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Unit 4 Wheres my backpack? 单元复习复习前活动复习内容:词汇活动设计意图:激发学习兴趣,引出将要复习的内容。教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step 1展示PPT,通过让学生对本单元目标词汇进行分类的活动,巩固所学词汇。Show the PPT. Ask students to put the new words in different groups.Put the new words in different groups.分组进行词汇分类活动。Step 2要求学生将生词写在自己的练习本上。Ask students to write the new words in their own exercise books.Write the words in their own exercise books.将生词写在练习本上。Step 3全班核对答案。Check the answers in class. Furniture:table, bed, dresser, bookcase, sofa, chair, drawer, tea table, dining table, night table, lampStationeries:book, backpack, dictionaryOthers:key, baseball, plant, fruit, computer game, pillow, paintings, socks, quilt, fridge, spoonCheck the answers. 全班核对答案。Furniture:table, bed, dresser, bookcase, sofa, chair, drawer, tea table, dining table, night table, lampStationeries:book, backpack, dictionaryOthers:key, baseball, plant, fruit, computer game, pillow, paintings, socks, quilt, fridge, spoon复习中活动基础知识测评词汇测评复习内容:方位介词以及对物品位置的描述。活动设计意图:通过练习,检测学生本单元基础知识掌握的情况。教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step 4要求学生写出本单元学过的方位介词。Ask students to write down the prepositions they learnt in this unit. 在之下 _ 在旁边 _在之上 _在后面 _Write down the prepositions they learnt in this unit.写出本单元学过的介词。Step 5利用PPT演示核对答案。Check the answers.Key: under next toonbehindCheck the answers.核对答案。Key: under next toonbehindStep 6让学生用表格中的物品进行对话练习,互相询问物品的位置。Ask students to finish the conversation with the words in the form. Where is / are ? It is / They are 例如:Where is his math book? Its on the dresser. Where is his ID card? Its on the table.Items Locationhis math book on the dresserhis ID card on the tablethe quilt on the bedthe pencils in the backpackthe books on the chair the alarm clock on the table the computer game on the tablethe video tape beside the ID card Finish the conversation with the words given in the form.完成对话任务。Step 7请几对学生表演他们的对话。Ask some pairs to present their conversations. Where is his math book? Its on the dresser. Where is his ID card? Its on the table.Present their conversations.表演对话。Step 8利用PPT的演示,要求学生连词成句并核对答案。Ask students to complete the sentences.1. on, my, sofa, is, computer game, the (?)2. pictures, the, on, arent, the wall 3. alarm, is, where, his, clock (?) 4. need, a notebook, I, and, pen, a 5. plant, my, is, to, next, the, lamp 6. to, things, can, bring, some,you, school (?)7. know, dont, I, name, your 8. are, those, brothers, myRead and complete the sentences.连词成句。Step 9核对答案(可以先要求学生同桌核对答案)。Check the answers. 1. Is the computer game on my sofa? 2. The pictures arent on the wall. 3. Where is his alarm clock? 4. I need a notebook and a pen. 5. My lamp is next to the plant. 6.Can you bring some things to school? 7. I dont know your name. 8. Those are my brothers.Check the answers.核对答案。Step 10完成课本Self Check Activity 3的任务,要求学生阅读便条的内容,并画出房间。Ask students to read the note and draw the room. Read the note and draw the room.读便条内容,画出房间。Step 11利用PPT演示的图片,要求学生以“欢迎到我家”为题,描述房间内物品的位置。Describe the room with the title of Welcome to My Room.Sample:Im Michelle. Welcome to my bedroom. In my bedroom, you can see Describe the room with the title of Welcome to My Room.以“欢迎到我家”为题,根据图片内容描述房间内物品的位置。Step 12核对答案。Check the answers. Im Michelle. Welcome to my bedroom. In my bedroom, you can see a big and comfortable bed. There are three pillows on my bed. The night table is near my bed and there is a lamp on it. Next to the night table is my dresser. A green plant is near my dresser. Next to the plant is my bookcase. There are three books in the bookcase. A blue sofa is near the bookcase. There is a table in the middle of the room and it is in front of the blue sofa. There is a clock and some fruit on the table. I love working, so I can work on the computer. There is a computer near the window. Can you see my shoes? Yes, they are under my bed. And my lovely pet cat is under the table. The trash can is between my bookcase and my sofa. My bedroom is really nice and comfortable, isnt it? Check the answers.核对答案。复习后活动综合测评复习内容:见基础句型学习效果评价。活动设计意图:通过练习进行单元达标检测。教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step 13布置学生利用10分钟完成测试题(见基础句型学习效果评价第一题)。Ask students to finish the test.1植物在梳妆台的旁边。 2这些钥匙在电脑的后面。3电脑在书和花的中间。 4椅子在房间的中间。5“书(单数)在哪儿?”“在沙发上。” 6“袜子在哪儿?”“袜子在抽屉 里。”7“棒球在桌子上吗?”“是的,它在。” 8“这些画(复数)是在床头柜上吗?”“不,不是。”Finish the test individually and check the answers in class.独立完成测试题,核对答案,理解掌握单元目标语。Step 14利用PPT展示答案,核对及讲解。Ask students to check the answers in class.Key:1. The plant is next to the dresse
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