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On the Reasons andCountermeasures for Chinglish in English LearningAbstract: The teaching of English as a foreign language in China has become a nationwide endeavor pursued at all academic levels, from the kindergarten to the University. In the past ten years there has been an explosion in the development of public school English programs and private English language schools throughout China. As more and more people begin to learn English and use English, an unsatisfying problem appears, that is Chinglish. And the causes are numerous and diversified, which include linguistic, cultural, social and so on. In this paper, we will talk about Chinglish in English learning. This is a complex problem, but now more and more people have noticed this. Making clear the forms of Chinglish and why there is so much Chinglish will help us to solve this problem. Therefore, this paper focuses on the forms of Chinglish, the linguistic factors that lead to Chinglish, the difference of China English and Chinglish and some suggestions. And when this problem has been solved properly, not only the English writing skill but also the quality and the efficiency of English teaching and learning will be improved.Key words: Chinglish, reasons, countermeasure, culture, mother language,中式英语形成的原因以及在英语学习中克服中式英语的对策 摘要:在中国,从幼儿园到大学,英语教学已经成为一种流行趋势。在过去十多年中,无论是在一般学校还是私立学校,英语教学都有了极大的发展。随着越来越多的人学英语,用英语,也产生了一个令人不容乐观的问题,那就是汉语式英语的大量出现。产生这一问题的原因是多种多样的,有语言学方面的,也有文化、社会等方面的原因。在这篇论文中,我们将会谈论英语学习中的汉语式英语。这是一个复杂的问题,好在现在越来越多的人已经注意到了这个问题。弄清汉语式英语的各种不同形式和它产生的缘由将能帮助我们解决这个问题。在这篇论文中将着重介绍英语学习中汉语式英语的不同形式,产生这个问题的语言学方面的原因,中国英语与中式英语的区别及一些避免汉语式英语的建议。当汉语式英语得到有效避免的时候,不但英语写作水平会随之提升,而且英语教学和英语学习的质量和效率都会得到提高。关键词:中式英语,起因,对策, 文化, 母语, Introduction As society develops, English has become a necessary tool in todays competitive world. Therefore, more and more people are engaged in English learning. However, with an impressive command of English vocabulary and good mastery of grammar as well as phonetics, which, to some extent, are even beyond the native speakers capacity, they are confronted with quite a few problems when they are talking with native speakers or writing in English. They usually make the foreigners confused by their speech or writing. No matter how they rephrase or paraphrase, the native speakers action will remain the samethey either shrug or shake their heads. Finally both of them have to end embarrassingly. What had happened to the Chinese speakers? Why the language they use sounds alien to the foreigners? To retrace the cause, I find that most of the Chinese learners mistakes are not made due to their lack of grammar or vocabulary knowledge but a “new” language they useChinglish, an excrescence of Standard English. Chinglish refers to the irregular language form created by English language learners in China due to the influence of mother tongue and culture 1. We can sense that Chinglish is everywhere, and has an absolute negative influence on cross-cultural communication. Whats worse, Chinglish will never disappear by itself. Chinglish, a hybrid English form with Chinese characteristics, deteriorates translation in its accuracy and expressiveness. As an interlanguage and with its own features, Chinglish is objective and unavoidable for Chinese learners of English in certain period 2. By contrastive analysis, we can conclude that thought pattern discrepancies and mother tongue interference are the basic reasons of Chinglish, and we can see the forms of Chinglish clearly. Since Chinglish seriously affects the translation quality, we must reduce or avoid it as much as possible. Therefore, both teachers and students should be well aware of this irregular language and try hard to correct it as much as possible so that they can speak and write in an English way. In order to make the English learners become more efficient in conveying their points of view both in speech and writing without being affected by Chinglish, I write this thesis tries to probe into its cause, mistakes of various levels and finally, I will come up with some possible suggestions.1 What is ChinglishChinglish is a common phenomenon that exists in Chinese-English translation. The major cause of Chinglish is the differences between the Chinese and English languages. Though English is being popularized in China, not many people are really proficient in it, and that is why Chinglish becomes a serious problem that hampers intercultural communication.1. 1 Definitions of ChinglishChinglish is a portmanteau of the words Chinese and English and refers to spoken or written English which is influenced by Chinese. There are an estimated 300 to 500 million learners in china. Somebody explained that Chinglish refers to the irregular language form created by English language learners in China due to the influence of mother tongue and culture. It has the character of China and also is called Malformation of English.3 This is a kind of prevalent phenomenon appeared in
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