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Lesson 5 Whats He Like? 教学设计 通江县第六小学 马秀蓉教学内容:(1) Lets learn : handsome , friendly (2) Work in pairs: A: Whats she like? B: She is friendly. A: Whats he like? B: He is handsome.(3) lets talk : Part 1教学目标 :知识目标:学习描述人物外貌和性格的单词 handsome , friendly.能力目标:能灵活的询问他人外貌及性格的句型“Whats she/ he like?”及答语“She /He is.” 情感目标:培养学生正确的认知观,教导孩子不能只重外貌,要做一个心灵美的人,热爱自己的国家。教学重点:学习描述人物外貌和性格的单词。教学难点:熟练运用句型“Whats she/ he like?”并将表示性格和外貌的形容词套入句型“She /He is.”进行回答。教师准备:PPT 图片学生准备:课本 作业本教学过程:Step1: GreetingsStep2: Lead-in Watch the video of Snow White and Seven Dwarfs.Step3: Presentation1. show the picture of Snow White and Lang Lang.and ask students: “Whats she/ he like?”“She is friendly. He is handsome .”2. Write friendly, handsome on the notebook.Step4: practise1. Work in pairs. Practise the new sentence.2. Lets judge .3. Listen and say.Step5 :Lets talk (Learn Part 1)Step6: Homework Talk about your teacher in English. 板书设计Lesson 5 Whats He Like?Whats she like? Whats he like?-She is friendly. -He is handsome.
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