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9A Unit 4 Study Skills徐州市第24中学 王秀娟 Analysis of teaching material:The theme of this lesson is to enable students to guess the meaning of a word by its formation. The students should know three ways of word formation, namely suffix, prefix and compounding and how to guess the meanings of words formed by suffix, prefix and compounding. Therefore, students will have a better handling at the new words during their reading.Teaching aims:By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to l Know three ways of word formation, namely suffix, prefix and compounding.l Master the rules of suffix, prefix and compounding.l Know how to guess the meanings of new words formed by suffix, prefix and compounding.l Improve their reading abilities, especially the ability to handle new words.Teaching emphasis and difficulties:1. Help students know three ways of word formation, namely suffix, prefix and compounding and the rules.2. Help students know how to guess the meanings of new words formed by suffix, prefix and compounding during reading.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Introduction 1. Video: Enjoy a video about the film Stand By Me.Have students enjoy the video and know the main characters of the video.【Purpose】Arouse students interest and lead the students to the background of our lesson and know the main characters who are Doraemon and Nobi .2. Read the introduction of Nobi and finish the exercise.Exercise:(1) What does “doze off” mean?A.打瞌睡 B. 插嘴 C.上课走神(2) Why is Nobi always late for school? Late internal cause 1. 2. 3. unable to sleep at night external cause 1. 【Purpose】The story is about the basic information of Nobi. After reading the story, students will have a better understanding of Nobi. (3) Teacher: From the chart, we know that the external cause of Nobis lateness is that he lives in theStudents: countryside【Purpose】Use the word countryside to lead students to compound words.Step 2 Compounding1. Have students think about the rules of compound words and also how to guess the meanings of compound words. 【Purpose】Students will know the rules of compound words and how to guess the meanings.2. Guess the meanings of some compound words and fill the words into the story.【Purpose】This step is designed to check whether students have master the rules of compounding. Students are required to guess the meanings of these compound words first and then practise their reading skills.3. Question: From Nobis grandson, what do we know about Nobis future life?Answer: He will have an unlucky life.【Purpose】Use the word unlucky to lead students to prefix.Step 3 Prefix1. Have students think about the rules of prefix and also how to guess the meanings of words formed by prefix. 【Purpose】Students will know the rules of prefix and how to guess the meanings.2. Let students think about more prefixes and give students a table as supplement.3. Finish Nobis We-chat with Linda.【Purpose】This step is designed to check whether students have master the rules of prefix. Students are required to finish the We-chat conversation by using prefix.4. Question: How does Nobi think that Doraemon is willing to help him to change for the better?Answer: It is such luckiness that he is willing to help me to change for the better.【Purpose】Use the word luckiness to lead students to prefix.Step 4 Suffix1. Have students think about the rules of suffix and also how to guess the meanings of words formed by suffix. 【Purpose】Students will know the rules of suffix and how to guess the meanings.2. Let students think about more suffixes and give students a table as supplement.3. Read Doraemons impression of Nobi and match the meanings with the words in pairs.【Purpose】This step is designed to check whether students have master the rules of suffixes. Step 4 Consolidation1. Have students think about the three ways of word formation and the respective rules. 【Purpose】Students will have a short review of word formation.2. Finish Exercise 1 guess the Chinese meanings of these words by word formation.【Purpose】Students will use the rules to guess the meanings.3. Finish Exercise 2 match the words with its meanings and Exercise 3 multiple choice questions. 【Purpose】Skimming skill is widely used in reading. After skimming, students will get the main idea of the passage. This step is designed to enable students use the skills of skimming and guessing the meanings of new words by word formation together to have a basic understanding of the passage.4. Finish Exercise 4 translate the two sentences into Chinese and Exercise 5 answer two questions. 【Purpose】Students will use scanning skills to have a detailed understanding of the passage. Whats more, the guessing skills will be required to guess the meanings of words to
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