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2022年6月四级作文真题及范文:手机与上学命题解析此题要求首先简要描述图画,然后评论这个孩子对上学的理解。图画显示:一个小孩问母亲:假如我的手机已经知道一切,为什么我还要上学呢?显而易见,此题主旨为手机是否可以取代上学。国内写作考试中已经反复考察手机这一热点话题。2022年MBA写作考察“手机短信”,2022年考研英语(二)写作考察“手机入网”,2022年12月四级写作考察“手机在人们生活中越来越多的使用”,也考察了“网络对学习的影响,以及训练是否仅仅是获得信息”。2022年12月,考研英语(一)写作再次考察“手机时代的聚会”。假如考生讨论过之前的写作真题,诸多表达均可使用。此题尤其和13年12月四级写作考察的“网络对学习的影响”异曲同工,几乎就是原题重考。写作思路:1、此题首段应简要描述图画,指出当代有些年轻人认为手机可以取代上学。2、次段进展正反论证,说明手机虽然可以帮忙获得大量信息,但无法取代训练,训练绝非仅仅是猎取信息。3、第三段提出建议措施:我们应当合理使用手机,同时学校训练必不行少、不行或缺。新东方在线王江涛教师参考范文:It is subtly revealed in the portrayal that a young boy is talking with his mother in their house. The boy asks confusingly, “Why am I going to school if my phone already knows everything?”We often hear of successful people who are largely “self-taught”. I say largely because, in all cases, they have received some formal teaching, whether it was from a teacher in a classroom, or from parents or a relative at home. In my case, I am glad I always learned from teachers, from fist grade all the way through my Masters degree. A good teacher adds considerably to the materials contained in the textbooks.In conclusion, it takes a great deal of self-discipline to learn a subject via mobile phones with only self-study, having no guidance or instruction from a teacher. A skilled and talented teacher can add so much richness to what is being learned. I believe it is always better to have a teacher to some degree.如下图,一个小孩正在家中和他的母亲谈话。这个男孩怀疑地问:“假如我的手机已经知道一切了,我为什么还要去上学呢?”我们常听人说某某胜利人士多半靠“自学”成才。 之所以说“多半”是由于全部的胜利人士都曾承受过正规训练,有的是在教室里听教师讲课,有的是在家里由父母或亲属给上课。拿我来说,我很庆幸从大一始终到硕士讨论生毕业我都在跟着教师学。一位好的教师可以教给你很多课本材料以外的东西。总之,在没有教师教导的状况下,通过手机自学一门学科需要严格的自律。而一位阅历丰富且有才华的教师能教给你很多书本学问以外的东西。所以我想,在某种程度上,有教师教总归更好。
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