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(1)麦兜当当伴我心是麦兜系列的第五部“McDull dangdang with my heart” is the part 5 of the McDull seriessriz; -rz(2)麦兜依然是春田花花幼儿园B班的小朋友McDull is still a child in 春田花花 kindergarten.(3)在第五部里,春田花花幼稚园出现了严重的经济危机In the part 5,春田花花kindergarten appeared a serious economic crisis门口被泼满“欠债还钱”的红油漆the wall is full of the red paint like: debts should be paid(4)校长身兼数职继续维持The headmaster should play many jobs to keep the school running.(5)直到有一天,在一次富贵名校扩建筹款晚会,Until one day, in a riches and honourn schools fundraising party校长目睹了毕业生们在短短一个晚上便为母校筹得数千万巨款The headmaster saw the graduates raising tens of millions for their school just one night校长想开个往届毕业生集资会来拯救春田花花幼儿园Then the headmaster wants to open a graduates funding party to save the 春田花花 kindergarten校长的想法太乐观了But the headmasters idea is too optimistic.(6)他们仍然是社会的最底层They are still the lowest people of the society.(7)就在校长的想法破灭的时候,音乐唤起了他的灵感When the headmasters idea is ruined, music aroused his inspiration校长决定组织个春田花花合唱团,让小朋友们的声音响彻在喧嚣的都市里The headmaster decides to organize a chorus, in order to let the kids voice resound through the noisy city于是,麦兜和他的小朋友们的演出开始了Then, McDull and his friends begen to show犹如天使般的小成员们融化了这个丑陋的世界的心These small children who are like angels melt the ugly heart of the world(8)当人与人之间仅剩下了金钱和生意的关系的时候, 当现实世界里充满了骄狂、利用与欺骗的时候,我们往往也变得功利、狂躁、势利并且难以自拔When only left money and business relations, When the real world is filled with utilization and cheated, We also become mania and snobbery 麦兜当当伴我心将所有这些问题都赤裸裸地摆在你面前,就像一面镜子一样,折射出你的周遭和你自己。McDull dangdang with my heart sets all of these problems before you,it is like a mirror, reflecting your surroundings and yourself.(9)不过,它又给了我们一份礼物,那就是校长。However, it gives us a gift. That is the headmaster.他一次次的指挥着孩子们唱歌,在小教室里,在大剧场里,在自己面前,在众人面前。他的一生,不论世事怎么变化,他的追求从未改变。He repeatedly command the children to sing in the classroom, in the theatre, in front of everyone.His life, no matter how the world is changing, his pursuit has never changed.(10)因为没钱请金牌、银牌或铜牌制作人,校长只请得起胶牌制作人。Because he has no money to please a gold, silver or bronze managers, The headmaster only can afford a glue producer这个胶牌经理人用他们演出挣来的钱炒股票,赔光了,三个月来的努力通通白费。The glue managers use their performance money to invest in stock, and all lost. Three months of efforts were in vain(11)经历了这么多的事,就像满天星星,闪呀闪呀,闪呀闪呀,闪呀闪呀,闪呀闪呀,却忽然不知道是谁过来一拽,拽掉了插头,一切,又回到黑夜After so many things, like stars in the sky,flash and flash, But suddenly someone pluck off the plug, All, back to the night(12)然而,上天还是眷顾校长的,当他决定解散幼儿园之前收到了澳门的一个丧礼的邀请,大家都希望用尽全力去表演最后一次。However, god still favor the headmaster, When he decided to dismiss the kindergarten , he received a funeral invitation in Macao.(13)这是一场为纪念年轻音乐家而组织的音乐会,这位英年早逝的艺术家原来也曾是春田花花幼儿园毕业的小朋友,年幼孤独、寂寞的他因为遇见了一个喜爱音乐的校长而改变了他的一生,从此他爱上了音乐,他想谢谢那个早已经在记忆里模糊不清的校长This is a concert that play for a young musiciansThis artist originally was graduated from 春田花花kindergarten.The young, lonely boy met a love music headmaster and from then, he fell in love with the music. He would like to thank the headmaster(14)之后,每个人的结局都出乎意料的平凡After so many things, each persons result is surprisingly common. maybe the world is such like the world.(15)或许现实是梅菜,理想是扣肉,而梅菜扣肉,便是最好的交集Perhaps, the reality is 梅菜, ideal is braised pork, And 梅菜扣肉, is the best intersection
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