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灵宝市第三小学教案学科英语班 级六年级执笔人执 教时 间年 月 日课 题Unit1 How Can I Get There? (3 )学习目 标1.Read the text and finish the exercises of it.2.Understand the pronunciation.3.Good to know.教学重 点Read and know the text.教学难 点Tell someone how to go to a place who wants to go.教具准 备Cards, Paper, headgears and the tape课时安 排Lesson 3教学过程教学过程Step 1. Warm-up Lets sing.Step 2. Preview Check the homework.Step 3. Presentation Lets read 1.Game: The best route. 2.Read the dialogue and find out how Sarah goes to the park, Draw the route on the paper.1. Show the route and say: A:where is Mikes home?B: Its next to the hospital.A:Is there a supermarket there?B: Yes.there is a supermarket in front of the hospital. 4. Read the text and finish the questions. 5.Read after the tape. 6. Read in pairs. pronunciation 1.Listen to the tape and read the words. 2.Read and match. 3. Discuss the pronunciations.Step 4. Consolidation and extension. 1.Good to know. 2. Read the text. 3. Finish the exercises of the Activity book.Step5. Summing up and homework修改意见修改意见
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