您还可以享受在全部POS机特约商户消费,代发工资,代交电费、水费等等。B:这正是我想要的。 5A:Mr. Jones,Id like to introduce you a newly-opened business service called “Personal financing” .B:What is that?A:It is a compound savings account in RMB and Forex based on the MoneyLink card with time or demand deposits at your option.B:How do I earn for me?A:It can design you a multi-deposit composition according to your income.You can not only enjoy deposit or withdrawal convenience,but also retain term deposit interest through personal financing business. B:Any other functions?A:Besides this, we provide you “coordinated” financial mating services,such as multi-accounts in a card, interbank deposit and withdrawal,account transfer between bank and securities companies , commission collection and payment, network banking,etc.B:Thats great. 5A:琼斯先生,我给您介绍我行的“个人理财”新业务。B:“个人理财”业务是怎么回事?A:它是一种建立在灵通卡根底上,集本外币,定活期存款为一体的复合型存款账户。B:它如何为我理财呢?A:它可以根椐您的收入状况为您设计多存期存款组合方案。通过个人理财业务,您不仅可以享受到存取款的便利,还可以获得定期存款利息。B:还有其它功能吗?A:除此而外,我行通过“个人理财”为您供应“一条龙”金融配套效劳,如一卡多户,通存通兑,银证转账,代收代付,网上银行等等。B:那太好了。
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