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五上Unit 5 What do they do? 主备人:陈静静第一课时教学目标:1.理解、掌握Story time对话内容,能用正确的语音语调朗读对话,并初步表演对话。2.能正确运用日常交际用语:What does he/she do? He/She is a teacher/ worker/factory/writer . . .3.能听懂、会说、会读单词:writer,at home,sick,people,factory,cook,driver,farmer,policeman. 教学重难点:1.能正确理解对话内容,朗读对话,初步表演对话。2.能听懂、会说、会读单词:writer,at home,sick,people,factory,cook,driver,farmer,policeman. 教具准备:单词卡片,人物图片,多媒体教学设计:Step1.Warm up & Lead in1. Free talkT: (请一名学生站起来) What do you like?S: I like . . .T: What does your father like?S: He likes . . .2. Work in pairs.3. T:(接着最后一名学生的回答) Your father likes . . . What does your father do?(PPT出示此句并出示汉语意思)T: A worker? A farmer? . 生选择( PPT: A. a worker(一名工人) B. a farmer(一名农民) . . . )T: Oh your father is .?What do you do?(PPT出示此句并出示汉语意思)S: Im a student.Step2. Presentation1. PPT出示Su Hai and Mike 的图1 )T: What does Su Hai do? S: Shes a student.T: What does Mike do? S: Hes a student.T: What do their parents do? Now lets watch a cartoon and fill the form.2) 生看动画片3)生跟多媒体读:teacher writer doctor factory2. Read the story after the tape要求学生模仿录音中的语音、语调、语气。3. Read the story by yourselfPPT:If you cant read, you can ask your partner and teacher.Step3. Practice1. Think and writeT: Boys and girls, can you introduce Mikes parents and Su Hais parents?PPT出示“Think and write”的内容PPT: Read the story and underline the sentences.生大声读课文,用铅笔画出相应的句子。指名汇报2. T: Mikes father is an English teacher, Mikes mother is a writer. Su Hais father is a doctor, her mother is a factory worker. What do your parents do?S: . . .2. Do you want to know :What your partners parents do?T: Make a dialogue with your partner. What questions do you ask?S: . . .生同桌编对话指名汇报Step4. Homework1. Listen and read Story time.2. Ask and answer( P50 ).板书设计: Unit5 What do they do? What do you/they do? IWeThey . . . What does he/she do? He/She is a . . .第二课时教学目标:1.复习上节课所学的词汇和故事。2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型与日常用语:What does he/she do? He/She is a teacher/ worker/factory/writer . . .教学重难点:1.句型:句型:What do you do?和What does he/she do?及其回答 He/She is a . . .的语调和用法。2.能用正确的语音语调正确的朗读对话,复述故事。教具准备:单词卡片,多媒体教学设计:Step1 Revision1. T: Hello, boys and girls. Last lesson we learned“What do they do?” What do they do?PPT:Ask and answer1) What does Mikes father do?2) What does Mikes mother do?3)What does Su Hais father do?4) What does Su Hais mother do?Work in pairs.2. T: (指一名学生)What does your mother do?S: Shes . . .T: (指另一名学生)What does your father do?S: Hes . . .Work in pairs.Step2. Presentation and practice1. Learn new words1)PPT出示Fun time的八幅图片T: Look at them, what do they do?PPT: nurse worker doctor teacher cook driver farmer policeman T: What can you read?S: . . .跟录音读单词2)T:(指着Miss Green)What does Miss Green do?Ss: Shes a nurse. She helps sick people.T: Oh, the nurse helps sick people.The doctor . . .( 引导学生说出每种职业的功能)PPT出示各种职业的作用,并指导学生读,为后面的练习做准备。3)Work in pairs.4)让生写下对话。2. Do a survey1)T: Now we know their jobs, now I want to your parents jobs.Lets do a survey.PPT:a.Work in group. (四人一组进行调查,每个人都要问)b.Ues “ What does . do? She/He is . . . ”学生组内调查2)T: Now, lets introduce your partners parent. You can say “ . . . father/ mother is . . . He/She . . .”PPT出示:. . . father/ mother is . . . He/She . . .指名介绍学生写下自己介绍的内容Step3 Homework1. 跟录音读课文两遍。2. 用一段话介绍自己的家人。板书设计: Unit5 What do you do? What do you/they do? IWeThey . . . What does he/she do? He/She is a . . . teacher work doctor worker nurse driver farmer policeman第三课时教学目标:1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型与日常用语:What does he/she do? He/She is a teacher/ worker/factory/writer . . .2.词汇:sick,factory,writer,people等词的读音;teaches,has,writes,works,helps,makes,does等动词第三人称单数形式的读音及正确用法。教学重难点:1.词汇sick,actory,writer,people等词的读音2.teaches,has,writes,works,helps,makes,does等动词第三人称单数形式的读音及正确用法。教学准备:多媒体教学设计:Step1 Revision1.T: What do you do?S: Im a student.T: What does your sister do?S: Shes .Work in pairs2.T: Now boys and girls, lets play a game: guessing.T: (PPT出示一男的) This man has a book. Hes in a school. Miss Li and Mr Green are his friends. He can help students. He can teach. Hes a teacher. What does he do?S: . . .T: Can you say a riddle like this? the others answer.S: . . .3. PPT出示职业类单词:worker doctor teacher driver farmerT:Boys and girls, look at these words, what can you find?S: . . .T: Now, I say Chinese, you say English.OK?T: 歌手,舞蹈演员,作家。S: . . .Step2 Presentation1. Grammar timePPT: 用所给单词的正确形式填空指名汇报T: Boys and girls, we can say : What do you do? What do . . . do?PPT: What do . . .do?师引导学生填空,并引导学生总结:do+第一、二人称T: We can say : What does your father do?Wha
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