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外研社2011版一年级起点四年级上册Module10 Unit 1 Go to bed early.教学目标知识目标1.全体学生能听懂会说会读词汇:early medicine exercise2.全体学生能学会运用祈使句:Go to bed early. Drink a lot of water. Do some exercise.Take this medicine.技能目标1.全体学生能听懂会说:Go to bed early. Drink a lot of water. Do some exercise.Take this medicine. 2.全体学生能运用祈使句提建议。情感目标培养健康的生活习惯,给予他人适当的健康建议。教学重点全体学生能听懂会说会读词汇:early medicine exercise教学难点全体学生能学会运用祈使句:Go to bed early . Drink a lot of water. Do some exercise.Take this medicine. 在具体语境中给出他人建议。教学过程Step 1 Warm-up 1. Greetings.2. There are two boys, which one do you like?3. Let do some exercise.播放歌曲,师生律动。4. Whats your feeling now? Exercise makes us feel well .Exercise is a good a habit.5. I am very well .But Sam is not well.Step 2 Presentation1.Look,Sam is coming. Hello, Sam, you look sad.Whats the matter?-Ive got a cold.What did you do yesterday?-I went to bed late. 2.Go to bed late is not a good habit. Please go to bed early and see the doctor.-Ok3.Sam goes to see the doctor, what are the doctors suggestions? Lets watch and underline.Step 3 Practice1.Look and say.2.Listen and repeat.3.Show time.Step 4 Consolidation1.What other suggestions can you give to Sam ?2.A boy is ill, can you give him suggestions? work in 4 and talk about it.3.Role-play -Go to see a doctor.Ask students to come to the front and act as doctor and patient.4.Tips for health.Step 5 Homework1.Listen and repeat:P56-2.2.Preview Module 10 Unit 2.
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