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秋阳中心校有效教学学科共案 主备人姓名:吕艳 单位 :兴隆小学 课题Lesson 1 At the greengrocers课型新授课时第一课时教学目标1、 熟练掌握本课对话,能用所学语言进行替换练习,完成设定的目标。2、 “四会”单词及句型:celery ,nice, sweet, cherry(cherries)What do you want? We want some vegetables.I would like cherries. 教学重点熟练掌握并能灵活运用句型:What do you want?I wantWhat would you like?I would like教学难点运用所学句型表达选购喜欢的食物及其他物品。教学方法自主、合作、探究教具学具图片、录音机图片教学过程1、热身(Warming up)老师利用一张水果蔬菜店的张贴画,师生进行对话引出本课话题。T: Look at the picture. Is it beautiful?Ss: Yes.T: What is it?老师边指着张贴画边慢慢地说: Its a greengrocers. Whats in the greengrocers? Let have a look. Oh. What are these? 老师先指着学生们学过的某种蔬菜问,让大部分学生都能立刻答出来。T:What are those? 老师再指着学生们学过的另一种水果或蔬菜问,让学生集体回答。Ss: They are . T: Are they nice?Ss: Yes, they are./No, they arent,T: What are those? Do you know? 老师再指着学生们学过的另一种水果或蔬菜问,让学生个别回答。S: . 2. 新课展示(New Presentation) 老师展示蔬菜水果店的张贴画,师生通过看图说话学习生词和句型。 1)老师展示蔬菜水果店的张贴画介绍生词:This is a greengrocers. It is beautiful, isnt it?But what is a greengrocers? A greengrocers is a kind of shop . We can buy kinds of fruits and vegetables in it. 老师出示词卡,师生拼读拼写单词greengrocers greengrocers 师生一起分别用升调和降调反复朗读这个单词。greengrocers 是一个合成词,由green和grocer “供应商,杂货商”两个单词构成。s这种所有格形式通常用来表示 “某人的家,某人的店”等意思。在买水果蔬菜时 ,就说:We are at the greengrocers. 2) 老师自问自答:What can we buy there? We can buy fruits there. We can buy bananas, apples, peaches, grapes. Watermelon and cherries. (出示各种水果,最后出示没学过的水果樱桃 ) 老师出示词卡,师生拼读拼写单词 cher-ry cherry 樱桃.老师拿着樱桃或图片,让学生边看边学说话。3) Nice and sweet.又甜又好吃。我们常用这个短语形容好吃的水果。如:The apples are nice and sweet.老师启发学生想一想,自己平常吃的水果 哪些都可以用这个短语来说,学生可能会想出很多。 5)What do you want? I want some greens. 出示图卡和词卡 ,学习单词green 。我们学过这个单词,问问学生是否记得是什么意思。以前我们学的是名词绿色,或形容词绿色的。但在这里它是名词,青菜。 6)What are these? They are celeries.老师指着张贴画上的芹菜自问自答 。出示图卡和词卡 ,学习单词 ce-le-ry celery 芹菜。 这个单词按音节很好记。师生一起从小声到大声重复单词四遍。7)I want some celeries, too. But celeries are expensive. 出示词卡 ,学习单词ex-pen-sive expensive 形容词,贵的。 这个单词按音节很好记,但要注意,这个单词的重音在第二个音节上。师生一起从小声到大声重复单词四遍。3.听录音学习对话:Lets listen to the dialogue, then answer the questions.(播放对话部分录音)1)Where are they? (They are at the greengrocers.)2)What do they want? (They want some fruit. )3)What does Tom want? (He would like cherries.)4)Are cherries expensive? (Yes, they are.)5)What about Dad? What does he want? (He wants celery.)6)Would they buy some? (Yes. They are expensive but nice and sweet.)个案补充课堂检测题1、读对话,解释对话内容。2、让学生跟磁带朗读对话,分成三人小组分角色表演对话。作业布置准备一张调查表格,列出本小组成员名字和一些水果蔬菜的单词或者图片。板书设计 Lesson 1 At the greengrocersNice and sweet greens cherries美味又好吃 青菜 樱桃Celery What do you want?芹菜 What would you like?课后反思
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